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Plant Journal

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The Plant Journal is published by Blackwell Science in conjunction with the Society for Experimental Biology Rapid Publication PDF proofs enable faster processing of your manuscript. Average time from submission to publication is now around 5 months. Editorial Publishing the best original research papers in all key areas of modern plant biology from the world's leading laboratories. The Plant Journal provides a dynamic forum for this ever growing international research community. Plant science research is now at the forefront of research in the biological sciences with breakthroughs in our understanding of fundamental processes in plants matching those in other organisms. The impact of molecular genetics and the availability of model and crop species can be seen in all aspects of plant biology and its many and increasing applications in biotechnology. Due to the massive number of excellent papers being submitted to The Plant Journal two issues are published each month.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

plant journal; the; biochemistry; botany; cell biology; genetic engineering; genetic; genetics; mole

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No detectada desde ene. 1991 / hasta dic. 2023 Wiley Online Library


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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (WILEY)

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Estados Unidos

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Plasmopara viticola effector PvCRN11 induces disease resistance to downy mildew in grapevine

Qingqing Fu; Jing Yang; Kangzhuang Zhang; Kaixin Yin; Gaoqing Xiang; Xiao Yin; Guotian Liu; Yan XuORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>The downy mildew of grapevine (<jats:italic>Vitis vinifera</jats:italic> L.) is caused by <jats:italic>Plasmopara viticola</jats:italic> and is a major production problem in most grape‐growing regions. The vast majority of effectors act as virulence factors and sabotage plant immunity. Here, we describe in detail one of the putative <jats:italic>P. viticola</jats:italic> Crinkler (CRN) effector genes, <jats:italic>PvCRN11</jats:italic>, which is highly transcribed during the infection stages in the downy mildew‐susceptible grapevine <jats:italic>V. vinifera</jats:italic> cv. ‘Pinot Noir’ and <jats:italic>V. vinifera</jats:italic> cv. ‘Thompson Seedless’. Cell death‐inducing activity analyses reveal that PvCRN11 was able to induce spot cell death in the leaves of <jats:italic>Nicotiana benthamiana</jats:italic> but did not induce cell death in the leaves of the downy mildew‐resistant <jats:italic>V. riparia</jats:italic> accession ‘Beaumont’ or of the downy mildew‐susceptible ‘Thompson Seedless’. Unexpectedly, stable expression of PvCRN11 inhibited the colonization of <jats:italic>P. viticola</jats:italic> in grapevine and <jats:italic>Phytophthora capsici</jats:italic> in Arabidopsis. Both transgenic grapevine and Arabidopsis constitutively expressing PvCRN11 promoted plant immunity. PvCRN11 is localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm, whereas PvCRN11‐induced plant immunity is nucleus‐independent. The purified protein PvCRN11<jats:sup>Opt</jats:sup> initiated significant plant immunity extracellularly, leading to enhanced accumulations of reactive oxygen species, activation of MAPK and up‐regulation of the defense‐related genes <jats:italic>PR1</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>PR2</jats:italic>. Furthermore, PvCRN11<jats:sup>Opt</jats:sup> induces BAK1‐dependent immunity in the apoplast, whereas PvCRN11 overexpression in intracellular induces BAK1‐independent immunity. In conclusion, the PvCRN11 protein triggers resistance against <jats:italic>P. viticola</jats:italic> in grapevine, suggesting a potential for the use of PvCRN11 in grape production as a protectant against downy mildew.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Nitrate alleviates ammonium toxicity in Brassica napus by coordinating rhizosphere and cell pH and ammonium assimilation

