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Modelado de falla de materiales mediante formulaciones multiescala

Sebastián Toro Pablo Javier Sánchez Adrián Pablo Cisilino Martín Ignacio Idiart Alberto Cardona


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
In this thesis, multiscale formulations to model the failure of heterogeneous materials, based in the RVE (Representative Volume Element) concept, are studied and developed. A mechanical coupling between two scales, the macro and the micro (where the material heterogeneities are defined) scales, is considered. The multiscale formulations applied to materials with stable constitutive behavior have been widely studied and have undoubtedly had satisfactory results. Instead, this does not happen on materials with unstable behavior, which is due to strain localization phenomena at the microscale. In these cases, the classic multiscale models are not adequate because finding a microstructure whose constitutive homogenized response is independent of its size is not possible, and thus a RVE cannot be defined. A complete solution that encompass all the loading and degradation process of the macro-material is proposed, covering its stable stage, the material instability detection, and its unstable post-critical response. In addition, and more important, with this technique it is possible to define a RVE in all the material stages. The formulation is postulated following an axiomatic and variationally consistent procedure, starting from the definition of multiscale fundamental hypotheses. Furthermore, the numerical and computational methodology that is needed to resolve the resultant multiscale problem is developed and described. This methodology is based in the use the embedded strong discontinuity finite elements and the FE2 numerical homogenization paradigm. Several numerical examples to validate the proposed formulation are presented, including comparatives with DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) solutions.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Material modelling; Material failure; Multiscale; RVE; FE2; Numerical methods and computational mechanics; Modelado de materiales; Falla material; Multiescala; Métodos numéricos y mecánica computacional

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No requiere 2014 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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