Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Nano Letters
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Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | desde ene. 2001 / hasta dic. 2023 | ACS Publications |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
American Chemical Society (ACS)
País de edición
Estados Unidos
Fecha de publicación
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1021/nl802721g
Imaging and Detection of Single Molecule Recognition Events on Organic Semiconductor Surfaces
J. Preiner; N. S. Losilla; A. Ebner; P. Annibale; F. Biscarini; R. Garcia; P. Hinterdorfer
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 571-575
doi: 10.1021/nl8027284
Numerical Investigations into the Tensile Behavior of TiO2 Nanowires: Structural Deformation, Mechanical Properties, and Size Effects
L. Dai; C. H. Sow; C. T. Lim; W. C. D. Cheong; V. B. C. Tan
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 576-582
doi: 10.1021/nl8027137
From Germanium Nanowires to Germanium−Silicon Oxide Nanotubes: Influence of Germanium Tetraiodide Precursor
Jinquan Huang; Wai Kin Chim; Shijie Wang; Sing Yang Chiam; Lai Mun Wong
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 583-589
doi: 10.1021/nl802737q
Optical Absorption and Thermal Transport of Individual Suspended Carbon Nanotube Bundles
I-Kai Hsu; Michael T. Pettes; Adam Bushmaker; Mehmet Aykol; Li Shi; Stephen B. Cronin
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 590-594
doi: 10.1021/nl802777g
Fabrication and Field Emission Properties of Triode-Type Carbon Nanotube Emitter Arrays
Jianfeng Wu; Madeline Wyse; Devon McClain; Nicole Thomas; Jun Jiao
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 595-600
doi: 10.1021/nl802818d
Fabrication of Highly-Ordered TiO2 Nanotube Arrays and Their Use in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Tae-Sik Kang; Adam P. Smith; Barney E. Taylor; Michael F. Durstock
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 601-606
doi: 10.1021/nl802854x
Direct Observation of Born−Oppenheimer Approximation Breakdown in Carbon Nanotubes
Adam W. Bushmaker; Vikram V. Deshpande; Scott Hsieh; Marc W. Bockrath; Stephen B. Cronin
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 607-611
doi: 10.1021/nl802864a
Hybrid Tin Oxide Nanowires as Stable and High Capacity Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Praveen Meduri; Chandrashekhar Pendyala; Vivekanand Kumar; Gamini U. Sumanasekera; Mahendra K. Sunkara
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 612-616
doi: 10.1021/nl802882h
Thermopower Enhancement in Nanowires via Junction Effects
Nicolas B. Duarte; Gerald D. Mahan; Srinivas Tadigadapa
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 617-622
doi: 10.1021/nl802893m
Design Space for Low Sensitivity to Size Variations in [110] PMOS Nanowire Devices: The Implications of Anisotropy in the Quantization Mass
Neophytos Neophytou; Gerhard Klimeck
Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.
Pp. 623-630