Shuang Li; Lei Yan; Wen Zhang; Ceng Yi; Sharjeel Haider; Chuang Wang; Yu Liu; Lei ShiORCID; Fangsen XuORCID; Guangda DingORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>In natural and agricultural situations, ammonium () is a preferred nitrogen (N) source for plants, but excessive amounts can be hazardous to them, known as toxicity. Nitrate () has long been recognized to reduce toxicity. However, little is known about <jats:italic>Brassica napus</jats:italic>, a major oil crop that is sensitive to high . Here, we found that can mitigate toxicity by balancing rhizosphere and intracellular pH and accelerating ammonium assimilation in <jats:italic>B. napus</jats:italic>. increased the uptake of and under high circumstances by triggering the expression of and transporters, while and H<jats:sup>+</jats:sup> efflux from the cytoplasm to the apoplast was enhanced by promoting the expression of efflux transporters and genes encoding plasma membrane H<jats:sup>+</jats:sup>‐ATPase. In addition, increased pH in the cytosol, vacuole, and rhizosphere, and down‐regulated genes induced by acid stress. Root glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was elevated by under high conditions to enhance the assimilation of into amino acids, thereby reducing accumulation and translocation to shoot in rapeseed. In addition, root GS activity was highly dependent on the environmental pH. might induce metabolites involved in amino acid biosynthesis and malate metabolism in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and inhibit phenylpropanoid metabolism to mitigate toxicity. Collectively, our results indicate that balances both rhizosphere and intracellular pH via effective transmembrane cycling, accelerates assimilation, and up‐regulates malate metabolism to mitigate toxicity in oilseed rape.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Rice tetraspanins express in specific domains of diverse tissues and regulate plant architecture and root growth

Shanshan Qin; Wei Li; Jiayue Zeng; Yifan Huang; Qiang CaiORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>Tetraspanins (TETs) are small transmembrane scaffold proteins that distribute proteins into highly organized microdomains, consisting of adaptors and signaling proteins, which play important roles in various biological events. In plants, understanding of tetraspanin is limited to the Arabidopsis <jats:italic>TET</jats:italic> genes' expression pattern and their function in leaf and root growth. Here, we comprehensively analyzed all rice tetraspanin (OsTET) family members, including their gene expression pattern, protein topology, and subcellular localization. We found that the core domain of OsTETs is conserved and shares a similar topology of four membrane‐spanning domains with animal and plant TETs. <jats:italic>OsTET</jats:italic> genes are partially overlapping expressed in diverse tissue domains in vegetative and reproductive organs. OsTET proteins preferentially targeted the endoplasmic reticulum. Mutation analysis showed that <jats:italic>OsTET5</jats:italic>, <jats:italic>OsTET6</jats:italic>, <jats:italic>OsTET9</jats:italic>, and <jats:italic>OsTET10</jats:italic> regulated plant height and tillering, and that <jats:italic>OsTET13</jats:italic> controlled root growth in association with the jasmonic acid pathway. In summary, our work provides systematic new insights into the function of Os<jats:italic>TET</jats:italic>s in rice growth and development, and the data provides valuable resources for future research.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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A DELAY OF GERMINATION 1 (DOG1)‐like protein regulates spore germination in the moss Physcomitrium patens

Evelyn Vollmeister; Alexandros Phokas; Rabea MeybergORCID; Clemens V. Böhm; Marlies Peter; Eva Kohnert; Jinhong Yuan; Christopher Grosche; Marco Göttig; Kristian K. UllrichORCID; Pierre‐François Perroud; Andreas HiltbrunnerORCID; Clemens Kreutz; Juliet C. CoatesORCID; Stefan A. RensingORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>DELAY OF GERMINATION 1 is a key regulator of dormancy in flowering plants before seed germination. Bryophytes develop haploid spores with an analogous function to seeds. Here, we investigate whether DOG1 function during germination is conserved between bryophytes and flowering plants and analyse the underlying mechanism of DOG1 action in the moss <jats:italic>Physcomitrium patens</jats:italic>. Phylogenetic and <jats:italic>in silico</jats:italic> expression analyses were performed to identify and characterise DOG1 domain‐containing genes in <jats:italic>P. patens</jats:italic>. Germination assays were performed to characterise a <jats:italic>Ppdog1‐like1</jats:italic> mutant, and replacement with <jats:italic>At</jats:italic>DOG1 was carried out. Yeast two‐hybrid assays were used to test the interaction of the <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DOG1‐like protein with DELLA proteins from <jats:italic>P. patens</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>A. thaliana</jats:italic>. <jats:italic>P. patens</jats:italic> possesses nine DOG1 domain‐containing genes. The DOG1‐like protein <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DOG1‐L1 (<jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>3c3_9650) interacts with <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DELLAa and <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DELLAb and the <jats:italic>A. thaliana</jats:italic> DELLA protein <jats:italic>At</jats:italic>RGA in yeast. Protein truncations revealed the DOG1 domain as necessary and sufficient for interaction with <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DELLA proteins. Spores of <jats:italic>Ppdog1‐l1</jats:italic> mutant germinate faster than wild type, but replacement with <jats:italic>At</jats:italic>DOG1 reverses this effect. Our data demonstrate a role for the <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DOG1‐LIKE1 protein in moss spore germination, possibly alongside <jats:italic>Pp</jats:italic>DELLAs. This suggests a conserved DOG1 domain function in germination, albeit with differential adaptation of regulatory networks in seed and spore germination.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Improved production of the antidiabetic metabolite montbretin A in Nicotiana benthamiana: discovery, characterization, and use of Crocosmia shikimate shunt genes

