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Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Groundwater is the leading international journal focused exclusively on groundwater. Since 1963, Groundwater has published a dynamic mix of papers on topics related to groundwater including groundwater flow and well hydraulics, hydrogeochemistry and contaminant hydrogeology, application of geophysics, groundwater management and policy, and history of groundwater hydrology. The journal emphasizes articles that include presentation of theory with practical application.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
groundwater; hydrology; geoscience; hydrogeology
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No detectada | desde ene. 1963 / hasta dic. 2023 | Wiley Online Library |
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doi: 10.1111/gwat.13351
MODFLOW as a Configurable Multi‐Model Hydrologic Simulator
Christian D. Langevin
; Joseph D. Hughes
; Alden M. Provost; Martijn J. Russcher; Sorab Panday
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>MODFLOW 6 is the latest in a line of six “core" versions of MODFLOW released by the U.S. Geological Survey. The MODFLOW 6 architecture supports incorporation of additional hydrologic processes, in addition to groundwater flow, and allows interaction between processes. The architecture supports multiple model instances and multiple types of models within a single simulation, a flexible approach to formulating and solving the equations that represent hydrologic processes, and recent advances in interoperability, which allow MODFLOW to be accessed and controlled by external programs. The present version of MODFLOW 6 consolidates popular capabilities available in MODFLOW variants, such as the unstructured grid support in MODFLOW‐USG, the Newton‐Raphson formulation in MODFLOW‐NWT, and the support for partitioned stress boundaries in MODFLOW‐CDSS. The flexible multi‐model capability allows users to configure MODFLOW 6 simulations to represent the local‐grid refinement (LGR) capabilities available in MODFLOW‐LGR, the multi‐species transport capabilities in MT3DMS, and the coupled variable‐density capabilities available in SEAWAT. This paper provides a new, holistic and integrated overview of simulation capabilities made possible by the MODFLOW 6 architecture, and describes how ongoing and future development can take advantage of the program architecture to integrate new capabilities in a way that is minimally invasive and automatically compatible with the existing MODFLOW 6 code.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
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doi: 10.1111/gwat.13354
Continental scale hydrostratigraphy: comparing geologically informed data products to analytical solutions
Jackson S. Swilley; Danielle Tijerina‐Kreuzer
; Hoang V. Tran; Jun Zhang; Chen Yang; Laura E. Condon; Reed M. Maxwell
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>This study synthesizes two different methods for estimating hydraulic conductivity (K) at large scales. We derive analytical approaches that estimate K and apply them to the contiguous US. We then compare these analytical approaches to three‐dimensional, national gridded K data products and three transmissivity (T) data products developed from publicly available sources. We evaluate these data products using multiple approaches: comparing their statistics qualitatively and quantitatively and with hydrologic model simulations. Some of these datasets were used as inputs for an integrated hydrologic model of the Upper Colorado River Basin and the comparison of the results with observations was used to further evaluate the K data products. Simulated average daily streamflow was compared to daily flow data from 10 USGS stream gages in the domain, and annually averaged simulated groundwater depths are compared to observations from nearly 2,000 monitoring wells. We find streamflow predictions from analytically informed simulations to be similar in relative bias and Spearman's rho to the geologically informed simulations. R‐squared values for groundwater depth predictions are close between the best performing analytically and geologically informed simulations at 0.68 and 0.70 respectively, with RMSE values under 10m. We also show that the analytical approach derived by this study produces estimates of K that are similar in spatial distribution, standard deviation, mean value, and modeling performance to geologically‐informed estimates. The results of this work are used to inform a follow‐on study that tests additional data‐driven approaches in multiple basins within the contiguous US.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13353
An Introduction to Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Geologic Media
Mohamad Reza Soltanian
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
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doi: 10.1111/gwat.13355
From the mental to the conceptual model: the challenge of teaching hydrogeology in the field
Joaquin Jimenez‐Martinez
