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Ecological Risks Associated with the Destruction of Chemical Weapons

Vladimir M. Kolodkin ; Wolfgang Ruck (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Tacis Project “The Development of an Environmental and Health Monitoring System Related to the Demilitarization of the Chemical Weapons Facility at the Detached Plant Nr. 4 of OAO Khimprom, Novocheboksarsk” and Possible Implications for Future Russian Dem

Thomas Stock

The Tacis Chemical Weapons III is focused upon support of the development of an environment and health monitoring system related to the demilitarization activities at the former Chemical Weapons Production Facility, the detached plant no. 4 at JSC Khimprom, Novocheboksarsk, Russia. The project aims, beside the delivery of equipment for improving the existing monitoring capabilities, at supporting institutional building and co-operation between Russian agencies, organizations and institutions involved in monitoring activities.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 205-210

Toxicological and Public Health Aspects of Two-Stage Technology of Chemical Warfare Agents Destruction in Russia

Andrey Radilov

The complexity of multi-component mixtures of unknown composition and biological activity that are formed during destruction of chemical weapons poses the problem of their thorough toxicological and public health study. The general procedure scheme of toxicological and health investigations of a complex chemical factor of unknown composition and toxicity vector is suggested, which includes several main blocks: information, sample preparation, analytical, toxico-sanitary, biological, chemical markers, biological markers, and evaluation.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 211-215

Chemical and Biological-Ecological Aspects of Risk Assessment for Lewisite Destruction

Leonid Ionov; Nikolay Zubtsovsky; Lyudmila Makarova; Sergey Reshetnikov

This work gives details on the composition of technical Lewisite and contains recommendations on decontamination of local areas for the case of their contamination with products of Lewisite transformation. There is considered the role of biological monitoring and biological-monitoring investigations in the system of complex environmental monitoring.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 217-221

Risk Mapping and Risk Assessment for Suspected Chemical Weapons Burial Sites on the Former Military Training Area Döberitzer Heide (Germany)

Kay Winkelmann; Wolfgang Spyra; Christine Garbotz

The Döberitzer Heide is a former military training area in Brandenburg (Germany) that was used for military training and exercises, military research, testing and development for almost 250 years between 1750 and 1994. The former military training area Döberitzer Heide, situated approximately five kilometres west of Berlin, and other facilities in Germany were used during the development and testing of chemical warfare agents and chemical warfare ammunitions during World War I. Remains of these experiments and tests of warfare agents and ammunitions are still found here today as are burials of disposed chemical warfare agents and chemical warfare ammunitions. On behalf of the Ammunition Clearance Service of the Federal State of Brandenburg, the Havelland District Authority and the site owner, an investigation for suspicious sites for burials of chemical warfare agents and ammunitions is carried out. The approach includes comprehensive historical investigations in national and international archives, the interpretation of historic maps and aerial photographs and remote sensing methods. A geographic information system (GIS) is used for the interpretation of the acquired information. The investigation approach is described in this article.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 223-229

About Evaluation Practice of Emergency Environmental Risks of Chemically Dangerous Facilities

Gennadiy Arbusov; Boris Laskin

Evaluation of operational risk of dangerous industrial facilities in Russia is made on the basis of standard and scientific studies in the field of environmental and industrial safety. Using this basis in the report, some problems are examined, which are stressed by the ecological appraisal of planned or operational chemically dangerous facilities (abbreviated CDF), and also by practical declaration of industrial CDF safety.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 231-240

Risk Assessment and Safety Management at Chemical Facilities with the Use of New Information Technologies

Alexander Egorov; Tatiana Savitskaya

This work proposes to use a qualitatively new type of automated system on the basis of up-to-date information technologies to enhance the safety of chemical facilities: integrated computer-aided control systems (ICACS) combining into one structure information-modeling and control systems, program complexes. To ensure the environmental safety of chemical facilities, the creation of ICACS to test and control the quality of the free air over the territories in the immediate proximity to chemical facilities is proposed. To enhance the industrial safety of chemical facilities, an integrated computer-aided system of risk assessment and safety control has been developped. To exercise the analysis and risk assessment of various chemically dangerous facilities, logical-graphic and probabilistic models of risk assessment are proposed.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 241-246

On the Analysis of Environmental Risks Associated with the Possible Leakage of Chemical Warfare Agents During Transportation and Disposal of Munitions

Leonid Vasilyev

The work shows that environmental risks associated with various mechanisms of leakage of chemical warfare agents (CWA) into the environment at small temperature variations are probable in the conditions of storage, transportation and destruction of the CWA-filled munitions. A considerable degree of integrity loss in munitions becomes possible during heating to several tens of degrees higher than the storing temperature due to the plastic deformation of the casing. Heating to higher temperatures leads to a complete loss of integrity by means of the destruction of the shell parts. Relevant computation formulas for the quantitative assessment of the consequences of the thermal effect are given in the present contribution.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 247-252

Ecological Risks and Ecological Insurance in Russia (in Connection with the Problem of Chemical Weapons Destruction)

Vladimir G. Gorsky

This work considers issues of environmental risk and insurance in Russia.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 253-260

Insurance of Risk of Environmental Contamination During Destruction of Chemical Weapons

Gennadiy Motkin

This work considers various approaches to insurance of environmental risks.

3 - Session II: Monitoring | Pp. 261-266

About Some Risk Assessment Problems Associated with Hazardous Facilities Exploitation

Anatoliy Michailov; Stanislav Petrin; Lada Petrina1

The desire to ensure an acceptable risk level in handling toxic substances leads to the necessity of developing safety criteria for the case of an accident while working with such substances. The solution of this task on the basis of the acceptable risk conception is connected with the need of a series of solutions to problems, which are summarized in the report.

4 - Session III: Prevention | Pp. 269-278