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The Leading Edge

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No detectada desde ene. 1993 / hasta dic. 2023 GeoScienceWorld


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<jats:p> Eastwood, Rauch, Spikes, Flakes, and Tsingas elected to SEG Board SEG adopts guidelines on use of AI in publications </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 577-577


<jats:p> Applications for Active membership have been received from the candidates listed herein. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 578-578

Meetings Calendar

<jats:p> The Meetings Calendar chronologically lists professional events of interest to SEG members and means by which further information can be obtained. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 579-579

Seismic Soundoff: A reality check on full-wave inversion

Andrew Geary

<jats:p> Öz Yilmaz returns to the podcast to highlight his award-winning article, “A reality check on full-wave inversion applied to land seismic data for near-surface modeling.” </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 580-580

Editorial Calendar

<jats:p> The Editorial Calendar details upcoming publication plans for The Leading Edge. This includes special sections, guest editors, and information about submitting articles to TLE. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 585-585

President's Page: Applying geophysical methods to medical ultrasound imaging

Chuck Peng

<jats:p> The similarities and crossovers between geophysical and medical imaging are well known and documented (see President's Pages by D. Lumley and J. Zhang in the March 2021 and June 2022 issues, respectively, for two recent examples from this journal). Each of the two industries has introduced technology of tremendous value to the other, and one can only imagine what future advancements in medical imaging may bring to exploration geophysics — and vice versa. Welcome to the wonderland of the intersection of geophysical imaging and medical imaging. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 586-587

Introduction to this special section: Coastal geophysics

Niels Grobbe

<jats:p> Approximately 40% of the world's population currently lives in a coastal zone, meaning within 100 km of a coast. An increasing trend in population and economic activity is causing the pressure on coastal ecosystems to grow, for example due to land cover change, increasing pollutant loads, and the introduction of invasive species (United Nations, 2007). </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 588-589

SWAN: A surface-towed modular controlled-source electromagnetic system for mapping submarine groundwater discharge and offshore groundwater resources

Anna Eliana Pastoressa; Amir Haroon; Mark E. Everett; Lea Rohde; Thies Bartels; Martin Wollatz-Vogt; Zahra Faghih; Gesa Katharina Franz; Aaron Micallef

<jats:p> Offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) are important components of coastal hydrologic systems. A lack of understanding of offshore groundwater systems and their interactions with onshore systems along the majority of global coastlines still exists due to a general paucity of field data. Recently, controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) techniques have emerged as a promising noninvasive method for identifying and characterizing OFG and SGD. Unfortunately, only a few systems are available in academic and research institutions worldwide, and applications are limited to specific regions. These systems are often limited by relatively high deployment costs, slow data acquisition rates, logistical complexity, and lack of modification options. A relatively inexpensive and user-friendly CSEM system is needed to overcome these limitations. We present the initial theoretical and practical developments of SWAN — a low-cost, modular, surface-towed hybrid time-frequency domain CSEM system capable of detecting OFG and SGD to water depths of 100 m. A field test of the system was carried out in the central Adriatic Sea at water depths between several tens to approximately 160 m to illustrate its capabilities. Through its ability to facilitate continuous measurements in both the time and frequency domain, the system has demonstrated its effectiveness in acquiring high-quality data while operating at towing speeds ranging from 2.5 to 3 kn. The resulting data coverage enables the system to detect variations in subsurface resistivity to depths of approximately 150–200 m below seafloor. With its modular, user-friendly design, SWAN provides an accessible, cost-efficient means to investigate the hydrogeology of shallow offshore environments. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 590-597

Footprint of fresh submarine groundwater discharge in the Belgian coastal zone: An overview study

Marieke Paepen; Kristine Walraevens; Thomas Hermans

<jats:p> The presence of fresh groundwater is not limited to land; it also extends offshore and discharges as submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). The freshwater component of SGD (fresh submarine groundwater discharge [FSGD]) can be detected using geophysical techniques that are sensitive to salinity such as resistivity measurements. However, these measurements are often limited to either the land or marine realm, neglecting the land-marine interface. In this study, we focus on this gap by combining onshore and offshore techniques to assess variability in the FSGD footprint near the Belgian coastline through electrical resistivity tomography and continuous resistivity profiling. The difficult working conditions of the highly dynamic North Sea make this offshore survey one of the first of its kind. The footprint varies from limited outflow on the upper beach (e.g., Wenduine) to discharge around and below the low water line (e.g., De Panne, Oostduinkerke, and Knokke-Heist) in the studied areas. The occurrence, footprint, and quantity of SGD seem to be controlled by the presence and size of dune formations that constitute freshwater resources along the shore. Heterogeneity can also play a determining factor in FSGD location. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 598-607

Hydrogeologic controls on barrier island geomorphology: Insights from electromagnetic surveys

Ramadan Abdelrehim; Mohamed Ahmed; Mark E. Everett

<jats:p> Barrier islands provide a first line of defense for coastal communities against storms, hurricanes, and sea-level rise. The geomorphology of barrier islands exerts a major control on storm impact and island recovery. In turn, barrier island geomorphology is affected by subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. In this study, we investigated the relationship between subsurface hydrogeologic conditions and geomorphology of Padre Island, with a focus on the influence of human development. We measured apparent electrical conductivities using frequency-domain electromagnetic (FDEM) surveys and spatially correlated them with the island's morphology. The latter was generated from a 1 m resolution digital elevation model. Four distinct zones were identified from the observed variations in apparent conductivity and elevation, revealing their inverse correlation. The beach area (Zone I) exhibits the highest apparent conductivity (289.7 ± 66.3 mS/m) and the lowest elevations (1.4 ± 0.2 m). These trends are largely due to the proximity of the beach to saline groundwater and maritime floods. Conversely, the foredune area (Zone II) presents the lowest apparent conductivity (19.0 ± 3.4 mS/m) and the highest elevation (4.5 ± 0.4 m) due to a greater distance from saline waters, deeper groundwater levels, and relatively dry soil conditions. Human development has significantly impacted Zones III (east central zone) and IV (west central zone), contributing to an increase in apparent conductivity (Zone III: 40.3 ± 21.8 mS/m; Zone IV: 159.5 ± 83.0 mS/m) and a reduction in elevation (Zone III: 2.1 ± 0.5 m; Zone IV: 1.3 ± 0.4 m). Anthropogenic activities have modified hydrologic patterns, introduced conductive materials, and altered vegetation cover and soil composition. This research elucidates the interplay between subsurface electrical conductivity, surface morphology, and the impact of human development on barrier island geomorphology, providing crucial insights for coastal management and conservation efforts. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Geophysics.

Pp. 608-614