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Field‐based learning in hydrogeology enables students to develop their understanding and application of practical methodologies, and to enhance many of the generic skills (<jats:italic>e.g.</jats:italic>, teamwork, problem‐solving). However, teaching and learning hydrogeology in general, and especially in the field, presents cognitive difficulties, such as the diversity in student education and experience, the hidden nature of water movement and transport of chemicals, and the pre‐existing students' mental models of the subsurface, in particular. At any given experimental or teaching site there is only one reality for which lecturers can have an approximate conceptual model, including aquifer(s) geometry and functioning (<jats:italic>e.g.</jats:italic>, flow direction). However, students' preconceptions (<jats:italic>i.e.</jats:italic>, mental model), in some cases misconceptions, influence not only their outcome from the learning strategy designed, but also the conceptual model expression (<jats:italic>i.e.</jats:italic>, flow chart, block diagram, or similar) for the study area or site. In practice, two general ‘teaching challenges’ are identified to enable students' transition from the mental to the conceptual model: <jats:italic>i</jats:italic>) identify and dispel any prior misconceptions and <jats:italic>ii</jats:italic>) show how to go from the partial information to the integration of new information for the development of the conceptual model. The inclusion of specific prior‐to‐field lessons in the classroom is recommended and in general, done. However, introducing a prior‐to‐field survey to learn about students' backgrounds, and methodologies for the development and expression of hydrogeological conceptual models and for testing multiple plausible conceptual models will help students transition from the mental to the conceptual model.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13357
Continental scale hydrostratigraphy: basin‐scale testing of alternative data‐driven approaches
Danielle Tijerina‐Kreuzer
; Jackson S. Swilley; Hoang V. Tran; Jun Zhang; Benjamin West; Chen Yang; Laura E. Condon; Reed M. Maxwell
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Integrated hydrological modeling is an effective method for understanding interactions between parts of the hydrologic cycle, quantifying water resources, and furthering knowledge of hydrologic processes. However, these models are dependent on robust and accurate datasets that physically represent spatial characteristics as model inputs. This study evaluates multiple data‐driven approaches for estimating hydraulic conductivity and subsurface properties at the continental‐scale, constructed from existing subsurface dataset components. Each subsurface configuration represents upper (unconfined) hydrogeology, lower (confined) hydrogeology, and the presence of a vertical flow barrier. Configurations are tested in two large‐scale US watersheds using an integrated model. Model results are compared to observed streamflow and steady state water table depth (WTD). We provide model results for a range of configurations and show that both WTD and surface water partitioning are important indicators of performance. We also show that geology data source, total subsurface depth, anisotropy, and inclusion of a vertical flow barrier are the most important considerations for subsurface configurations. While a range of configurations proved viable, we provide a recommended Selected National Configuration 1 km resolution subsurface dataset for use in distributed large‐and continental‐scale hydrologic modeling.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13352
Coastal Groundwater‐Dependent Ecosystems are Falling Through Policy Gaps
Madeleine Dyring
; Melissa M. Rohde; Ray Froend; Harald Hofmann
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Coastal groundwater‐dependent ecosystems (GDEs), such as wetlands, estuaries and nearshore marine habitats, are biodiversity hotspots that provide valuable ecosystem services to society. However, coastal groundwater and associated ecosystems are under threat from groundwater exploitation and depletion, as well as climate change impacts from sea‐level rise and extreme flood and drought events. Despite many well‐intentioned policies focused on sustainable groundwater use and species protection, coastal GDEs are falling through gaps generated by siloed policies and as a result, are declining in extent and ecological function. This study summarized then examined policies related to the management of coastal groundwater and connected ecosystems in two key case study areas: Queensland (Australia) and California (USA). Despite both areas being regarded as having progressive groundwater policy, our analysis revealed three universal policy gaps, including (1) a lack of recognition of the underlying groundwater system, (2) fragmented policies and complex governance structures that limit coordination, and (3) inadequate guidance for coastal GDE management. Overall, our analysis revealed that coastal GDE conservation relied heavily on inclusion within protected areas or was motivated by species recovery, meaning supporting groundwater systems remained underprotected and outside the remit of conservation efforts. To close these gaps, we consider the adoption of ecosystem‐based management principles to foster integrated governance between disparate agencies and consider management tools that bridge traditional conservation realms. Our findings advocate for comprehensive policy frameworks that holistically address the complexities of coastal GDEs across the land‐sea continuum to foster their long‐term sustainability and conservation.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
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doi: 10.1111/gwat.13370
New Insights into the Formation and Properties of Wellbore Skin: Why We Have to Rethink the Concept
Georg J. Houben; Axel Lamparter; Kristian Ufer; Christin Damian; Daniel Boz
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The deposition of fine‐grained material of low permeability on the borehole wall during drilling (wellbore skin) is a common problem affecting the operation and efficiency of water wells. Here, we present new data and novel insights from four excavated dewatering wells from a lignite surface mine. All wells have the same age, are of similar construction, and were sampled at two different depths each. The thickness of the skin layer increases with depth. Its composition and permeability is strongly influenced by the surrounding aquifer material. Nonuniform sediments of low permeability result in less permeable wellbore skin deposits. The presence of discontinuities in the skin layer may be a determining feature for the resulting flow to wells, especially with skin layers of low permeability. The presence of naturally occurring swelling clay (smectite) provides the skin layer with a significant self‐sealing capacity.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13380
