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Mobile Phone Programming and its Application to Wireless Networks: and its Application to Wireless Networking

Frank H. P. Fitzek ; Frank Reichert (eds.)

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Introduction to Mobile Phone Programming

Frank H. P. Fitzek; Frank Reichert

Mobile phones got their name from their very first application, allowing people to make phone calls while being mobile. The communication architecture was dominated by communicating with the mobile phones. Base stations were needed to enter the existing telephone networks and thereby allowing to communicate with fixed line communication partners. Furthermore, the base stations and the connected backbone allowed to communicate with other mobile users in different cells. In the beginning, referred to as (1G) of mobile networks, there was no need for additional functionality, besides voice services, on top of the mobile phones. With the (2G) , changing from analog mobile systems to digital ones, enhanced services were introduced such as the short message service (SMS) and data connections to the Internet. But another important change took place: the split of and such that we have four major players in the mobile world as given in Figure 1.1. Before that, the network provider had the monopoly to decide which services (in this case it was only the voice service) are available on the phones. Most of the European network providers were still fighting their monopoly, while in Japan DoCoMo launched their service. The idea was to maintain a platform where third-party service providers could offer their services to the mobile phone customers using the DoCoMo network. The business case was based on a fixed-ratio split between the service and the network provider. In contrast to the WAP services in Europe, which was a big financial disaster, the i-mode took off and was very successful. From that time on the mobile market has been divided into four different players, namely the customer as the main target of the business, the network providers enabling to convey bits toward the customer, the service provider, and the mobile phone manufacturer. These four entities

Part I - Introduction | Pp. 3-20

Python for Symbian Phones

Jürgen Scheible

This chapter introduces that brings the power and productivity of the programming language to the Symbian mobile platformin particular to Nokia’s S60 platform. provides a scripting solution making use of Symbian C++ APIs. With its great capabilities and flexibility to rapidly prototype creative ideas and to make proof of concepts, it makes programming on the S60 platform fun. is easy to learn and allows novice as well as experienced programmers, artists, and people from the web developer communities to quickly make scripting or standalone applications on S60 with completely free and open tools. Python is a dynamic object-oriented open source computer programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum. It can be used for many kinds of software development. runs on most common platforms, e.g., Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and through it runs on Symbian OS. has many Python Standard Library modules built-in but includes a number of additional mobile device specific modules, e.g., for SMS, telephone features, camera, and system info. Though Python’s optional object-oriented programming (OOP) can be used in making applications, it is left out here for didactical reasons in order to keep the structure of the code examples simple and easy to understand.

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 23-61

Java 2 Micro Edition

Gian Paolo Perrucci; Andreas Häber

Java technology is an object-oriented programming environment created by Sun Microsystems. The main goal was to offer an environment to develop platform-independent applications following the slogan . Today Java is one of the most popular software developing environment. It offers the opportunity to create enterprise applications for server and desktop computers as well as applications for small and mobile devices. To get familiar with J2ME technology for mobile application development, let us start with exploring the overall Java family first. As shown in Figure 3.1, Java has been split up in 4 distinct editions 3:

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 63-93


Morten V. Pedersen; Frank H. P. Fitzek

The purpose of this chapter is to give the reader an overview of Symbian OS application development. These .rst sections will serve as an entry-point for new developers by giving an introduction to the development environment, tools, and Symbian C++ programming language. The final sections will go through a number of the networking capabilities supported by Symbian OS, accompanied by code examples. Several researchers claim that Symbian C++ is difficult to learn, and the particular steep learning curve is typically a showstopper for many new developers, students, and other adopters. Often making it less suitable than, e.g., Java or Python for quick prototyping. However, this downside can in many cases be balanced by the fact that we through Symbian C++ obtain the full access to the devices capabilities and the speed advantage of native complied applications. Additionally Symbian OS has the advantage of a huge penetration of the smart phone market (55% in Q2 2006). Such a big penetration means that no serious mobile developer can disregard the Symbian platform. Throughout the years a number of different Symbian OS versions have been released and adopted by phone manufactures. In the following sections we will strive at being version-independent. However, in some cases where the information or code examples apply to only one particular OS version this will be noted. When writing applications be aware, that Symbian OS v9 introduced a complete binary break from the previous versions. This means that applications written previous to version 9 will need to be recompiled and partly rewritten to be able to run on version 9 phones and vice versa. In addition to the binary break, Symbian introduces an enhanced platform security model, which will not be covered in this chapter. Readers should refer to [2] for extensive information about Symbian OS platform security.

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 95-138

Open C

Eero Penttinen; Antti Saukko

Open C is a solution that enables efficient cross-platform development, makes porting easier, and lowers barriers to start writing native C code to S60 without needing to learn Symbian C++. Open C is a set of standard POSIX and middleware C libraries for the S60 smartphone platform, which is based upon Symbian OS. The same libraries can be found in Linux and other UNIX-based operating systems, enabling cross-platform development and efficient reuse of code written for those operating systems. Open C brings to S60 well-known C libraries, including subsets of POSIX, OpenSSL, zlib, and GLib. In its first release, Open C includes over 70 percent of the functions contained in the full versions of the libraries. Bringing this functionality to S60 provides the following advantages:

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 139-158

Qtopia Greenphone

Thomas Arildsen; Morten L. Jørgensen

Linux-based mobile devices represent a convenient platform for researchers and product developers with an interest in less restrictive access to resources of the mobile device. With an open-source operating system, developers have the potential to access the more intricate details of the mobile device. In this sense open-source software, Linux-based mobile devices facilitate development of novel capabilities.

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 159-174

Maemo Linux

Matti Sillanpää

Summary. In this chapter, a software development environment that enables embedded systems’ software to be compiled, run, and debugged on regular Linux PCs is presented. The aim of this setup is to provide a way to develop software for embedded devices running Linux in an easy and e.cient manner. As an example target environment a system that is currently available is demonstrated, namely the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet and its development platform, maemo. Supporting software around this environment is also presented, to give an idea of how it is possible to perform development tasks via an integrated development environment.

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 175-205

Windows Mobile Programming

Rico Wind; Christian S. Jensen; Kristian Torp

Summary. This chapter presents an overview of current techniques and tools for developing applications using the .Net Compact Framework targeting the Windows Mobile platform. The chapter provides an introduction to the various aspects of application development and points to more detailed sources for further reading.

Part II - Mobile Phone Programming Languages | Pp. 207-235

Service Discovery

Andreas Häber

Summary. Service discovery deals with locating services which can be used to accomplish a task. For example discovering a printer to print documents on, or locating a shop offering the service of hairdressing. When you locate a service you usually obtain an address which you use to invoke the o.ered service. Here in this chapter we will start by looking at an example of service discovery from human life, with a short story of a pizza restaurant which o.ers the service of baking pizzas and see how customers can discover it. Next, we will have a look at how those methods from the pizza-story can be applied in computer networks. Finally, an introduction to UPnP is given as an example of a service discovery system.

Part III - Infrastructure-Based Communication | Pp. 239-255

Digital Ownership for P2P Networks

Michael Stini; Martin Mauve; Frank H. P. Fitzek

Summary. This chapter introduces the digital ownership idea and its need for peer-to-peer networking due to some shortcomings of digital right management. This chapter is the ground work for the SMARTEX application introduced in the following chapter.

Part IV - Peer-to-Peer Communication | Pp. 259-270