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Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 10th International Workshop, JSSPP 2004, New York, NY, USA, June 13, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Dror G. Feitelson ; Larry Rudolph ; Uwe Schwiegelshohn (eds.)
En conferencia: 10º Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP) . New York, NY, USA . June 13, 2004 - June 13, 2004
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Computer System Implementation; Operating Systems; Programming Techniques; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Processor Architectures; Logic Design
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No detectada | 2005 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
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Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1007/11407522_11
A Dynamic Co-allocation Service in Multicluster Systems
Jove M. P. Sinaga; Hashim H. Mohamed; Dick H. J. Epema
In multicluster systems, and more generally in grids, jobs may require , i.e., the simultaneous allocation of resources such as processors in multiple clusters to improve their performance. In previous work, we have studied processor co-allocation through simulations. Here, we extend this work with the design and implementation of a dynamic processor co-allocation service in multicluster systems. While an implementation of basic co-allocation mechanisms has existed for some years in the form of the DUROC component of the Globus Toolkit, DUROC does not provide resource-brokering functionality or fault tolerance in the face of job submission or completion failures. Our design adds these two elements in the form of a software layer on top of DUROC. We have performed experiments that show that our co-allocation service works reliably.
Pp. 194-209
doi: 10.1007/11407522_12
Exploiting Replication and Data Reuse to Efficiently Schedule Data-Intensive Applications on Grids
Elizeu Santos-Neto; Walfredo Cirne; Francisco Brasileiro; Aliandro Lima
Data-intensive applications executing over a computational grid demand large data transfers. These are costly operations. Therefore, taking them into account is mandatory to achieve efficient scheduling of data-intensive applications on grids. Further, within a heterogeneous and ever changing environment such as a grid, better schedules are typically attained by heuristics that use dynamic information about the grid and the applications. However, this information is often difficult to be accurately obtained. On the other hand, although there are schedulers that attain good performance without requiring dynamic information, they were not designed to take data transfer into account. This paper presents , a novel scheduling heuristic for data-intensive applications running on grid environments. Storage Affinity exploits a data reuse pattern, common on many data-intensive applications, that allows it to take data transfer delays into account and reduce the makespan of the application. Further, it uses a replication strategy that yields efficient schedules without relying upon dynamic information that is difficult to obtain. Our results show that Storage Affinity may attain better performance than the state-of-the-art knowledge-dependent schedulers. This is achieved at the expense of consuming more CPU cycles and network bandwidth.
Pp. 210-232
doi: 10.1007/11407522_13
Performance Implications of Failures in Large-Scale Cluster Scheduling
Yanyong Zhang; Mark S. Squillante; Anand Sivasubramaniam; Ramendra K. Sahoo
As we continue to evolve into large-scale parallel systems, many of them employing hundreds of computing engines to take on mission-critical roles, it is crucial to design those systems anticipating and accommodating the occurrence of failures. Failures become a commonplace feature of such large-scale systems, and one cannot continue to treat them as an exception. Despite the current and increasing importance of failures in these systems, our understanding of the performance impact of these critical issues on parallel computing environments is extremely limited. In this paper we develop a general failure modeling framework based on recent results from large-scale clusters and then we exploit this framework to conduct a detailed performance analysis of the impact of failures on system performance for a wide range of scheduling policies. Our results demonstrate that such failures can have a significant impact on the mean job response time and mean job slowdown under existing scheduling policies that ignore failures. We therefore investigate different scheduling mechanisms and policies to address these performance issues. Our results show that periodic checkpointing of jobs seems to do little to ease this problem. On the other hand, we demonstrate that information about the spatial and temporal correlation of failure occurrences can be very useful in designing a scheduling (job allocation) strategy to enhance system performance, with the former providing the greatest benefits.
Pp. 233-252
doi: 10.1007/11407522_14
Are User Runtime Estimates Inherently Inaccurate?
Cynthia Bailey Lee; Yael Schwartzman; Jennifer Hardy; Allan Snavely
Computer system batch schedulers typically require information from the user upon job submission, including a runtime estimate. Inaccuracy of these runtime estimates, relative to the actual runtime of the job, has been well documented and is a perennial problem mentioned in the job scheduling literature. Typically users provide these estimates under circumstances where their job will be killed after the provided amount of time elapses. Also, users may be unaware of the potential benefits of providing accurate estimates, such as increased likelihood of backfilling. This study examines user behavior when the threat of job killing is removed, and when a tangible reward for accuracy is provided. We show that under these conditions, about half of users provide an improved estimate, but there is not a substantial improvement in the overall average accuracy.
Pp. 253-263
doi: 10.1007/11407522_15
Improving Speedup and Response Times by Replicating Parallel Programs on a SNOW
Gaurav D. Ghare; Scott T. Leutenegger
Idle computation cycles of a shared network of workstations are increasingly being used to run batch parallel programs. For one common paradigm, the batch program task running on an idle workstation is preempted when the owner reclaims the workstation. This owner interference has a considerable impact on the execution time of a batch program, especially in the case of large parallel programs. Replication of batch program tasks has been used to reduce the impact of owner interference. We show analytically that replication can significantly improve parallel program speedup. Perhaps surprisingly, replication can also improve efficiency for certain workloads. We present analysis to quantify the amount of speedup and efficiency improvement. Furthermore, we provide analysis to help determine whether extra available workstations should be used for increasing job parallelism or for task replication.
Pp. 264-287
doi: 10.1007/11407522_16
LOMARC — Lookahead Matchmaking for Multi-resource Coscheduling
Angela C. Sodan; Lei Lan
Job scheduling typically focuses on the CPU with little work existing to include I/O or memory. Time-shared execution provides the chance to hide I/O and long-communication latencies though potentially creating a memory conflict. We consider two different cases: standard local CPU scheduling and coscheduling on hyperthreaded CPUs. The latter supports coscheduling without any context switches and provides additional options for CPU-internal resource sharing. We present an approach that includes all possible resources into the schedule optimization and improves utilization by coscheduling two jobs if feasible. Our LOMARC approach partially reorders the queue by lookahead to increase the potential to find good matches. In simulations based on the workload model of [12], we have obtained improvements of about 50% in both response times and relative bounded response times on hyperthreaded CPUs (i.e. cut times by half) and of about 25% on standard CPUs for our LOMARC scheduling approach.
Pp. 288-315