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@tic: Revista d'Innovació Educativa

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innovative education; ict; higher education

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Universitat de València (UV)

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  • catalán

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Tabla de contenidos

La participación escolar de las familias a través de plataformas digitales

María José Waliño-Guerrero; María Isabel Pardo Baldoví; Graciela Esnaola Horacek; Ángel San Martín Alonso

<jats:p>A democratic and participative education has been claimed for several decades. The application of digital technologies in the management of institutions has helped to redefine the concept of participation. This concept is rooted in the cultural practices of families and, for this reason, we have analyse the perception of the emerging participation model evidenced by a sample of families of students in the area of the Valencian Community. We focus attention on the equipment and connectivity of homes, both are essential requirements to interact with the platforms. Next, we analyse the representations that families make explicit to us through semi-structured interviews and a focus group. We discover that technological equipment directs participation more towards the dimensions related to control than to collegiality in decision-making. It is necessary to continue deepening in the ways of how participation is being redefined in a more instrumental than in a political sense.</jats:p>

Pp. 80

Portales educativos: la producción de materiales didácticos digitales

Carlos José González Ruiz; Sebastián Martín Gómez; Ana Vega Navarro

<jats:p>The main objective of this article is to know how the production of the digital didactic materials created by institutional portals of educational resources is organized, taking as a reference the perspective of its main responsible. In particular, the case of the institutional repository of resources of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, Ecoescuela 2.0; and the portal of open educational resources Procomún (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports). This study aims to answer different questions related to the authorship of the materials, the process and development, as well as the criteria established by the institutional portals for their production. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodology is chosen, which tries to shed light on the existing processes regarding the design and production of said digital materials. The results indicate several issues: the need to continue researching this issue, the change of authorship in the creation of teaching materials, as well as the inclusion of teachers in the process of creating and developing them.</jats:p>

Pp. 89

La competencia mediática en el profesorado universitario. Validación de un instrumento de evaluación

Ana Pérez-Escoda; Rosa García-Ruiz; Ignacio Aguaded-Gómez

<jats:p>Media literacy of university teachers is a challenge of the current society, to achieve the critical education of the citizens. We present the process of design and validation of a questionnaire to know their level of media literacy. The analysis of validity and reliability of the instrument was carried out in two different stages to guarantee the consistency of the instrument: validation by Delphi method and by psychometric analysis from an international pilot simple of 260 university teachers. The result is an eight-dimensional questionnaire. The validation data and analysis by dimensions show a consistent tool for the collection of information in a changing knowledge field that needs instruments, making a valuable contribution for media literacy research.</jats:p>

Pp. 1

Percepción y experiencias sobre el ciberbullying en estudiantes universitarios

Marisol Rodríguez CorreaORCID; Juan Carlos Rivadulla LópezORCID

<jats:p>At present we find a high percentage of ICT use by adolescents, mainly in terms of online communication. Threats, ridicule, identity theft and sending material with sexual content are some of the many ways in which cyberbullying manifests itself, with the Internet and mobile phone being the main means used by young people to do so. The objective of this study was to know the perception and experience of a group of university students about cyberbullying, with the participation of 864 students from six Universities in northwestern Spain. A non-experimental quantitative methodology of a survey type was followed, specifically a non-probabilistic, accidental or incidental sampling was used, conditioned by the availability of subjects to participate in the study. The majority of the students consulted indicated that harassment through mobile phones and the Internet has more effect on the victim than "traditional bullying", indicating that they have never suffered harassment or have exercised as stalkers through the Internet and mobile phones; and only a lower percentage of students expressed that they have suffered harassment through mobile phones, but infrequently. The majority of the men consulted who indicated that they suffer harassment through the Internet worry about what others may think about what is happening to them, in the case of the women consulted, most indicated that when they are harassed they feel alone and they It also worries what others may think about what is happening to them. We must educate and sensitize society in general about the issue of harassment and cyberbullying, implementing educational measures for their prevention in schools from the first levels.</jats:p>

Pp. 10

Perfiles políticos en Twitter: el uso electoral del término educación

Joan Manuel Oleaque Moreno

<jats:p>This paper analyses outstanding political parties' Twitter profiles that contested the Spanish general elections in 26th June, 2016. The compilation of data takes the last 3,200 tuits from each account. The objectives of the study seek, on the one hand to review the discursive structure of the tuits published by the parties' accounts (PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos, Podemos and IU); on the other hand, the objectives try to determine what the qualitative use that these political profiles give to the term education is, a relevant concept in general elections of 2016, when it was linked to the need for innovation, to the regular protests against the Organic Law on Education (LOMCE), and to the long-term rejection of budget cuts. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is applied to a sample of 20 tuits from among the 339 tuits that use this term prominently to determine the discursive meanings that underlie in these messages. The main results indicate a use of the term which is more linked to the political leaders' personalities and to electoral interests than to a social use or to the dissemination of political programmes. At the same time, ideological meanings that are not evident on the textual surface emerge with this deeper analysis.</jats:p>

