Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Spatial scales in alluvial channels: on 2d coherent turbulent structures and alternate bars formation

Aylen Carrasco Milian Carlos Alberto Vionnet Pablo Tarela Carlos Marcelo García Marcelo Horacio García Eric McDonals Valentine


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
It is important to understand the different scales that govern a problem in order to properly describe it with a physical or a numerical model. The scaling argument should not be underestimated. Once the scales are known, the engineer or scientist may restrict the analysis to few essential scales, avoiding the challenging problem of constructing a model that can be used in all scales. In a large lowland river coexist a huge variety of spacial scales describing different process. Ranging from a flood wave of many kilometer length - defined by a scale based in an hydrological event-, to the turbulence energy dissipation that appears due to the flow-bed interaction – scaled within the sediment size. In between, there are many others processes such as meanders and island formation defined by large bi-dimensional (2D) spatial scales. Also, depending on the sediment size and the flow parameters, the flow-bed interaction with non-cohesive material give rise to an extraordinary variety of forms. In many cases all the sediment transport scales appear at once. The shallow water equations (SWE) are known to capture quite accurately the relevant features –in an average sense– of open channel flows. This thesis is a compilation of laboratory experiments done to describe two different processes that can be solve with the shallow water approximation. i) The spectral segregation that occurs when a large quasi two-dimensional turbulent flow approach a relief bridge and ii) the formation and evolution of large free bars that appears in a regime flume under different bank roughness and flow conditions.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Shallow waters; Physical scales; Turbulence; Alternate bars; Aguas poco profundas; Escalas físicas; Turbulencia; Barras alternadas

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No requiere 2012 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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  • inglés

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