Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Nano Letters
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Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | desde ene. 2001 / hasta dic. 2023 | ACS Publications |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
American Chemical Society (ACS)
País de edición
Estados Unidos
Fecha de publicación
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1021/nl8036905
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Light-to-Heat Conversion and Collective Heating Effects in Metal Nanoparticle Solutions
Hugh H. Richardson; Michael T. Carlson; Peter J. Tandler; Pedro Hernandez; Alexander O. Govorov
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1139-1146
doi: 10.1021/nl803767c
Transport through a Single Octanethiol Molecule
Daan Kockmann; Bene Poelsema; Harold J. W. Zandvliet
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1147-1151
doi: 10.1021/nl803796d
One-Dimensional Coupling of Gold Nanoparticle Plasmons in Self-Assembled Ring Superstructures
Wei-Shun Chang; Liane S. Slaughter; Bishnu P. Khanal; Pramit Manna; Eugene R. Zubarev; Stephan Link
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1152-1157
doi: 10.1021/nl803799q
On the Microstructure of Nanoporous Gold: An X-ray Diffraction Study
Steven Van Petegem; Stefan Brandstetter; Robert Maass; Andrea M. Hodge; Bassem S. El-Dasher; Jürgen Biener; Bernd Schmitt; Camelia Borca; Helena Van Swygenhoven
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1158-1163
doi: 10.1021/nl803814f
Identifying the Length Dependence of Orbital Alignment and Contact Coupling in Molecular Heterojunctions
Jonathan A. Malen; Peter Doak; Kanhayalal Baheti; T. Don Tilley; Rachel A. Segalman; Arun Majumdar
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1164-1169
doi: 10.1021/nl803831y
Millisecond Curing Time of a Molecular Adhesive Causes Velocity-Dependent Cargo-Loading of Molecular Shuttles
Ashutosh Agarwal; Parag Katira; Henry Hess
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1170-1175
doi: 10.1021/nl803825n
Efficient Generation of Propagating Plasmons by Electron Beams
Wei Cai; Rebecca Sainidou; Jingjun Xu; A. Polman; F. Javier García de Abajo
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1176-1181
doi: 10.1021/nl803832q
Forces and Transport Velocities for a Particle in a Slot Waveguide
Allen H. J. Yang; Tadsanapan Lerdsuchatawanich; David Erickson
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1182-1188
doi: 10.1021/nl803865a
The Single Molecule Probe: Nanoscale Vectorial Mapping of Photonic Mode Density in a Metal Nanocavity
Jacob P. Hoogenboom; Gabriel Sanchez-Mosteiro; Gerard Colas des Francs; Dominique Heinis; Guillaume Legay; Alain Dereux; Niek F. van Hulst
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1189-1195
doi: 10.1021/nl803887y
Sensing of UO22+ and Design of Logic Gates by the Application of Supramolecular Constructs of Ion-Dependent DNAzymes
Michal Moshe; Johann Elbaz; Itamar Willner
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 1196-1200