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Advances in Production Management Systems: International IFIP TC 5, WG 5.7 Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2007), September 17-19, , Linköping,Sweden

Jan Olhager ; Fredrik Persson (eds.)

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Computer Communication Networks

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© International Federation for Information Processing 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Changeability of Production Management Systems

M. S. Hoogenraad; J. C. Wortmann

Modern production management systems consist of transaction processing systems and decision enhancement systems. A clear example of two such components are an ERP systems and APS systems. These systems are often standard software systems, and therefore suitable for many different situations. This paper analyses the combination of ERP and APS from the perspective of change. The paper builds on a classification of ERP-APS integrations and an analysis of changeability of ERP systems. The paper elaborates on issues encountered when changing ERP-APS integrations. The main conclusion is that such changes are technically complex because of different technologies and different data models used. Therefore, end user education and training is emphasized Moreover, they are organizationally complex because many stakeholders are involved.

Palabras clave: Planning Module; Planning Function; Planning Software; Critical Success Factor; Transaction Processing.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 179-187

OEE Monitoring for Production Processes Based on SCADA/HMI Platform

Lenka Landryová; Iveta Zolotová

This article aims to show the problem of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) monitoring and performance measurement on a case study done in a small company. Losses occur during the production process and the ways of detecting them must be analyzed. The methodology for calculating total Overall Equipment Effectiveness is followed while applying monitoring tools. Some existing methods used for production control, the flow of material and production facilities control and monitoring, and the methods used for maintenance control are demonstrated as examples regarding data acquisition, collecting idle time or occurred accidents. The tools and methods implemented for maintenance control can vary depending on, among other areas, the operational conditions, but when visualization application can be designed for monitored technological process on the SCADA/HMI platform, the implementation can be described as shown in this article.

Palabras clave: Monitoring; performance; equipment effectiveness.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 189-196

A Prediction Market System for Aggregating Dispersed Tacit Knowledge into a Continuous Forecasted Demand Distribution

Hajime Mizuyama; Eisuke Kamada

This research proposes a novel demand forecasting method which will work effectively even in such circumstances where extrapolate-able demand patterns are hardly available. The method uses the market mechanism to aggregate tacit knowledge of the firm’s sales people on the future demand of a product into a continuous forecasted demand distribution. In order to make it work, the paper introduces a new type of prediction security and an original market maker algorithm suitable for the security, and furnishes them into an intra-firm prediction market system. As a result, sufficient liquidity is secured for the market even when the number of the traders is small, and the market maker can output at any time an aggregated demand forecast of the traders as a continuous distribution. An agent simulation model, where each trader has the log-utility function, is also developed to show how the method works, how quickly the output distribution converges, etc.

Palabras clave: Demand forecasting; prediction markets; prediction market system; market maker; tacit knowledge.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 197-204

A Framework to Optimize Production Planning in the Vaccine Industry

Néjib Moalla; Abdelaziz Bouras; Gilles Neubert

In the literature, production planning optimization works are widely approached by mathematical researches to integrate more data and constraints toward delivering more reliable plans. In the particular context of vaccine industry, the vaccine product is a molecular substance with diverse definitions and presentations that involve with the closely coordination of many actors in the company. When it is difficult to support planning process by optimization solution, our contribution in this paper consists of proposing a production planning framework to structure some data integration issues according to different planning levels. With the correspondence of a better data management among production planning process, we aim to decline some best practices to provide more stable and reliable plans.

Palabras clave: Supply Chain Management; Production Planning; Market Authorization; Optimize Production Planning; Reliable Plan.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 205-212

Utility Value and Fairness Consideration for Information Sharing in a Supply Chain

Myongran Oh; Hyoung-Gon Lee; Sungho Jo; Jinwoo Park

The importance of information sharing (IS) between an enterprise and its customers or cooperating companies has long been recognized in supply chain (SC) research. Many previous studies revealed that IS could play an important role in eliminating inefficiencies caused by the bullwhip effect. However, since most of them studied IS in a macroscopic way from the viewpoint of no/partial/full IS, they do not have great practical value when applied to the implementation of a specific SC. The objective of this study is to suggest a practical guideline for IS in a specific SC by promoting the needs for IS with technical verification using simulation and value analysis within the concept of profit sharing.

