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Frontiers of Combining Systems: 5th International Workshop, FroCoS 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2005, Proceedings
Bernhard Gramlich (eds.)
En conferencia: 5º International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS) . Vienna, Austria . September 19, 2005 - September 21, 2005
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Theory of Computation; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages; Programming Techniques; Software Engineering
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No detectada | 2005 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1007/11559306_11
Logical Analysis of Hash Functions
Dejan Jovanović; Predrag Janičić
In this paper we report on a novel approach for uniform encoding of hash functions (but also other cryptographic functions) into propositional logic formulae, and reducing cryptanalysis problems to the satisfiability problem. The approach is general, elegant, and does not require any human expertise on the construction of a specific cryptographic function. By using this approach, we developed a technique for generating hard and satisfiable propositional formulae and hard and unsatisfiable propositional formulae. In addition, one can finely tune the hardness of generated formulae. This can be very important for different applications, including testing (complete or incomplete) sat solvers. The uniform logical analysis of cryptographic functions can be used for comparison between different functions and can expose weaknesses of some of them (as shown for md4 in comparison with md5 ).
Palabras clave: Hash Function; Logical Analysis; Phase Transition Point; Propositional Formula; Message Length.
- Logical Problem Analysis and Encoding I | Pp. 200-215
doi: 10.1007/11559306_12
Proving and Disproving Termination of Higher-Order Functions
Jürgen Giesl; René Thiemann; Peter Schneider-Kamp
The dependency pair technique is a powerful modular method for automated termination proofs of term rewrite systems (TRSs). We present two important extensions of this technique: First, we show how to prove termination of higher-order functions using dependency pairs. To this end, the dependency pair technique is extended to handle (untyped) applicative TRSs. Second, we introduce a method to prove non-termination with dependency pairs, while up to now dependency pairs were only used to verify termination. Our results lead to a framework for combining termination and non-termination techniques for first- and higher-order functions in a very flexible way. We implemented and evaluated our results in the automated termination prover AProVE .
Palabras clave: Dependency Graph; Function Symbol; Usable Rule; Strongly Connect Component; Termination Proof.
- Combination Issues in Rewriting and Programming | Pp. 216-231
doi: 10.1007/11559306_13
Proving Liveness with Fairness Using Rewriting
Adam Koprowski; Hans Zantema
In this paper we combine rewriting techniques with verification issues. More precisely, we show how techniques for proving relative termination of term rewrite systems (TRSs) can be applied to prove liveness properties in fair computations. We do this using a new transformation which is stronger than the sound transformation from [5] but still is suitable for automation. On the one hand we show completeness of this approach under some mild conditions. On the other hand we show how this approach applies to some examples completely automatically, using the TPA tool designed for proving relative termination of TRSs. In particular we succeed in proving liveness in the classical readers-writers synchronization problem.
- Combination Issues in Rewriting and Programming | Pp. 232-247
doi: 10.1007/11559306_14
A Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Futures
Joachim Niehren; Jan Schwinghammer; Gert Smolka
We introduce a new concurrent lambda calculus with futures, λ (fut) , to model the operational semantics of Alice, a concurrent extension of ML. λ (fut) is a minimalist extension of the call-by-value λ -calculus that yields the full expressiveness to define, combine, and implement a variety of standard concurrency constructs such as channels, semaphores, and ports. We present a linear type system for λ (fut) by which the safety of such definitions and their combinations can be proved: Well-typed implementations cannot be corrupted in any well-typed context.
Palabras clave: Operational Semantic; Mutual Exclusion; Parallel Composition; Reduction Rule; Functional Programming.
- Combination Issues in Rewriting and Programming | Pp. 248-263
doi: 10.1007/11559306_15
The ASM Method for System Design and Analysis. A Tutorial Introduction
Egon Börger
We introduce into and survey the ASM method for high-level system design and analysis. We explain the three notions— Abstract State Machine [37], ASM ground model (system blueprint) [7] and ASM refinement [8]—that characterize the method, which integrates also current validation and verification techniques. We illustrate how the method allows the system engineer to rigorously capture requirements by ASM ground models and to stepwise refine these to code in a validatable and verifiable way.
