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Nature Physics
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Nature Physics publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of physics, pure and applied. The journal content reflects core physics disciplines, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics. Theoretical physics, particularly where it is pertinent to experiment, also features.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
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No detectada | desde jul. 2012 / hasta dic. 2023 | |
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ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
Fecha de publicación
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Ground-state cooling goes 2D
Dalziel J. Wilson
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium
Laura Bocanegra-Moreno; Amrita Singh; Edouard Hannezo
; Marcin Zagorski
; Anna Kicheva
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>As developing tissues grow in size and undergo morphogenetic changes, their material properties may be altered. Such changes result from tension dynamics at cell contacts or cellular jamming. Yet, in many cases, the cellular mechanisms controlling the physical state of growing tissues are unclear. We found that at early developmental stages, the epithelium in the developing mouse spinal cord maintains both high junctional tension and high fluidity. This is achieved via a mechanism in which interkinetic nuclear movements generate cell area dynamics that drive extensive cell rearrangements. Over time, the cell proliferation rate declines, effectively solidifying the tissue. Thus, unlike well-studied jamming transitions, the solidification uncovered here resembles a glass transition that depends on the dynamical stresses generated by proliferation and differentiation. Our finding that the fluidity of developing epithelia is linked to interkinetic nuclear movements and the dynamics of growth is likely to be relevant to multiple developing tissues.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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Bloch oscillations of coherently driven dissipative solitons in a synthetic dimension
Nicolas Englebert
; Nathan Goldman
; Miro Erkintalo
; Nader Mostaan; Simon-Pierre Gorza; François Leo; Julien Fatome
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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Quantum disordered ground state in the triangular-lattice magnet NaRuO2
Brenden R. Ortiz; Paul M. Sarte; Alon Hendler Avidor
; Aurland Hay
; Eric Kenney
; Alexander I. Kolesnikov
; Daniel M. Pajerowski; Adam A. Aczel
; Keith M. Taddei; Craig M. Brown
; Chennan Wang; Michael J. Graf
; Ram Seshadri; Leon Balents; Stephen D. Wilson
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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Accessing quantum information of field theories with ultracold atoms
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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Natural swarms in 3.99 dimensions
Andrea Cavagna; Luca Di Carlo; Irene Giardina; Tomás S. Grigera; Stefania Melillo
; Leonardo Parisi
; Giulia Pisegna; Mattia Scandolo
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The renormalization group is a key set of ideas and quantitative tools of statistical physics that allow for the calculation of universal quantities that encompass the behaviour of different kinds of collective systems. Extension of the predictive power of the renormalization group to collective biological systems would greatly strengthen the effort to put physical biology on a firm basis. Here we present a step in that direction by calculating the dynamical critical exponent <jats:italic>z</jats:italic> of natural swarms of insects using the renormalization group to order <jats:italic>ϵ</jats:italic> = 4 − <jats:italic>d</jats:italic>. We report the emergence of a novel fixed point, where both activity and inertia are relevant. In three dimensions, the critical exponent at the new fixed point is <jats:italic>z</jats:italic> = 1.35, in agreement with both experiments (1.37 ± 0.11) and numerical simulations (1.35 ± 0.04). Our results probe the power of the renormalization group for the quantitative description of collective behaviour, and suggest that universality may also play a decisive role in strongly correlated biological systems.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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Verification of the area law of mutual information in a quantum field simulator
Mohammadamin Tajik
; Ivan Kukuljan; Spyros Sotiriadis
; Bernhard Rauer
; Thomas Schweigler
; Federica Cataldini
; João Sabino
; Frederik Møller
; Philipp Schüttelkopf; Si-Cong Ji
; Dries Sels
; Eugene Demler; Jörg Schmiedmayer
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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The devil is in the defects
Arun Mannodi-Kanakkithodi
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. No disponible
Memory and rejuvenation effects in spin glasses are governed by more than one length scale
M. Baity-Jesi
; E. Calore; A. Cruz; L. A. Fernandez
; J. M. Gil-Narvion; I. Gonzalez-Adalid Pemartin; A. Gordillo-Guerrero; D. Iñiguez
; A. Maiorano; E. Marinari; V. Martin-Mayor
; J. Moreno-Gordo
; A. Muñoz Sudupe
; D. Navarro
; I. Paga
; G. Parisi; S. Perez-Gaviro
; F. Ricci-Tersenghi; J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo
; S. F. Schifano; B. Seoane
; A. Tarancon; D. Yllanes
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
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