Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Software Libre de apoyo a la toma de Decisiones en Energías Renovables

Nilsa Maria Sarmiento Barbieri Silvina Belmonte Ada Judith Franco


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
This thesis details the process of construction, set up and dissemination of a decision support system for the promotion and incorporation of renewable energies. The study was conducted in the province of Salta and focuses mainly on the promotion of solar energy.In the first sections of the thesis the problematic, the conceptual approach and the general methodological strategy that sustains the work are presented. The following chapters detail the renewable energy scenario at different scales and the methodology used for its approach. Likewise, it continues with the presentation of the tools developed to contribute to energy planning, the methodology used in them and the results obtained. As a final result, the conclusions of all the research work, progress, and challenges in energy planning and the lines of research that have emerged from this work are integrated.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Mapeo; Radiacion; Enrgia Solar; Simulacion Fotocoltaico

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No requiere 2019 CONICET Digital (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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