Palabras clave: Virtual Machine; Ground Model; Abstract State Machine; Universal Computer; Monitor Location.
- Compositional System Design and Refinement | Pp. 264-283
doi: 10.1007/11559306_16
Matching Classifications via a Bidirectional Integration of SAT and Linguistic Resources
Fausto Giunchiglia
Classifications, often mistakenly called directories, are pervasive: we use them to classify our messages, our favourite Web Pages, our files, ... And many more can be found in the Web; think for instance of the Google and Yahoo’s directories. The problem is that all these classifications are very different or more precisely, semantically heterogeneous. The most striking consequence is that they classify documents very differently, making therefore very hard and sometimes impossible to find them. Matching classifications is the process which allows us to map those nodes of two classifications which, intuitively, correspond semantically to each other. In the first part of the talk I will show how it is possible to encode this problem into a propositional validity problem, thus allowing for the use of SAT reasoners. This is done mainly using linguistic resources (e.g., WordNet) and some amount of Natural Language Processing. However, as shown in the second part of the talk, this turns out to be almost useless. In most cases, in fact, linguistic resources do not contain enough of the axioms needed to prove unsatisfiability. The solution to this problem turns to be that of using SAT as a way to generate the missing axioms. We have started using linguistic resources to provide SAT with the axioms needed to match classifications, and we have ended up using SAT to generate missing axioms in the linguistic resources. We will argue that this is an example of a more general phenomenon which arises when using commonsense knowledge. This in turns becomes an opportunity for the use of decision procedures for a focused automated generation of the missing knowledge.
- Logical Problem Analysis and Encoding II | Pp. 284-284
doi: 10.1007/11559306_17
Connecting a Logical Framework to a First-Order Logic Prover
Andreas Abel; Thierry Coquand; Ulf Norell
We present one way of combining a logical framework and first-order logic. The logical framework is used as an interface to a first-order theorem prover. Its main purpose is to keep track of the structure of the proof and to deal with the high level steps, for instance, induction. The steps that involve purely propositional or simple first-order reasoning are left to a first-order resolution prover (the system Gandalf in our prototype). The correctness of this interaction is based on a general meta-theoretic result. One feature is the simplicity of our translation between the logical framework and first-order logic, which uses implicit typing. Implementation and case studies are described.
Palabras clave: Theorem Prover; Type Theory; Logical Framework; Type Checker; Proof Rule.
- Theorem Proving Frameworks and Systems | Pp. 285-301
doi: 10.1007/11559306_18
Combination of Isabelle/HOL with Automatic Tools
Sergey Tverdyshev
We describe results and status of a sub project of the Verisoft [1] project. While the Verisoft project aims at verification of a complete computer system starting with hardware and up to user applications, the goal of our sub project is an efficient hardware verification. We use the Isabelle theorem prover [2] as the major tool for hardware design and verification. Since many hardware verification problems can be efficiently solved by automatic tools, we combine Isabelle with model checkers and SAT solvers. This combination of tools speeds up verification of hardware and simplifies sharing of the results with verification of the whole computer system. To increase the range of problems which can be solved by external tools we implemented in Isabelle several algorithms for handling uninterpreted functions and data abstraction. The resulting combination was applied to verify many different hardware circuits, automata, and processors. In our project we use open source tools that are free for academical and commercial purposes.
Palabras clave: Model Checker; Automatic Tool; Symmetry Reduction; High Order Logic; Open Source Tool.
- Theorem Proving Frameworks and Systems | Pp. 302-309
doi: 10.1007/11559306_19
ATS: A Language That Combines Programming with Theorem Proving
Sa Cui; Kevin Donnelly; Hongwei Xi
ATS is a language with a highly expressive type system that supports a restricted form of dependent types in which programs are not allowed to appear in type expressions. The language is separated into two components: a proof language in which (inductive) proofs can be encoded as (total recursive) functions that are erased before execution, and a programming language for constructing programs to be evaluated. This separation enables a paradigm that combines programming with theorem proving. In this paper, we illustrate by example how this programming paradigm is supported in ATS.
Palabras clave: Theorem Prove; Static Term; Stateful View; Programming Paradigm; Concrete Syntax.
- Theorem Proving Frameworks and Systems | Pp. 310-320