Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Modelado musculoesquelético y método de elementos finitos, un enfoque biomecánico integrador del análisis de la marcha

Emiliano Pablo Ravera Ariel Andrés Antonio Braidot Javier Cuadrado José Di Paolo Martín Pucheta Silvia Rodrigo Fabio Ariel Guarnieri


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Clinical gait analysis is a process to identify the causes of gait patterns who patients with any motor disorders develop, and how they come to it gait. In this way, musculoskeletal models arise to estimate individual muscle forces because it is a difficult or impossible task to perform in clinical settings, since it require invasive technique. On the other hand integrative biomechanics, will provide a holistic simulation that require optimal models who represents the neuromuscular response at the same time with a detailed models who represents the dynamic behaviour of the biological tissues from the human musculoskeletal system. The aims of this thesis were focused in these research topics of computational biomechanics. Thereby, a first contribution of this thesis was develop a musculoskeletal model with the main objective to improve the computational tools used in clinical gait analysis. As a second contribution, the behaviour of different objective functions was evaluated. Later as a third contribution, we analyse the behaviour of musculoskeletal models in patients with cerebral palsy to develop a crouch gait, due to the gait analysis of these patients have an important social interest. Finally, as a fourth contribution, we developed and tested a computational model of the pelvis under an integrative biomechanical approach. This model tends to analyse the advantages of rigid bodies musculoskeletal model to estimate the muscle forces throughout the gait and then were included as a physiological input of a finite element model to assess the stresses-strain in bone and cartilage structures of the pelvis.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Biomechanics of gait; Static optimization; Muscle forces; Electromyographyc simulation; Cerebral palsy; Integrative biomechanic; Biomecánica de la marcha; Optimización estática; Fuerzas musculares; Simulación electromiográfica; Parálisis cerebral; Biomecánica integradora

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No requiere 2016 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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  • español castellano

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