Pp. 23

Information Management Tools for the Development of Self-Regulated Learning Skills in Pre-service Teacher Education

Adolfina PérezORCID; Victoria Irene MarínORCID; Gemma TurORCID

<jats:p>This article presents a didactic strategy aimed at developing student teachers’ personal learning environments (PLEs) with a self-regulated learning (SRL) approach. The strategy is framed in the Dabbagh and Kitsantas (2012) model, which relates Zimmerman’ SRL cycle (forethought, performance, self-reflection) to the three levels of social media usage (personal information management, social interaction and collaboration, and information aggregation and management). A learning scenario was implemented to facilitate SRL skills through information management. The participants were 241 students of Education at the University of Balearic Islands (Spain) and data was collected through a questionnaire designed to explore tool usage and their perceptions of the effectiveness of those tools for information management tasks. Data analysis allows the observation of some patterns in the usage of information management tools in the diverse learning scenarios. In the conclusions challenges such as resistance and traditional assessment focus are identified; affordances for transferability of the acquired skills to other contexts are highlighted and further educational implementation and research are suggested. With this work, a model applicable to other contexts is provided, and a didactic strategy for the management of information based on the PLE and the SRL is presented.</jats:p>

Pp. 31

Geolocalización y realidad aumentada para un aprendizaje ubicuo en la formación inicial del profesorado

Lourdes Villalustre Martínez; Esther Del Moral Pérez

<jats:p>In the subject of Information and Communication Technologies of the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Oviedo (Spain), the 121 future teachers who studied it designed training itineraries augmented by geolocation, aimed at children in early childhood education, to favor the development of basic skills. Thus, after its realization an evaluation was carried out by means of 12 indicators grouped in three analysis dimensions: enhanced ubiquitous learning, expanded reality designed and level of innovation. The results obtained reveal that the dimension related to the expanded reality designed was developed to a greater extent, while the students had greater difficulties to promote innovation in their proposals. However, the university students has shown to have acquired a medium-high level both in the skill and handling of the technological resources of the augmented reality, and in the didactic potential of the interactive itineraries.</jats:p>

Pp. 40

Gamificación en la docència de lingüística clínica: un Cluedo per als trastorns del llenguatge

Verónica Moreno Campos; Miguel Ángel Suvires García

<jats:p>The teaching practice that we present was developed because of the difficulties with the practice of the theoretical concepts at Intervención de los Trastornos del Aprendizaje, de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje y de la Conducta subject in the Grado de Educación Infantil at Universidad Internacional de Valencia. The proposal was focused on the increasing of the student competence and know how to apply the theory. The objectives were: 1: to secure theoretical knowledges about disorders, and 2: to apply the knowledge to practical supposes in a gamification context. The results were analyzed with a questionnaire for the students to know their perception about gamification learning process and with a evaluation rubric to measure the competence acquisition. The conclusion is that gamification is a positive element to competence acquisition in the subject and a motivational element, as well.</jats:p>

Pp. 49

Introspección reflexiva del estudiante sobre su experiencia en másteres internacionales

Martina G. GallarzaORCID; Teresa Fayos GardóORCID; María Fontana Vinat; Belén Derqui ZaragozáORCID

<jats:p>Value co-creation is becoming a mainstream in higher education, as a progress within the ‘Students as Customer’ approach. Furthermore, the development of qualitative studies through reflective methods from students can help instructors and managers. The aim of this research is to explore with the aid of a CAQDAS, 30 students’ reflective statements in two master programs. Findings are presented in terms of value dimensions: functional, emotional and social, and in terms of positive (benefits) and negative (cost) aspects of the experience. The usefulness of introspective methodologies from students is shown in the evaluation of the multidimensional and intercultural educational experience.</jats:p>

Pp. 57

Debate académico de puertas abiertas como herramienta para estimular el pensamiento crítico y la orientación científica: una experiencia piloto

Olga Mayoral Garcia-Berlanga; Carles X. Simó Noguera; Ferran Suay i Lerma

<jats:p>This paper aims to present a pilot experience conducted during the spring of 2018 in the Jardí Botànic (Botanic Garden) of the Universitat de València. The experience brought about 24 students from the degrees of Sociology, Primary School Education and Psychology in the same university (6 students from each degree), and 6 students from different academic backgrounds, including Master´s Degree students and one PhD student. The main goal of the pilot study is to analyze the perception and effectiveness of an academic debate seminar made outdoors and including students from different academic backgrounds. It was organized in three sessions of three hours each, with a pre-established distribution of roles between moderators and participants was pre-established. Clear rules of the functioning were also set up. The debate was structured in different parts, the duration of which had been previously established, as well as the time allocated to each intervention. Mutual trust and respect were also promoted and different dialectical positions and arguments were encouraged. At the end the students assessed the experience and had the opportunity to explain the extent to which the experience was fruitful in an individual essay, highlighting especially two positive aspects: the outdoor environment and the possibility to interact with students of other careers.</jats:p>

Pp. 67