Catálogo de publicaciones - libros

Endocarditis: Diagnosis and Management

Kwan-Leung Chan ; John M. Embil (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer London 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Prosthetic Valve and Other Cardiovascular Device-Related Endocarditis

Wendy Sligl; Karen Doucette

We compare market returns associated with firms’ creation of new units focused on e-business. Two aspects of organization design - governance and leadership - are considered with regard to exploitation- and exploration-oriented organization learning. We find that exploitation in governance (high centralization) is associated with a lower mean and variance in returns; that exploitation in leadership (appointment of outsiders) is associated with the same mean yet higher variance; and, among units exhibiting both modes of learning, the variance of returns are equal.

Section 3 - Clinical Dilemmas | Pp. 201-213

Pediatric Infective Endocarditis and Congenital Heart Disease

Sarah Forgie

We compare market returns associated with firms’ creation of new units focused on e-business. Two aspects of organization design - governance and leadership - are considered with regard to exploitation- and exploration-oriented organization learning. We find that exploitation in governance (high centralization) is associated with a lower mean and variance in returns; that exploitation in leadership (appointment of outsiders) is associated with the same mean yet higher variance; and, among units exhibiting both modes of learning, the variance of returns are equal.

Section 3 - Clinical Dilemmas | Pp. 215-228

Systemic Embolism in Endocarditis: Incidence, Risk Factors, Clinical Significance, and Treatment Strategies

Omid Salehian; Kwan-Leung Chan

We compare market returns associated with firms’ creation of new units focused on e-business. Two aspects of organization design - governance and leadership - are considered with regard to exploitation- and exploration-oriented organization learning. We find that exploitation in governance (high centralization) is associated with a lower mean and variance in returns; that exploitation in leadership (appointment of outsiders) is associated with the same mean yet higher variance; and, among units exhibiting both modes of learning, the variance of returns are equal.

Section 3 - Clinical Dilemmas | Pp. 229-240

Neurological Complications of Endocarditis: Pathophysiologic Mechanisms and Management Issues

Christopher R. Skinner

We compare market returns associated with firms’ creation of new units focused on e-business. Two aspects of organization design - governance and leadership - are considered with regard to exploitation- and exploration-oriented organization learning. We find that exploitation in governance (high centralization) is associated with a lower mean and variance in returns; that exploitation in leadership (appointment of outsiders) is associated with the same mean yet higher variance; and, among units exhibiting both modes of learning, the variance of returns are equal.

Section 3 - Clinical Dilemmas | Pp. 241-251