Lars H. KruseORCID; Frederick G. Sunstrum; Daniela Garcia; Guillermo López Pérez; Sharon JancsikORCID; Joerg BohlmannORCID; Sandra IrmischORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>The plant‐specialized metabolite montbretin A (MbA) is being developed as a new treatment option for type‐2 diabetes, which is among the ten leading causes of premature death and disability worldwide. MbA is a complex acylated flavonoid glycoside produced in small amounts in below‐ground organs of the perennial plant Montbretia (<jats:italic>Crocosmia</jats:italic> × <jats:italic>crocosmiiflora</jats:italic>). The lack of a scalable production system limits the development and potential application of MbA as a pharmaceutical or nutraceutical. Previous efforts to reconstruct montbretin biosynthesis in <jats:italic>Nicotiana benthamiana</jats:italic> (Nb) resulted in low yields of MbA and higher levels of montbretin B (MbB) and montbretin C (MbC). MbA, MbB, and MbC are nearly identical metabolites differing only in their acyl moieties, derived from caffeoyl‐CoA, coumaroyl‐CoA, and feruloyl‐CoA, respectively. In contrast to MbA, MbB and MbC are not pharmaceutically active. To utilize the montbretia caffeoyl‐CoA biosynthesis for improved MbA engineering in Nb, we cloned and characterized enzymes of the shikimate shunt of the general phenylpropanoid pathway, specifically hydroxycinnamoyl‐CoA: shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (CcHCT), <jats:italic>p</jats:italic>‐coumaroylshikimate 3′‐hydroxylase (CcC3′H), and caffeoylshikimate esterase (CcCSE). Gene expression patterns suggest that CcCSE enables the predominant formation of MbA, relative to MbB and MbC, in montbretia. This observation is supported by results from <jats:italic>in vitro</jats:italic> characterization of CcCSE and reconstruction of the shikimate shunt in yeast. Using CcHCT together with montbretin biosynthetic genes in multigene constructs resulted in a 30‐fold increase of MbA in Nb. This work advances our understanding of the phenylpropanoid pathway and features a critical step towards improved MbA production in bioengineered Nb.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Protein interaction mapping reveals widespread targeting of development‐related host transcription factors by phytoplasma effectors

Miguel Correa MarreroORCID; Sylvain Capdevielle; Weijie HuangORCID; Ali M. Al‐Subhi; Marco Busscher; Jacqueline Busscher‐Lange; Froukje van der Wal; Dick de Ridder; Aalt D. J. van DijkORCID; Saskia A. Hogenhout; Richard G. H. ImminkORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>Phytoplasmas are pathogenic bacteria that reprogram plant host development for their own benefit. Previous studies have characterized a few different phytoplasma effector proteins that destabilize specific plant transcription factors. However, these are only a small fraction of the potential effectors used by phytoplasmas; therefore, the molecular mechanisms through which phytoplasmas modulate their hosts require further investigation. To obtain further insights into the phytoplasma infection mechanisms, we generated a protein–protein interaction network between a broad set of phytoplasma effectors and a large, unbiased collection of <jats:italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</jats:italic> transcription factors and transcriptional regulators. We found widespread, but specific, interactions between phytoplasma effectors and host transcription factors, especially those related to host developmental processes. In particular, many unrelated effectors target specific sets of TCP transcription factors, which regulate plant development and immunity. Comparison with other host‐pathogen protein interaction networks shows that phytoplasma effectors have unusual targets, indicating that phytoplasmas have evolved a unique and unusual infection strategy. This study contributes a rich and solid data source that guides further investigations of the functions of individual effectors, as demonstrated for some herein. Moreover, the dataset provides insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of phytoplasma infection.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Chromosomal‐scale genomes of two Rosa species provide insights into genome evolution and ascorbate accumulation

