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Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web: First International Conference, RuleML 2005, Galway, Ireland, November 10-12, 2005, Proceedings

Asaf Adi ; Suzette Stoutenburg ; Said Tabet (eds.)

En conferencia: 1º International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web (RuleML) . Galway, Ireland . November 10, 2005 - November 12, 2005

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Using SWRL and OWL to Capture Domain Knowledge for a Situation Awareness Application Applied to a Supply Logistics Scenario

Christopher J. Matheus; Kenneth Baclawski; Mieczyslaw M. Kokar; Jerzy J. Letkowski

When developing situation awareness applications we begin by constructing an OWL ontology to capture a language of discourse for the domain of interest. Such an ontology, however, is never sufficient for fully representing the complex knowledge needed to identify what is happening in an evolving situation – this usually requires general implication afforded by a rule language such as SWRL. This paper describes the application of SWRL/OWL to the representation of knowledge intended for a supply logistics scenario. The rules are first presented in an abstract syntax based on n-ary predicates. We then describe a process to convert them into a representation that complies with the binary-only properties of SWRL. The application of the SWRL rules is demonstrated using our situation awareness application, SAWA, which can employ either Jess or BaseVISor as its inference engine. We conclude with a summary of the issues encountered in using SWRL along with the steps taken in resolving them.

Pp. 130-144

A Semantic Web Based Architecture for e-Contracts in Defeasible Logic

Guido Governatori; Duy Pham Hoang

We introduce the DR-CONTRACT architecture to represent and reason on e-Contracts. The architecture extends the DR-device architecture by a deontic defeasible logic of violation. We motivate the choice for the logic and we show how to extend to capture the notions relevant to describe e-contracts for a monitoring perspective in Defeasible Logic.

Pp. 145-159

Merging and Aligning Ontologies in dl-Programs

Kewen Wang; Grigoris Antoniou; Rodney Topor; Abdul Sattar

The language of dl-programs is a latest effort in developing an expressive representation for Web-based ontologies. It allows to build answer set programming (ASP) on top of description logic and thus some attractive features of ASP can be employed in the design of the Semantic Web architecture. In this paper we first generalize dl-programs by allowing multiple knowledge bases and then accordingly, define the answer set semantics for the dl-programs. A novel technique called forgetting is developed in the setting of dl-programs and applied to ontology merging and aligning.

Pp. 160-171

A Visual Environment for Developing Defeasible Rule Bases for the Semantic Web

Nick Bassiliades; Efstratios Kontopoulos; Grigoris Antoniou

Defeasible reasoning is a rule-based approach for efficient reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information. Such reasoning is useful for many applications in the Semantic Web. However, the RuleML syntax of defeasible logic may appear too complex for many users. Furthermore, the interplay between various technologies and languages, such as defeasible reasoning, RuleML, and RDF impose a demand for using multiple, diverse tools for building rule-based applications for the Semantic Web. In this paper we present VDR-Device, a visual integrated development environment for developing and using defeasible logic rule bases on top of RDF ontologies. VDR-Device integrates in a user-friendly graphical shell, a visual RuleML-compliant rule editor that constrains the allowed vocabulary through analysis of the input RDF ontologies and a defeasible reasoning system that processes RDF data and RDF Schema ontologies.

Pp. 172-186

Flavours of XChange, a Rule-Based Reactive Language for the (Semantic) Web

James Bailey; François Bry; Michael Eckert; Paula-Lavinia Pătrânjan

This article introduces XChange, a rule-based reactive language for the (Semantic) Web. Stressing application scenarios, it first argues that high-level reactive languages are needed for both Web and Semantic Web applications. Then, it discusses technologies and paradigms relevant to high-level reactive languages for the (Semantic) Web.

Pp. 187-192

Rule-Based Framework for Automated Negotiation: Initial Implementation

Costin Bădică; Adriana Bădiţă; Maria Ganzha; Alin Iordache; Marcin Paprzycki

The note reports on the current status of an implementation of a rule-based negotiation mechanism in a model e-commerce multi-agent system. Here, we briefly describe the conceptual architecture of the system and its initial implementation utilizing JADE and JESS. A particular negotiation scenario involving English auctions performed in parallel is also discussed.

Pp. 193-198

Uncertainty and RuleML Rulebases: A Preliminary Report

Giorgos Stoilos; Giorgos Stamou; Vassilis Tzouvaras; Jeff Z. Pan

Uncertainty, like imprecision and vagueness, has gained considerable attention the last decade. To this extend we present a preliminary report on extending the Rule Markup Language (RuleML) with fuzzy set theory, in order to be able to represent and handle vague knowledge. We also provide semantics for the case of fuzzy FOL RuleML.

Pp. 199-203

Nested Rules in Defeasible Logic

Insu Song; Guido Governatori

Defeasible Logic is a rule-based non-monotonic logic with tractable reasoning services. In this paper we extend Defeasible Logic with nested rules. We consider a new Defeasible Logic, called DL, where we allow one level of nested rules. A nested rule is a rule where the antecedent or the consequent of the rule are rules themselves. The inference conditions for DL are based on reflection on the inference structures (rules) of the particular theory at hand. Accordingly DL can be considered an amalgamated reflective system with implicit reflection mechanism. Finally we outline some possible applications of the logic.

Pp. 204-208

ContractLog: An Approach to Rule Based Monitoring and Execution of Service Level Agreements

Adrian Paschke; Martin Bichler; Jens Dietrich

In this paper we evolve a rule based approach to SLA representation and management which allows separating the contractual business logic from the application logic and enables automated execution and monitoring of SLA specifications. We make use of a set of knowledge representation (KR) concepts and combine adequate logical formalisms in one expressive formal framework called

Pp. 209-217

The OO jDREW Reference Implementation of RuleML

Marcel Ball; Harold Boley; David Hirtle; Jing Mei; Bruce Spencer

This paper presents the open source reference implementation of RuleML based on modular XML Schema definitions and bidirectional OO jDREW interpreters written in Java. For the family of RuleML sublanguages, schema modularization and RDF rules are discussed. The central bidirectional interpreters are introduced via jDREW principles, and explained w.r.t. OO jDREW slots, types, OIDs, and extensions.

Pp. 218-223