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Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water Environment: Inversion Methods and Experiments

Andrea Caiti ; N. Ross Chapman ; Jean-Pierre Hermand ; Sérgio M. Jesus (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Acoustic scattering from submerged and buried objects

Ilkka Karasalo; Patrik Skogqvist

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 137-153

High-frequency bistatic scattering experiments using proud and buried targets

Philippe Blondel; Peter F. Dobbins; Nic Jayasundere; Mario Cosci

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 155-170

A sediment probe for the rapid assessment of seabed characteristics

John Osler; Arnold Furlong; Harold Christian

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 171-181

Continuous acoustic monitoring of physiological and environmental processes in seagrass prairies with focus on photosynthesis

Jean - Pierre Hermand

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 183-196

Shallow water tomography in a highly variable scenario

Cristiano Soares; Sergio M. Jesus; Emanuel Coelho

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 197-211

Inversions of reflection loss measurements of a smooth water/sand interface

Marcia J. Isakson; Tracianne Neilsen; Andrew Worley

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 213-231

Estimation of transmission loss and its uncertainty

Peter Gerstoft; Chen-Fen Huang; William Hodgkiss

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 233-240

A forward model for geoacoustic inversion based on ray tracing and plane-wave reflection coefficients

Jens M. Hovem; Hefeng Dong; Xiukun Li

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 241-255

Inversion of the propeller harmonics from a light aircraft for the geoacoustic properties of marine sediments

Michael J. Buckingham; Eric M. Giddens; Fernardo Simonet

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 257-263

Inversion of shallow water ambient noise data by means of differential evolution as a global search method

Dick G. Simons; Camiel van Moll; Chris H. Harrison

We describe numerical simulations of spiral waves dynamics in the computational model of human atrial tissue with the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel local kinetics. The spiral wave was initiated by cross-field stimulation protocol, with and without preliminary “fatigue” by rapid stimulation of the model tissue for a long time. In all cases the spiral wave has finite lifetime and self-terminates. However the mechanism of self-termination appears to depend on the initiation procedure. Spiral waves in the “fresh” tissue typically terminate after a few rotations via dissipation of the excitation front along the whole of its length. The dynamics of spiral waves in “tired” tissue is characterized by breakups and hypermeander, which also typically leads to self-termination but only after a much longer interval of time. Some features of the observed behaviour can not be explained using existing simplified theories of dynamic instabilities and alternanses.

Pp. 265-279