Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Mecánica de fractura determinista: resolución de problemas mediante simulación numérica

Ángel Amílcar Ciarbonetti Alfredo Huespe Adrián Cisilino José Guillermo Etse Bibiana Luccioni Alberto Cardona Pablo Sánchez


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
This thesis deals with different numerical methods based on finite element techniques, applicable to deterministic fracture mechanics. Within this subject, two aspects are studied: a) Evaluation of parameters wich predicts the stability of pre-existing cracks This study refers to the estimation of classic fractomechanical parameters, which turn out to be the basis for the calculation and prediction of structural integrity in the problem of pre-existing cracks in solid media. Although it refers to conventional concepts and criteria, its evaluation is still being of great importance in techonological applications. b) Problems involving generation of new cracks and its propagation on solid media This second topic deals with the problem of crack generation and propagation, using innovative numerical techniques. The problem under consideration is approximated using a novel technique which also allows to analize the structural behaviour during the crack propagation stage. Elasto-plastic medias which shows brittle fracture are specially considered.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Fracture mechanics; Phase field; Configurational forces; Finite element method; Continuum theory; Energy release rate; Mecánica de fractura; Factor de intensidad de tensiones; Fuerzas configuracionales; Campo de fase; Modelos del continuo; Elementos finitos

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No requiere 2015 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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  • español castellano

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