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Desarrollo de indicadores económicos por medio de un sistema de información geográfica para el uso eficiente y equitativo del recurso hídrico en la ciudad de Santa Fe

Silvina Guadalupe Gualini Silvia Regoli Roa Armando Llop Flavio Buchieri Gustavo Ferro Eduardo Visentini


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
In Santa Fe city, the capital of Santa Fe province, 92.60% of the population has access to drinking water. Nowadays, Aguas Santafesinas S.A. is the company that provides the drinking water and sewer services. The main objective of this thesis was to develop economic and social indicators to achieve a more efficient and equitable water service. For this purpose, a geographic information system was implemented as an integrated and organized tool to store, manipulate, analyze and map the data corresponding to the services coverage area and the different social and economic sectors, and in this way to provide updated information of drinking water service. Relevant data were obtained from users of the service, according to economic activities that they develop. This allowed identify areas with high drinking water consumption and sectors in which water is used as part of the productive processes. Census data were analyzed to evaluate dissatisfy basic needs of both the neighborhoods of the city and the areas that are not linked to the mains. Vulnerable areas with high rates of poverty and risk of waterborne diseases and consequently, with high economic and political cost, were identify.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Drinking water; GIS; Efficient water use; Equitable water service; Economic indicators; Agua potable; SIG; Uso eficiente del agua; Servicio equitativo de agua; Indicadores económicos

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No requiere 2014 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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