Palabras clave: Supply Chain; Information Sharing; Side Information; Demand Forecast; Safety Stock.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 213-220

Evaluating the Standard Assumptions of Demand Planning and Control

Peter Nielsen; Kenn Steger-Jensen

This paper investigates customer ordering behavior and compares a particular instance to the standard assumptions of demand planning and control. Experience shows that the performance of these planning processes often do not match what could be expected. Based on a presented case, implications for demand planning performance are inferred. This leads to an analysis tool for diagnosing potential problems in the demand planning approach.

Palabras clave: Demand planning and control; numerical study; performance impact.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 221-228

Dynamic Management Architecture for Project Based Production

Akira Tsumaya; Yuta Matoba; Hidefumi Wakamatsu; Eiji Arai

The production system where production facilities and products are widely distributed like a construction production project causes problems by combining and communicating production facilities mutually. There is a limit of the traditional approaches, where the system obtains the product information from the production facilities. In this paper, the production system architecture which manages the dynamic scheduling and material handling by using parts and packets unification technology is proposed. First, the architecture of the production based production with parts and packets unification technology is proposed. In order to treat both scheduling and material handling, not only the information of “what part” and “when exists” but also “where exists” is used. Then, a pilot system is developed and applied to the case studies about the production scheduling and material handling system in a factory. The results of the case studies show the feasibility of proposed production system using parts and packets unification approach.

Palabras clave: Dynamic Management; Parts and Packets Unification; Project Based Production; Scheduling; Material Handling.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 229-236

Fast and Reliable Order Management Design Using a Qualitative Approach

Hans-Hermann Wiendahl

Abrupt and often surprising changes characterize the situation of manufacturing companies. Important for an order management design are those factors which potentially cause turbulence and lead to schedule deviations. The paper describes a method to capture and assess them qualitatively. Based on an analogy to physics, the morphology of turbulence germs is provided. Then, a procedure is described how to successfully transfer approaches for turbulence management to other companies. The last part reflects in detail on the application experience.

Palabras clave: Manufacturing; management; production planning and control; turbulence.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 237-244

Achieving Agility of Supply Chain Management through Information Technology Applications

Yi Wu; Jannis Angelis

Agility in supply chains is critical for competitive advantages as it helps to explore and exploit opportunities in fast changing markets. Firms are increasingly dependent on information technology (IT) for supply chain management as a competitive tool to facilitate such agility. However, little research has been done on the role of IT on supply chain agility. The paper aims to address this gap by further investigating how IT applications affect supply chain agility. We propose that IT infrastructure integration, consisting of data consistency and cross-functional application integration is critical to achieve agility as various integration processes in agile supply chains can be hampered by fragmented IT infrastructures which enable information flow and coordination activities across function units and network partners. We further illustrate IT infrastructure integration impacts on agility in various operational dimensions, such as speed, flexibility across the supply chain.

Palabras clave: Information technology infrastructure; Supply chain agility; Flexibility; Responsiveness.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 245-253

Supply Chain Management Analysis: A Simulation Approach of the Value Chain Operations Reference Model (VCOR)

Carlo Di Domenico; Yacine Ouzrout; Matteo M. Savinno; Abdelaziz Bouras

The impact of globalization and worldwide competition has forced firms to modify their strategies toward a real time operation with respect to customer’s requirements. This behavior, together with the possibilities of communication offered by the up to date Information and Communication Technologies, moves the top management toward the concept of extended enterprise in wich a collaborative link is established among supplier, commercial partners and customers. When the information flows involves each agent of the chain, from suppliers to the final distribution centres, the extended enterprise becomes a virtual firm , which can be defined as a set of stand-alone operational units that acts to reconfigure itself as a value chain in order to adapt to the business opportunities given by Market. The present work is intended to verify the effective quantitative advantages given by the introduction of the Value Chain concept into the supply chain management through a simulation approach. The paper, after a description of SCOR and VCOR methods, makes a comparison between the two methods by the implementation of a simulation approach which point out the main additional requirements that are added to the VCOR model for its implementation.

Palabras clave: Supply Chain Management; Simulation; SCOR and VCOR Modeling.

Part IV - Modelling and Simulation | Pp. 257-264