Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Nano Letters
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Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | desde ene. 2001 / hasta dic. 2023 | ACS Publications |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
American Chemical Society (ACS)
País de edición
Estados Unidos
Fecha de publicación
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1021/nl900096z
Electrical Recording from Hearts with Flexible Nanowire Device Arrays
Brian P. Timko; Tzahi Cohen-Karni; Guihua Yu; Quan Qing; Bozhi Tian; Charles M. Lieber
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 914-918
doi: 10.1021/nl803860x
Electrostatic Force Assisted Exfoliation of Prepatterned Few-Layer Graphenes into Device Sites
Xiaogan Liang; Allan S. P. Chang; Yuegang Zhang; Bruce D. Harteneck; Hyuck Choo; Deirdre L. Olynick; Stefano Cabrini
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 919-919
doi: 10.1021/nl801656w
Intrinsic Memory Function of Carbon Nanotube-based Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistor
Wangyang Fu; Zhi Xu; Xuedong Bai; Changzhi Gu; Enge Wang
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 921-925
doi: 10.1021/nl801735y
Imaging a Single Quantum Dot When It Is Dark
P. Kukura; M. Celebrano; A. Renn; V. Sandoghdar
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 926-929
doi: 10.1021/nl802580r
Large Photonic Strength of Highly Tunable Resonant Nanowire Materials
Otto L. Muskens; Silke L. Diedenhofen; Bernard C. Kaas; Rienk E. Algra; Erik P. A. M. Bakkers; Jaime Gómez Rivas; Ad Lagendijk
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 930-934
doi: 10.1021/nl802632g
Self-Patterned Molecular Photoswitching in Nanoscale Surface Assemblies
Niv Levy; Matthew J. Comstock; Jongweon Cho; Luis Berbil-Bautista; Armen Kirakosian; Frank Lauterwasser; Daniel A. Poulsen; Jean M. J. Fréchet; Michael F. Crommie
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 935-939
doi: 10.1021/nl802798q
Effect of the Chemical Functionalization on Charge Transport in Carbon Nanotubes at the Mesoscopic Scale
Alejandro López-Bezanilla; François Triozon; Sylvain Latil; X. Blase; Stephan Roche
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 940-944
doi: 10.1021/nl802813f
Self-Assembly of Giant Peptide Nanobelts
Honggang Cui; Takahiro Muraoka; Andrew G. Cheetham; Samuel I. Stupp
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 945-951
doi: 10.1021/nl802819n
Toward Subdiffraction Transmission Microscopy of Diffuse Materials with Silver Nanoparticle White-Light Beacons
Debansu Chaudhuri; Jeremy W. Galusha; Manfred J. Walter; Nicholas J. Borys; Michael H. Bartl; John M. Lupton
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 952-956
doi: 10.1021/nl802823d
Wurtzite-Twinning-Induced Growth of Three-Dimensional II−VI Ternary Alloyed Nanoarchitectures and their Tunable Band Gap Energy Properties
L. W. Yin; S. T. Lee
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 957-963