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Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems: 9th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2006, Guilin, China, August 7-8, 2006, Proceedings

Zhong-Zhi Shi ; Ramakoti Sadananda (eds.)

En conferencia: 9º Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents (PRIMA) . Guilin, China . August 7, 2006 - August 8, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computer Communication Networks; Software Engineering; Logics and Meanings of Programs

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Multiagent Model for Grid Computing

Qingkui Chen; Lichun Na

For supporting the grid computing in dynamic network environment, a multiagent model is proposed in this paper. A series of formal definitions, such as the architecture of the model, the dynamic network environment (DNE), the manage agent system, the independent computing agents (ICA) which support the traditional computing base on migration, the cooperation computing team (CCT) which supports the data parallel computing , and the relations among them are given. The dynamic learning method and the fuzzy partition technique for logical computer cluster, on which the CCT runs, are studied. The computing process is described. The experiment results show that this model resolves effectively the problems of optimization use of resources in DNE. It can be fit for grid computing.

- Short Papers | Pp. 571-577

Using Two Main Arguments in Agent Negotiation

Jinghua Wu; Guorui Jiang; Tiyun Huang

During agent negotiation, argumentation-based negotiation of agent has been widely studied for it can make agent who received the argument change its goals or preferences accordingly. Being the two main arguments, threat and reward can even make the negotiators reduce their behavior space to find a well compromise quickly in the end, which can make them accomplish their cooperation on the base of getting the most profit of each of them. This paper presents a type of formal models of threat and reward first, and then present a new way of how to calculate the negotiation strengths of them through simulated calculations based on the models to make the negotiators threatened or rewarded make a right choice and accomplish their cooperation well.

- Short Papers | Pp. 578-583

A Frustum-Based Ocean Rendering Algorithm

Ho-Min Lee; Christian Anthony L. Go; Won-Hyung Lee

Real-time water rendering has always posed a challenge to developers. Most algorithms concentrate on rendering small bodies of water such as pools and rivers. In this paper, we proposed a real-time rendering method for large water surfaces, such as oceans. This algorithm harnesses both the PC and GPU’s processing power to deliver improved computing efficiency while, at the same time, realistically and efficiently simulating a large body of water. The frustum-based algorithm accomplishes this by representing a smooth water surface as a height value of the viewer, since surface size can be fluidly calculated given the camera frustum position. This algorithm has numerous potential applications in both the gaming and the movie industry. Experimental results show a marked improvement in computing power and increased realism in large surface areas.

- Short Papers | Pp. 584-589

A Model of Video Coding Based on Multi-agent

Yang Tao; Zhiming Liu; Yuxing Peng

In this paper we first propose a model of video coding based on multi-agent systems to improve the coding efficiency for H.264. We adopt the scheme of MAS in which the frame agent is designed to get information from the encoded frames regarding which reference macroblocks to select and to find the best motion vector by intercommunicating to each other and the whole coding process can be executed in a parallel way. Each frame agent can do himself coding work, and Motion Estimation can be used through the intercommunion between all the limited frame agents. In addition, a variety of Agents constructions and the ways to implementation are also discussed. The analysis study show that our design model is a valid and the proposed model presents us a novel video coding technology compared to other classical methods, which is a kind of technology fusion of signal processing and AI.

- Short Papers | Pp. 590-595

PDC-Agent Enabled Autonomic Computing: A Theory of Autonomous Service Composition

Bei-shui Liao; Li Jin; Ji Gao

In order to release the management burden during the process of dynamic sharing and integration of heterogeneous web applications, this paper proposes a framework of DC-agent nabled utonomic compting (PEAU) system, in which PDC-agent is a novel agent that integrates policy-based management theory and contracts-based cooperation mechanism into traditional BDI agent model. The P, D, and C are the abbreviation of policies, desires and contracts respectively. The PEAU system is designed to realize the properties of autonomic computing, including self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, and self-protection, etc. This paper focuses on the autonomous VO (virtual organization) formation and service composition.

