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Geological Society of London's Engineering Geology Special Publications

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde ene. 1986 / hasta dic. 2023 Lyell Collection


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

Geological Society of London (GSL)

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Landslide inventory and susceptibility zoning across SE Australia

P. Flentje; T. Miner; D. Stirling; D. Palamakumbure; D. Windle

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 119-133

Landslide hazard assessments: problems and limitations. Examples from Hong Kong

S. Parry

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 135-145

Site classification map of Italy based on surface geology

G. Di Capua; S. Peppoloni; M. Amanti; C. Cipolloni; G. Conte

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 147-158

Incorporating geomorphology in engineering geological ground models

J. S. Griffiths

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 159-168

Revised hazard assessment for Afulilo Dam, Samoa

R. Goldsmith; K. McCue

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 169-177

Engineering geology model for seismic vulnerability assessment of critical infrastructures

S. Fabbrocino; P. Paduano; G. Lanzano; G. Forte; F. Santucci de Magistris; G. Fabbrocino

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 179-195

Siting method of the ancients in the excavation of Longyou Caverns, 2000 years ago

Lihui Li; Xiaolong Deng; Yufang Tan; Beixiu Huang; Zhifa Yang

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 197-206

Three-dimensional pore geometry and permeability anisotropy of Berea sandstone under hydrostatic pressure: connecting path and tortuosity data obtained by microfocus X-ray CT

M. Takahashi; M. Kato; W. Lin; M. Sato

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 207-215

Review of the historical data characterizing Latrobe Valley brown coal consolidation behaviour

F. Moein; J. Xue; B. Dent; R. Mackay

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 217-226

Effects of saline coal seam gas water on consistency limits, compaction characteristics and hydraulic conductivities of clays used for liners

I. G. B. Indrawan; D. J. Williams; A. Scheuermann

Palabras clave: Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology.

Pp. 227-237