Dan Zong; Huan Liu; Peihua Gan; Shaojie Ma; Hongping Liang; Jinde Yu; Peilin Li; Tao Jiang; Sunil Kumar SahuORCID; Qingqing Yang; Deguo Zhang; Laigeng LiORCID; Xu Qiu; Wenwen Shao; Jinlong Yang; Yonghe Li; Xuanmin GuangORCID; Chengzhong He

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p><jats:italic>Rosa roxburghii</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Rosa sterilis</jats:italic>, two species belonging to the Rosaceae family, are widespread in the southwest of China. These species have gained recognition for their remarkable abundance of ascorbate in their fresh fruits, making them an ideal vitamin C resource. In this study, we generated two high‐quality chromosome‐scale genome assemblies for <jats:italic>R. roxburghii</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>R. sterilis</jats:italic>, with genome sizes of 504 and 981.2 Mb, respectively. Notably, we present a haplotype‐resolved, chromosome‐scale assembly for diploid <jats:italic>R. sterilis</jats:italic>. Our results indicated that <jats:italic>R. sterilis</jats:italic> originated from the hybridization of <jats:italic>R. roxburghii</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>R. longicuspis</jats:italic>. Genome analysis revealed the absence of recent whole‐genome duplications in both species and identified a series of duplicated genes that possibly contributing to the accumulation of flavonoids. We identified two genes in the ascorbate synthesis pathway, <jats:italic>GGP</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>GalLDH</jats:italic>, that show signs of positive selection, along with high expression levels of GDP‐<jats:sc>d</jats:sc>‐mannose 3′, 5′‐epimerase (<jats:italic>GME</jats:italic>) and GDP‐<jats:sc>l</jats:sc>‐galactose phosphorylase (<jats:italic>GGP</jats:italic>) during fruit development. Furthermore, through co‐expression network analysis, we identified key hub genes (<jats:italic>MYB5</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>bZIP</jats:italic>) that likely regulate genes in the ascorbate synthesis pathway, promoting ascorbate biosynthesis. Additionally, we observed the expansion of terpene synthase genes in these two species and tissue expression patterns, suggesting their involvement in terpenoid biosynthesis. Our research provides valuable insights into genome evolution and the molecular basis of the high concentration of ascorbate in these two <jats:italic>Rosa</jats:italic> species.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Melatonin confers tolerance to nitrogen deficiency through regulating MdHY5 in apple plants

Tengteng Gao; Xiaomin Liu; Shuo Xu; Xi Yu; Danni Zhang; Kexin Tan; Yi Zhou; Xumei Jia; Zhijun Zhang; Fengwang Ma; Chao LiORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for crop growth and development, significantly influencing both yield and quality. Melatonin (MT), a known enhancer of abiotic stress tolerance, has been extensively studied. However, its relationship with nutrient stress, particularly N deficiency, and the underlying regulatory mechanisms of MT on N absorption remain unclear. In this study, exogenous MT treatment was found to improve the tolerance of apple plants to N deficiency. Apple plants overexpressing the MT biosynthetic gene <jats:italic>N</jats:italic>‐acetylserotonin methyltransferase 9 (<jats:italic>MdASMT9</jats:italic>) were used to further investigate the effects of endogenous MT on low‐N stress. Overexpression of <jats:italic>MdASMT9</jats:italic> improved the light harvesting and heat transfer capability of apple plants, thereby mitigating the detrimental effects of N deficiency on the photosynthetic system. Proteomic and physiological data analyses indicated that <jats:italic>MdASMT9</jats:italic> overexpression enhanced the trichloroacetic acid cycle and positively modulated amino acid metabolism to counteract N‐deficiency stress. Additionally, both exogenous and endogenous MT promoted the transcription of <jats:italic>MdHY5</jats:italic>, which in turn bound to the <jats:italic>MdNRT2.1</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>MdNRT2.4</jats:italic> promoters and activated their expression. Notably, MT‐mediated promotion of <jats:italic>MdNRT2.1</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>MdNRT2.4</jats:italic> expression through regulating <jats:italic>MdHY5</jats:italic>, ultimately enhancing N absorption. Taken together, these findings shed light on the association between <jats:italic>MdASMT9</jats:italic>‐mediated MT biosynthesis and N absorption in apple plants under N‐deficiency conditions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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Climate‐resilient crops: Lessons from xerophytes

