Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Nano Letters
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Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | desde ene. 2001 / hasta dic. 2023 | ACS Publications |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
American Chemical Society (ACS)
País de edición
Estados Unidos
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Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1021/nl0340529
Photoionization of Individual CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals on Silicon with 2-nm Oxide Depends on Surface Band Bending
Oksana Cherniavskaya; Liwei Chen; Mohammad A. Islam; Louis Brus
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 497-501
doi: 10.1021/nl034054t
Highly Luminescent Water-Soluble CdTe Quantum Dots
Sander F. Wuister; Ingmar Swart; Floris van Driel; Stephen G. Hickey; Celso de Mello Donegá
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 503-507
doi: 10.1021/nl034060p
Unidirectional Alignment of CdSe Nanorods
Mikhail Artemyev; Björn Möller; Ulrike Woggon
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 509-512
doi: 10.1021/nl034064u
Ab Initio Study of Doped Carbon Nanotube Sensors
Shu Peng; Kyeongjae Cho
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 513-517
doi: 10.1021/nl034097+
Triangular Nanoframes Made of Gold and Silver
Gabriella S. Métraux; Yunwei Charles Cao; Rongchao Jin; Chad A. Mirkin
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 519-522
doi: 10.1021/nl0259535
Efficient Light Harvesting Polymers for Nanocrystalline TiO2 Photovoltaic Cells
Young-Gi Kim; John Walker; Lynne A. Samuelson; Jayant Kumar
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 523-525
doi: 10.1021/nl0259737
Placing Conducting Polymers onto a H-Terminated Si(100) Surface via a Pulse Valve
Yasuhiko Terada; Byoung-Ki Choi; Seiji Heike; Masaaki Fujimori; Tomihiro Hashizume
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 527-531
doi: 10.1021/nl034008t
Langmuir−Blodgett Film Deposition of Metallic Nanoparticles and Their Application to Electronic Memory Structures
S. Paul; C. Pearson; A. Molloy; M. A. Cousins; M. Green; S. Kolliopoulou; P. Dimitrakis; P. Normand; D. Tsoukalas; M. C. Petty
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 533-536
doi: 10.1021/nl0340125
Synthesis and Characterization of Core−Shell GaP@GaN and GaN@GaP Nanowires
Hung-Min Lin; Yong-Lin Chen; Jian Yang; Yao-Chung Liu; Kai-Min Yin; Ji-Jung Kai; Fu-Rong Chen; Li-Chyong Chen; Yang-Fang Chen; Chia-Chun Chen
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 537-541
doi: 10.1021/nl034030m
Structural Tunability of the Plasmon Resonances in Metallic Nanoshells
E. Prodan; P. Nordlander
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 543-547