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Sorción de cromo y cadmio por macrófitas

Noemí Liliana Suñe María Alejandra Maine Jorge Marcovecchio Rubén Freije María de la Luz Zapata de Basílico Carlos Alberto Bonetto


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Different experiment were done to study the bioccumulation capacity of Salvinia herzogii y Pistia stratiotes at different concentrations of Cr(III), Cr(VI) and Cd, the metal distribution in the organs of the studied, the translocation process and to develop a sorption kinetic model. S. herzogii y P. stratiotes can reduce Cr and Cd concentration in water to significantly low levels, accumulating them in their roots. When Cr was dosed as Cr(VI), plants showed fitotoxicity symptoms. Cr(III) and Cd removal efficiencies did not show significant differences, but in no case 100 % removal was reached. In consequence, it was proposed that metal sorption involves two stages: a fast one and a slow one. The fast stage occurs during the first minutes of contact because of adsorption, chelation and ionic exchange. Root–mediated precipitation and biological processes as intracellular uptake were probably responsible for the slower stage. The roots of dead plants of P. stratiotes and S. herzogii can be used as biosorbents, acting as weak cationic exchange material. The main mechanism was the exhange between monovalent ions of the biomass by metal ions and protons of the solution. The studied macrophytes was utilized in an experimental wetland and they showed high efficiency in the removal of Cr, Ni y Zn from an metallurgic industry efluent.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Cromo; Cadmio; Macrófitas; Sorción; Efluentes; Contaminación; Chromium; Cadmium; Macrophytes; Pollution; Uptake; Efluent

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No requiere 2007 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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