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The international leader in its field, Sedimentology publishes ground-breaking research from across the spectrum of sedimentology, sedimentary geology and sedimentary geochemistry.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
sedimentology; journal; article; research; international; sedimentologists; sedimentary; geology; g
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No detectada | desde ene. 1962 / hasta dic. 2023 | Wiley Online Library |
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (WILEY)
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Estados Unidos
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doi: 10.1111/sed.13151
Spatial, seasonal and climatic drivers of suspended sediment atop Great Bahama Bank
Cecilia Lopez‐Gamundi
; Brian B. Barnes
; Anna C. Bakker
; Paul (Mitch) Harris
; Gregor P. Eberli
; Sam J. Purkis
<jats:title>ABSTRACT</jats:title><jats:p>Suspension is the key mechanism by which fine‐grained sediment (≤125 μm) is winnowed and transported across shallow‐water carbonate platforms into adjacent deep waters. Unlike sliding and saltation, which deliver sedimentary structures via bedload, the sedimentological signature of suspended sediment is more cryptic. This study focuses on suspended sediment, and its drivers – wind, waves and tides – to better constrain the processes responsible for the transport of fine‐grained sediments. By building forward from remote sensing algorithms developed for deep‐waters, sediment suspension in the shallow water column can be mapped from satellite. By applying machine learning to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data for Great Bahama Bank, this study demonstrates how the drivers of sediment suspension change over 18 years across this 100 000 km<jats:sup>2</jats:sup> carbonate platform. Through time, both seasonal patterns of suspension, as well as those induced by El Niño‐Southern Oscillation and, more subtly, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation were tracked. El Niño‐Southern Oscillation modulates wind‐induced currents, while Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation affects local sea level. Across space, this study shows how the eastern margin of Great Bahama Bank, which is traditionally considered to be wind‐dominated, primarily owes its suspended sediment to tidal currents focused between islands. Sediment suspension across the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank, meanwhile, can be attributed to wind‐induced currents and waves. The authors consider this work a step towards delivering a quantitative, reproducible, process‐based understanding of sediment suspension atop carbonate platforms using Earth observation data.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/sed.13167
Impact of wave, tides, and fluid mud on fluvial discharge across a compound clinoform (Pliocene Orinoco Delta)
Ariana Osman
; Ronald J. Steel; Ryan Ramsook; And Cornel Olariu
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Compound clinoforms are well‐recognized in modern large muddy deltas and in some ancient deltas, but there is still a lack of understanding regarding their lithology variations and the process by which sand from the shoreline clinothem reaches the subaqueous clinothem foresets that are sometimes 100 km away. Net‐to‐gross, thickness and facies association evaluation show overall coarsening‐upward through a 191 m thick exposure of the late Pliocene Orinoco, Lower Morne L'Enfer Formation, with a distinct tripartite lithology distribution. The <jats:italic>subaqueous clinothem</jats:italic> records a lower, relatively muddy coarsening‐upward interval, 112 m thick, with net‐to‐gross increasing from zero to 60%. On the lower delta front, zero net sand units show graded beds of silt and mud with occasional spring–neap rhythmites, strongly suggesting gravity flows influenced by tidal currents. These foreset beds are overlain by structureless very fine sand, interbedded with deformed wavy to lenticular, grey fluid mud layers that rapidly accumulated near the subaqueous clinoform rollover point. The tidally dominated <jats:italic>subaqueous platform</jats:italic> (subaqueous delta topset), 1 to 4 m thick, shows zero net sand units with anomalously high mud content, >70%, due to the high near‐bed suspended sediment concentration of externally derived fluid mud that migrated littorally alongshore from the Amazon Delta. The interaction of freshwater river flood discharge with fluid‐mud banks gave rise to density stratification with fine sand hypopycnally dispersing as a turbulent layer above the denser fluid‐mud carpet. The <jats:italic>shoreline clinothem</jats:italic> (<8 m thick) has high net‐to‐gross, >85%, attributed to winnowing of sediment by waves and tides. Utilizing net‐to‐gross trends and facies changes provide useful criteria to identify compound clinoforms in the rock record. The Orinoco Delta deposits, however, are unusual, since fluid mud hinders sand deposition on the platform, allowing for easy identification of platform facies and a clear distinction between the subaqueous and shoreline clinothem in outcrop.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/sed.13148
On the origin of chevron marks and striated grooves, and their use in predicting mud bed rheology
Dylan McGowan
; Amisha Salian; Jaco H. Baas
; Jeff Peakall
; Jim Best