Xi Chen; Chenchen Zhao; Ping Yun; Min YuORCID; Meixue ZhouORCID; Zhong‐Hua ChenORCID; Sergey ShabalaORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>Developing climate‐resilient crops is critical for future food security and sustainable agriculture under current climate scenarios. Of specific importance are drought and soil salinity. Tolerance traits to these stresses are highly complex, and the progress in improving crop tolerance is too slow to cope with the growing demand in food production unless a major paradigm shift in crop breeding occurs. In this work, we combined bioinformatics and physiological approaches to compare some of the key traits that may differentiate between xerophytes (naturally drought‐tolerant plants) and mesophytes (to which the majority of the crops belong). We show that both xerophytes and salt‐tolerant mesophytes have a much larger number of copies in key gene families conferring some of the key traits related to plant osmotic adjustment, abscisic acid (ABA) sensing and signalling, and stomata development. We show that drought and salt‐tolerant species have (i) higher reliance on Na for osmotic adjustment via more diversified and efficient operation of Na<jats:sup>+</jats:sup>/H<jats:sup>+</jats:sup> tonoplast exchangers (NHXs) and vacuolar H<jats:sup>+</jats:sup>‐ pyrophosphatase (VPPases); (ii) fewer and faster stomata; (iii) intrinsically lower ABA content; (iv) altered structure of pyrabactin resistance/pyrabactin resistance‐like (PYR/PYL) ABA receptors; and (v) higher number of gene copies for protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) and sucrose non‐fermenting 1 (SNF1)‐related protein kinase 2/open stomata 1 (SnRK2/OST1) ABA signalling components. We also show that the past trends in crop breeding for Na<jats:sup>+</jats:sup> exclusion to improve salinity stress tolerance are counterproductive and compromise their drought tolerance. Incorporating these genetic insights into breeding practices could pave the way for more drought‐tolerant and salt‐resistant crops, securing agricultural yields in an era of climate unpredictability.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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FvemiR160‐FveARF18A‐FveAP1/FveFUL module regulates flowering time in woodland strawberry

He Luo; Tianyu Li; Yuhan Guan; Zhuo Zhang; Zihui Zhang; Zhihong Zhang; He LiORCID

<jats:title>SUMMARY</jats:title><jats:p>Flowering is an indicator of plant transformation from vegetative to reproductive growth. miR160 has been shown to have a significant effect on the growth and development of fruits, leaves, and roots of plants or their stress response to environment, but the participation of miR160 in regulating flowering time in plants is unclear. In this study, we found that two FvemiR160s (FvemiR160a/FvemiR160b) mature sequences in strawberry (<jats:italic>Fragaria vesca</jats:italic>) were consistent. It was displayed that the miR160 mature sequence is highly conserved in various species, and the miR160 mature sequence formed by the 5′ arm of the <jats:italic>MIR160</jats:italic> precursor was more conserved. Three <jats:italic>FveARFs</jats:italic> in woodland strawberry were negatively regulated by FvemiR160a, among which <jats:italic>FveARF18A</jats:italic> was the most significant. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that FvemiR160 is closely related to apple (<jats:italic>Malus domestica</jats:italic>), grape (<jats:italic>Vitis vinifera</jats:italic>), and <jats:italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</jats:italic>, while FveARF18A is closely related to RcARF18. Subsequently, we demonstrated that FvemiR160a can target cutting <jats:italic>FveARF18A</jats:italic> to negatively regulate its expression by RLM‐5′ RACE, cleavage site mutation, and GFP fluorescence assay. Moreover, we observed that <jats:italic>FveMIR160a</jats:italic> overexpressed plants have advanced flowering, while <jats:italic>mFveARF18A</jats:italic> overexpressed plants have delayed flowering. We also verified that FveARF18A negatively regulates the expression of <jats:italic>FveAP1</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>FveFUL</jats:italic> by binding their promoters by yeast one‐hybrid, LUC, and GUS assay, and <jats:italic>FveAP1</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>FveFUL</jats:italic> transgenic <jats:italic>Arabidopsis</jats:italic> showed early flowering phenotype. In addition, the expression level of FvemiR160a was decreased obviously while that of <jats:italic>FveARF18A</jats:italic> was increased obviously by MeJA, GA and IAA. In conclusion, our study reveals the important role of the FvemiR160‐FveARF18A‐FveAP1/FveFUL module in the flowering process of woodland strawberry and provides a new pathway for studying flowering.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Cell Biology; Plant Science; Genetics.

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