Development of the groundwater concept inventory (GWCI) to measure groundwater knowledge in a general audience
Ann Ojeda
; Stephanie R. Rogers; Charlotte Jannach; Karen S. McNeal
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Groundwater is a critical resource globally, and understanding groundwater processes is vital to ensure sustainable management practices. However, there are many widely held misconceptions and inaccuracies about groundwater, and we currently lack tools to measure groundwater knowledge across large populations and measure how groundwater knowledge relates to management decision or behavior. Here, we present a survey instrument, the Groundwater Concept Inventory (GWCI), that has been designed for general audiences to measure groundwater knowledge comparable to that in an introductory geoscience curriculum. The GWCI was developed using ~1200 responses using an online platform, Amazon Mechanical Turks, to represent a general population. Responses were evaluated using the Rasch model that configures a relationship between person‐ability and item‐difficulty. We found that the study population displayed similar misconceptions about groundwater compared to previous literature, and that age and education were not strong predictors of GWCI scores. The GWCI can be used by researchers to understand links between knowledge and behavior, and also by other stakeholders to quantify misconceptions about groundwater and target resources for a more informed public.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13377
An Iterative Method of Modeling Pump‐Treat‐Inject System with “Partial Treatment”
Jim Zhang
; Yiding Zhang
; Franklin W. Schwartz; Massoud Karimi
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Pump‐and‐treat technologies are widely used in groundwater remediation and site cleanup. Such technologies involve pumping contaminated groundwater to the surface for treatment. Following treatment, the water is often reinjected back into the aquifer (referred to as pump‐treat‐inject or PTI) for potential reuse. The treatment system is often designed to remove dissolved‐phase contaminants in groundwater such that water meets applicable cleanup standards (herein referred to as “full treatment”). However, in some cases, the treatment system may not effectively reduce the dissolved‐phase concentrations (herein referred to as “partial treatment”) for some of the contaminants present in groundwater. Modeling PTI under partial treatment conditions is challenging because contaminant concentrations in injected water depend on the pumped water concentrations and the system treatment efficiency. Essentially, the injected water concentration (a transport model input) is unknown prior to transport simulation. This study presents a novel iterative approach to modeling PTI under partial treatment scenarios, where the injected water concentration is linked to the modeled pumped water concentration. The method was developed for a complicated three‐dimensional (3D) flow and transport modeling study conducted for a confidential remediation site where PTI with partial treatment was applied. However, due to the complexity of the 3D model and the confidential information of the site, a simple two‐dimensional (2D) numerical model is presented to demonstrate the iterative method. The 2D model test runs and the 3D model application in a remediation site showed that the iterative simulation results quickly converged to a viable final solution.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
Pp. No disponible
doi: 10.1111/gwat.13383
Mechanisms of non‐fresh groundwater presence at water tables in highly permeable coastal aquifers
Satoshi Tajima
; Jiaqi Liu; Tomochika Tokunaga
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Coastal aquifers with high hydraulic conductivities on the order of 10<jats:sup>‐2</jats:sup> m s<jats:sup>‐1</jats:sup> have unconventional salinity distributions with the presence of non‐fresh groundwater at the water table over a wide swath near the coast. This study aims to unravel the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon via numerical simulations for variably saturated, density‐driven flow and solute transport in porous media. The simulation results indicate that the existence of non‐fresh groundwater at the water table is attributed to the upward mass flux in the saturated zone near the coast, which transports solute from deeper groundwater toward the water table. With high hydraulic conductivity, the upward mass flux becomes prominent at shallower elevations because of the high Darcy flux and the shallow saline groundwater. The upward mass flux has two main drivers, upward advection by the upward flow component and transverse dispersion by the seaward flow component. The advective mass flux dominates over the transverse dispersion in the deep part of the saturated zone where only groundwater with seawater salinity exists. In contrast, the transverse dispersion becomes more pronounced than the upward advection in the shallow saturated zone just beneath the water table and in the unsaturated zone immediately above the water table. Our findings help interpret the unconventional salinity distributions observed and elucidate the unique dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport in highly permeable coastal aquifers.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Computers in Earth Sciences; Water Science and Technology.
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