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Understanding of the formative conditions of many sole structures is limited, with chevron marks and striated groove marks being particularly enigmatic. These sedimentary structures are examined here through laboratory modelling. An idealized tool, resembling an armoured mud clast, was dragged through substrates of kaolinite–seawater mixtures of different yield strengths while submerged in seawater. The experiments suggest that armoured mud clasts are the likely tools producing fine striae in striated grooves and, given the common occurrence of striated groove marks in outcrops, that these clasts are more prevalent in deep‐marine settings than previously thought. Chevron marks were observed to form over a narrow range of substrate yield stresses, likely explaining their relative rarity. Furthermore, their form is shown to be a function of substrate rheology, with chevron angle relative to the movement direction of the tool being less in weaker substrates. Moreover, the size of cut chevron marks, characterized by a narrow central cut, bears no relationship to the size of the incising tool, but rather reflects a substrate with a low yield stress that is sufficiently mobile to close behind the tool. In contrast, interrupted chevron marks, characterized by a distinct central groove, reflect greater substrate strength. Striated grooves without chevrons formed at the highest yield stresses simulated in the experiments. The relationship between tool mark type and yield stress, in combination with changes in chevron angle, enables these sole structures to be utilized as indicators of palaeosubstrate rheology. The conditions required to preserve such features include a prolonged period of bed consolidation, flow bypass and lack of bioturbation. Given changes in seafloor communities and bioturbation over time and their impact on substrate rheology, particularly during the early Palaeozoic, the present work supports the idea that the frequency of these sole structures likely changed over geological time.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/sed.13144
A clumped isotope diagenetic framework for the Ediacaran dolomites: Insights to fabric‐specific geochemical variabilities
Chaojin Lu
; Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah
; Fei Li
; Huan Cui
; Huayao Zou; Peter K. Swart
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>While marine dolomites formed under near surface conditions have been considered to be potentially reliable archives of past oceanic conditions, this interpretation comes with significant challenges because diagenetic alteration frequently produces diverse fabrics with large geochemical variability. It has been suggested that the Ediacaran dolomites in South China (Hamajing Member, Dengying Formation) recorded the oceanic conditions present at the time they formed, yet these dolomites are composed of five different fabrics (stromatolitic, micritic, oolitic, saddle dolomites and fibrous–radial dolomite cements) and show large variations in multiple geochemical isotope proxies (carbon, oxygen, clumped, magnesium and the sulphur of carbonate‐associated sulphate). This study establishes a paragenetic sequence for these dolomites by combining the clumped and the oxygen isotopic compositions, thereby assessing whether they are geochemically representative of the original seawater. Using this diagenetic framework, the micritic and stromatolitic dolomites show a closed‐system behaviour (low water–rock ratios; <0.3) and are largely resistant to the hydrothermal alteration during late diagenesis. In contrast, the ooid and cement fabrics have been affected by the hydrothermal fluid precipitating saddle dolomite in the open‐system condition with the high stimulated water–rock ratios (>1). Furthermore, in a closed‐system environment, the elevated δ<jats:sup>24</jats:sup>Mg and δ<jats:sup>34</jats:sup>S values in the stromatolitic dolomite reflect the isotopic Rayleigh fractionation that enriches the <jats:sup>26</jats:sup>Mg and <jats:sup>34</jats:sup>S through rock‐buffered recrystallization, coupled with microbial sulphate reduction. These results demonstrate that the complex signals in early marine dolomite should be carefully evaluated when used as a palaeoproxy.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/sed.13168
Large‐scale sedimentary shift induced by a mega‐dam in deltaic flats
Jie Wang
; Zhijun Dai
; Sergio Fagherazzi; Yaying Lou; Xuefei Mei; Binbin Ma
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Deltas are crucial for land building and ecological services due to their ability to store mineral sediment, carbon and potential pollutants. A decline in suspended sediment discharge in large rivers caused by the construction of mega‐dams might imperil deltaic flats and wetlands. However, there has not been clear evidence of a sedimentary shift in the downstream tidal flats that feed coastal wetlands and the intertidal zone with sediments. Here, integrated intertidal/subaqueous sediment samples, multi‐year bathymetries, fluvial and deltaic hydrological and sediment transport data in the Nanhui tidal flats and Nanhui Shoal in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Delta, one of the largest mega‐deltas in the world, were analyzed to discern how sedimentary environments changed in response to the operations of the Three Gorges Dam. Results reveal that the coarser sediment fractions of surficial sediments in the subaqueous Nanhui Shoal increased between 2004 to 2021, and the overall grain size coarsened from 18.5 to 27.3 μm. Moreover, intertidal sediments in cores coarsened by 25% after the 1990s. During that period, the northern part of the Nanhui Shoal suffered large‐scale erosion, while the southern part accreted in recent decades. Reduced suspended sediment discharge of the Changjiang River combined with local resuspension of fine‐grained sediments are responsible for tidal flats erosion. that the spatial pattern of grain‐size parameters has shifted from crossing the bathymetric isobaths to being parallel to them. Higher tide level and tidal range induced by sea‐level rise, an upstream increase in bed shear stress and larger waves likely further exacerbated erosion and sediment coarsening in deltaic flats. As a result, this sediment‐starved estuary coupled with sea‐level rise and artificial reclamations have enhanced the vulnerability of tidal flats in Changjiang Delta, this research is informative to the sedimentary shift of worldwide mega‐deltas.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/sed.13014
Issue Information
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. 2033-2036
doi: 10.1111/sed.13157
Author Index
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. 2423-2425
doi: 10.1111/sed.13158
Volume Index
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. 2426-2428
doi: 10.1111/sed.13156
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. 2429-2431
doi: 10.1111/sed.13166
Dues Statement
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology; General Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology.
Pp. 2432-2433