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Nature Physics
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Nature Physics publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of physics, pure and applied. The journal content reflects core physics disciplines, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics. Theoretical physics, particularly where it is pertinent to experiment, also features.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
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No detectada | desde jul. 2012 / hasta dic. 2023 | |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
Fecha de publicación
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Directional ballistic transport in the two-dimensional metal PdCoO2
Maja D. Bachmann
; Aaron L. Sharpe
; Graham Baker
; Arthur W. Barnard; Carsten Putzke
; Thomas Scaffidi; Nabhanila Nandi; Philippa H. McGuinness
; Elina Zhakina; Michal Moravec
; Seunghyun Khim
; Markus König; David Goldhaber-Gordon
; Douglas A. Bonn
; Andrew P. Mackenzie
; Philip J. W. Moll
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In an idealized infinite crystal, the material properties are constrained by the symmetries of the unit cell. The point-group symmetry is broken by the sample shape of any finite crystal, but this is commonly unobservable in macroscopic metals. To sense the shape-induced symmetry lowering in such metals, long-lived bulk states originating from an anisotropic Fermi surface are needed. Here we show how a strongly facetted Fermi surface and the long quasiparticle mean free path present in microstructures of PdCoO<jats:sub>2</jats:sub> yield an in-plane resistivity anisotropy that is forbidden by symmetry on an infinite hexagonal lattice. We fabricate bar-shaped transport devices narrower than the mean free path from single crystals using focused ion beam milling, such that the ballistic charge carriers at low temperatures frequently collide with both of the side walls that define the channel. Two symmetry-forbidden transport signatures appear: the in-plane resistivity anisotropy exceeds a factor of 2, and a transverse voltage appears in zero magnetic field. Using ballistic Monte Carlo simulations and a numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation, we identify the orientation of the narrow channel as the source of symmetry breaking.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 819-824
The optimal strategy balancing risk and speed predicts DNA damage checkpoint override times
Ahmad Sadeghi; Roxane Dervey; Vojislav Gligorovski
; Marco Labagnara; Sahand Jamal Rahi
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 832-839
Publisher Correction: High-fidelity three-qubit iToffoli gate for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits
Yosep Kim
; Alexis Morvan; Long B. Nguyen
; Ravi K. Naik
; Christian Jünger
; Larry Chen; John Mark Kreikebaum
; David I. Santiago; Irfan Siddiqi
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 841-841
The metrology behind trade
Pavel Klenovsky; Marc Wouters; Wilfried de Waal
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 842-842
A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions
Martin Ringbauer
; Michael Meth; Lukas Postler; Roman Stricker
; Rainer Blatt; Philipp Schindler
; Thomas Monz
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. No disponible
Ruffled in water, smooth in honey
Laura M. Faure; Pere Roca-Cusachs
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. No disponible
Membrane ruffling is a mechanosensor of extracellular fluid viscosity
Matthew Pittman; Ernest Iu
; Keva Li; Mingjiu Wang; Junjie Chen; Nilay Taneja
; Myung Hyun Jo
; Seungman Park; Wei-Hung Jung
; Le Liang; Ishan Barman; Taekjip Ha
; Stavros Gaitanaros; Jian Liu
; Dylan Burnette; Sergey Plotnikov
; Yun Chen
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. No disponible
Transition from sub-Rayleigh anticrack to supershear crack propagation in snow avalanches
Bertil Trottet; Ron Simenhois
; Gregoire Bobillier; Bastian Bergfeld
; Alec van Herwijnen
; Chenfanfu Jiang; Johan Gaume
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Snow slab avalanches, characterized by a distinct, broad fracture line, are released following anticrack propagation in highly porous weak snow layers buried below cohesive slabs. The anticrack mechanism is driven by the volumetric collapse of the weak layer, which leads to the closure of crack faces and to the onset of frictional contact. Here, on the basis of snow fracture experiments, full-scale avalanche measurements and numerical simulations, we report the existence of a transition from sub-Rayleigh anticrack to supershear crack propagation. This transition follows the Burridge–Andrews mechanism, in which a supershear daughter crack nucleates ahead of the main fracture front and eventually propagates faster than the shear wave speed. Furthermore, we show that the supershear propagation regime can exist even if the shear-to-normal stress ratio is lower than the static friction coefficient as a result of the loss of frictional resistance during collapse. This finding shows that snow slab avalanches have fundamental similarities with strike-slip earthquakes.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. No disponible
Non-Abelian Thouless pumping in photonic waveguides
Yi-Ke Sun; Xu-Lin Zhang
; Feng Yu; Zhen-Nan Tian
; Qi-Dai Chen; Hong-Bo Sun
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. No disponible