Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Chinese Physics Letters
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Chinese Physics Letters, published by the Chinese Physical Society, is charged with providing rapid publication of short reports and important research in all fields of physics. The journal provides its diverse readership with coverage of major advances in all aspects of physics, including the newest and most important achievements of physicists in China as well as other parts of the world.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
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No detectada | desde ago. 1984 / hasta dic. 2023 | IOPScience |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
País de edición
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Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
The Strategic Form of Quantum Prisoners' Dilemma
Ahmad Nawaz
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 050302
Sudden Transition in Quantum Discord Dynamics: Role of Three-Site Interaction
Li-Jun Tian; Cai-Yun Zhang; Li-Guo Qin
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 050303
Preparation of N -Qubit GHZ State with a Hybrid Quantum System Based on Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers
Yu-Jing Zhao; Xi-Ming Fang; Fang Zhou; Ke-Hui Song
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 050304
Local Property of Recurrence Network for Investigating Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Characteristics
Xin-Wang Zhang; Ning-De Jin; Zhong-Ke Gao; Lu-Sheng Zhai
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 050501
Relations between Mass Change and Frequency Shift of a QCM Sensor in Contact with Viscoelastic Medium
Feng Tan; Xian-He Huang
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 050701
The Quark Number Susceptibility of QCD at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential
Hui-Xia Zhu; Wei-Min Sun; Hong-Shi Zong
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 051201
Jet Energy Shift due to Non-Perturbative QCD Effects in p+p Collisions Studied with PYTHIA
Han-Lin Li; Ben-Wei Zhang; En-Ke Wang
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 051301
Spin-Flip Response Function of Finite Nuclei in a Fully Self-Consistent RPA Approach
Pei-Wei Wen; Li-Gang Cao
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 052101
Bound 0 + Excited States of Three-Body Systems with Short-Range Two-Body Interactions
Qi-Hu Lin; Zhong-Zhou Ren
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 052102
The Nuclear Incompressibility and Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonance in Relativistic Continuum Random Phase Approximation
Ding Yang; Li-Gang Cao; Zhong-Yu Ma
Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.
Pp. 052103