- Short Papers | Pp. 596-601

QoS Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Network with Particle Swarm Optimization

Xi-huang Zhang; Wen-bo Xu

There are many quality of service (QoS) challenges faced during wireless sensor networks (WSN) application. Many QoS metrics, not only data packet delay and bandwidth efficiency, but power consumption should be considered in network design. QoS metric levels are greatly affected by network routing. Since the routing solution space grows exponentially with the size of the network, it is necessary to research efficient combinatorial optimization algorithms for routing. After studying intelligent particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, a new routing algorithms based on PSO is described, which has the potential to address many QoS metrics together and has an outstanding searching ability. The approach is well founded theoretically as well as detailed algorithmically. Simulations and comparisons to some typical QoS routine methods show that particle swarm optimization based routing algorithm is effective.

- Short Papers | Pp. 602-607

A Novel Multi-agent Automated Negotiation Model Based on Associated Intent

Weijin Jiang; Yusheng Xu

With the information explosion speeds up the increasing of com-puting complexity rapidly, the traditional centralized computing patterns are under great pressure to process those large-scale distributed information. However, the agent-based computation and high-level interaction protocols foster the modern computation and distributed information processing successfully. The multi-agent system (MAS) plays an important role in the analysis of the human-interaction theory and model building. This study focuses on the formal description of MAS, the conflict-resolving mechanisms and the negotiation in MAS. The communication between agents has some special requirements. One of them is asynchronous communication. Used communication sequence process (CSP) to descript a model of agents communication with shared buffer channel. The essence of this model is very suitable for the multi-agents communication, so it is a base for our next step job. Based on the communication model, explored the distributed tasks dealing method among joint intention agents and with description of relation between tasks we give a figure of agents’ organization. Agents communicate with each other in this kind of organization. The semantics of agent communication is another emphasis in this paper. With the detailed description of agents’ communication process, given a general agent automated negotiation protocol based on speech act theory in MAS, then we use CSP to verify this protocol has properties of safety and liveness, so prove it is logic right. At last a frame of this protocol’s realization was given.

- Short Papers | Pp. 608-613

Research on Design and Implementation of Adaptive Physics Game Agent for 3D Physics Game

Jonghwa Choi; Dongkyoo Shin; Dongil Shin

In 3D game contents, the physics engine takes charge of the role to increase the reality of game contents. Objects that act by a decided scenario cause a motion problem for the objects as well as for the reality of the obects. To solve these problems, a physics engine was presented. We proposed a design and implementation of the physics game maker based a physics engine. We also showed the architecture and demo simulation of the physics game maker. This paper explains the basic data structures that compose the physics game maker. We explained the main component that is working in the physics game maker, and showed demo simulation through car simulation. The current physics game maker only processes a rigid body, and supports one world.

- Short Papers | Pp. 614-619

An Improved TTS Model and Algorithm for Web Voice Browser

Rikun Liao; Yuefeng Ji; Hui Li

The paper describes a Web voice browser based on improved text-to-speech algorithm and architecture, which making Internet content available by voice. A visual and audible web browser was discussed in terms of HTML files to be tuned with TTS and speech recognition processes. The voice evaluation results show that the system has better voice quality and data identifiability than other voice browsers.

- Short Papers | Pp. 620-625

Network-Based Face Recognition System Using Multiple Images

Jong-Min Kim; Hwan-Seok Yang; Woong-Ki Lee

The purpose of this study was to propose the real time face recognition system using multiple image sequences for network users. The algorithm used in this study aimed to optimize the overall time required for recognition process by reducing transmission delay and image processing by image compression and minification. At the same time, this study proposed a method that can improve recognition performance of the system   by exploring the correlation between image compression and size and recognition capability of the face recognition system. The performance of the system and algorithm proposed in this study were evaluated through testing.

- Short Papers | Pp. 626-631