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Database Programming Languages: 10th International Symposium, DBPL 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 28-29, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
Gavin Bierman ; Christoph Koch (eds.)
En conferencia: 10º International Workshop on Database Programming Languages (DBPL) . Trondheim, Norway . August 28, 2005 - August 29, 2005
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No detectada | 2005 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1007/11601524_11
A Type Safe DOM API
Peter Thiemann
DOM (Document Object Model) is the W3C recommendation for an API for manipulating XML documents. The API is stated in terms of a language neutral IDL with normative bindings given for Java and ECMAScript. The type system underlying the DOM API is a simple object-based one which relies entirely on interfaces and interface extension. However, this simplicity is deceiving because the DOM architects implicitly impose a large number of constraints which are only stated informally. The long list of exceptions that some DOM methods may raise witnesses these constraints. The present work defines a refinement of Java’s type system which makes most of these constraints accessible and thus checkable to the compiler. Technically, we graft a polymorphic annotation system on top of the host language’s types and propagate the annotations using ideas borrowed from affine type systems. We provide a type soundness proof with respect to an operational semantics of a Java core language.
Pp. 169-183
doi: 10.1007/11601524_12
Type-Based Optimization for Regular Patterns
Michael Y. Levin; Benjamin C. Pierce
Pattern matching mechanisms based on regular expressions feature in a number of recent languages for processing XML. The flexibility of these mechanisms demands novel approaches to the familiar problems of pattern-match compilation—how to minimize the number of tests performed during pattern matching while keeping the size of the output code small. We describe semantic compilation methods in which we use the schema of the value flowing into a pattern matching expression to generate efficient target code. We start by discussing a pragmatic algorithm used currently in the compiler of Xtatic and report some preliminary performance results. For a more fundamental analysis, we define an optimality criterion of “no useless tests” and show that it is not satisfied by Xtatic ’s algorithm. We constructively demonstrate that the problem of generating optimal pattern matching code is decidable for finite (non-recursive) patterns.
Palabras clave: Pattern Match; Target Program; Target Language; Regular Pattern; Tree Automaton.
Pp. 184-198
doi: 10.1007/11601524_13
Efficient Memory Representation of XML Documents
Giorgio Busatto; Markus Lohrey; Sebastian Maneth
Implementations that load XML documents and give access to them via, e.g., the DOM, suffer from huge memory demands: the space needed to load an XML document is usually many times larger than the size of the document. A considerable amount of memory is needed to store the tree structure of the XML document. Here a technique is presented that allows to represent the tree structure of an XML document in an efficient way. The representation exploits the high regularity in XML documents by “compressing” their tree structure; the latter means to detect and remove repetitions of tree patterns. The functionality of basic tree operations, like traversal along edges, is preserved in the compressed representation. This allows to directly execute queries (and in particular, bulk operations) without prior decompression. For certain tasks like validation against an XML type or checking equality of documents, the representation allows for provably more efficient algorithms than those running on conventional representations.
Palabras clave: Binary Tree; Memory Representation; Tree Automaton; Path Query; Tree Transducer.
Pp. 199-216
doi: 10.1007/11601524_14
N-Ary Queries by Tree Automata
Joachim Niehren; Laurent Planque; Jean-Marc Talbot; Sophie Tison
We investigate n -ary node selection queries in trees by successful runs of tree automata. We show that run-based n -ary queries capture MSO, contribute algorithms for enumerating answers of n -ary queries, and study the complexity of the problem. We investigate the subclass of run-based n -ary queries by unambiguous tree automata.
Palabras clave: XML; databases; information extraction; logic; automata; types; pattern.
Pp. 217-231
doi: 10.1007/11601524_15
Minimizing Tree Automata for Unranked Trees
Wim Martens; Joachim Niehren
Automata for unranked trees form a foundation for XML schemas, querying and pattern languages. We study the problem of efficiently minimizing such automata. We start with the unranked tree automata (UTAs) that are standard in database theory, assuming bottom-up determinism and that horizontal recursion is represented by deterministic finite automata. We show that minimal UTAs in that class are not unique and that minimization is np -hard. We then study more recent automata classes that do allow for polynomial time minimization. Among those, we show that bottom-up deterministic stepwise tree automata yield the most succinct representations.
Palabras clave: Binary Tree; Regular Language; Tree Automaton; Tree Language; Pattern Language.
Pp. 232-246
doi: 10.1007/11601524_16
Dependency-Preserving Normalization of Relational and XML Data
Solmaz Kolahi
Having a database design that avoids redundant information and update anomalies is the main goal of normalization techniques. Ideally, data as well as constraints should be preserved. However, this is not always achievable: while BCNF eliminates all redundancies, it may not preserve constraints, and 3NF, which achieves dependency preservation, may not always eliminate all redundancies. Our first goal is to investigate how much redundancy 3NF tolerates in order to achieve dependency preservation. We apply an information-theoretic measure and show that only prime attributes admit redundant information in 3NF, but their information content may be arbitrarily low. Then we study the possibility of achieving both redundancy elimination and dependency preservation by a hierarchical representation of relational data in XML. We provide a characterization of cases when an XML normal form called XNF guarantees both. Finally, we deal with dependency preservation in XML and show that like in the relational case, normalizing XML documents to achieve non-redundant data can result in losing constraints. By modifying the definition of XNF, we define another normal form for XML documents, X3NF, that generalizes 3NF for the case of XML and achieves dependency preservation.
Palabras clave: Normal Form; Redundant Information; Integrity Constraint; Relational Schema; Prime Attribute.
Pp. 247-261
doi: 10.1007/11601524_17
Complexity and Approximation of Fixing Numerical Attributes in Databases Under Integrity Constraints
Leopoldo Bertossi; Loreto Bravo; Enrico Franconi; Andrei Lopatenko
Consistent query answering is the problem of computing the answers from a database that are consistent with respect to certain integrity constraints that the database as a whole may fail to satisfy. Those answers are characterized as those that are invariant under minimal forms of restoring the consistency of the database. In this context, we study the problem of repairing databases by fixing integer numerical values at the attribute level with respect to denial and aggregation constraints. We introduce a quantitative definition of database fix, and investigate the complexity of several decision and optimization problems, including DFP , i.e. the existence of fixes within a given distance from the original instance, and CQA , i.e. deciding consistency of answers to aggregate conjunctive queries under different semantics. We provide sharp complexity bounds, identify relevant tractable cases; and introduce approximation algorithms for some of those that are intractable. More specifically, we obtain results like undecidability of existence of fixes for aggregation constraints; MAXSNP -hardness of DFP , but a good approximation algorithm for a relevant special case; and intractability but good approximation for CQA for aggregate queries for one database atom denials (plus built-ins).
Palabras clave: Integrity Constraint; Local Denial; Conjunctive Query; Database Instance; Aggregation Constraint.
Pp. 262-278
doi: 10.1007/11601524_18
Consistent Query Answers on Numerical Databases Under Aggregate Constraints
Sergio Flesca; Filippo Furfaro; Francesco Parisi
The problem of extracting consistent information from relational databases violating integrity constraints on numerical data is addressed. In particular, aggregate constraints defined as linear inequalities on aggregate-sum queries on input data are considered. The notion of repair as consistent set of updates at attribute-value level is exploited, and the characterization of several data-complexity issues related to repairing data and computing consistent query answers is provided.
Palabras clave: Integrity Constraint; Database Scheme; Truth Assignment; Cash Balance; Minimal Repair.
Pp. 279-294