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Recent Advances in Constraints: 11th Annual ERCIM International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Contraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2006, Caparica, Portugal, June 26-28, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Francisco Azevedo ; Pedro Barahona ; François Fages ; Francesca Rossi (eds.)
En conferencia: 11º International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming (CSCLP) . Caparica, Portugal . June 26, 2006 - June 28, 2006
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No detectada | 2007 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Tabla de contenidos
Hybrid Algorithms in Constraint Programming
Mark Wallace
This paper surveys hybrid algorithms from a constraint programming perspective. It introduces techniques used within a constructive search framework, such as propagation and linear relaxation, as well as techniques used in combination with search by repair.
- Tutorial | Pp. 1-32
An Attempt to Dynamically Break Symmetries in the Social Golfers Problem
Francisco Azevedo
A number of different satisfaction and optimisation combinatorial problems have recently been approached with constraint programming over the domain of finite sets, for increased declarativity and efficiency. Such problems where one tries to find sets of values that satisfy some conditions, often present much symmetry on variables and values. In particular, the social golfers problem encompasses many possible symmetries. Allowing symmetric solutions increases search space unnecessarily, thus multiplying solution time. Therefore, ordering constraints have been proposed and incorporated in set solvers. However, such constraints are imposed statically in the global problem model and are unable to detect symmetries that still occur in sub-problems after a partial labelling. In this paper we discuss how to overcome this and present an approach that sequentially labels variables avoiding such symmetries by dynamically disallowing the assignment of other values from the same equivalence class in the golfers problem. Experimental results show that this approach outperforms previous ones, recently achieved by the constraint programming community, namely over sets. Unfortunately, the current method is incomplete and may loose solutions. Nevertheless, results are correct and show that similar techniques can be used efficiently to obtain faster solutions.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 33-47
A Constraint Model for State Transitions in Disjunctive Resources
Roman Barták; Ondřej Čepek
Traditional resources in scheduling are simple machines where the limited capacity is the main restriction. However, in practice there frequently appear resources with more complex behaviour that is described using state transition diagrams. This paper presents new filtering rules for constraints modelling the state transition diagrams. These rules are based on the idea of extending traditional precedence graphs by direct precedence relations. The proposed model also assumes optional activities and it can be used as an open model accepting new activities during the solving process.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 48-62
Reusing CSP Propagators for QCSPs
Marco Benedetti; Arnaud Lallouet; Jérémie Vautard
Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems are considerably more difficult to solve than classical CSP and the pruning obtained by local consistency is of crucial importance. In this paper, instead of designing specific consistency operators for constraints w.r.t each possible quantification pattern, we propose to build them by relying on classical existential propagators and a few analysis of some mathematical properties of the constraints. It allows to reuse a large set of constraints already carefully implemented in existing solvers. Moreover, multiple levels of consistency for quantified constraint can be defined by choosing which analysis to use. This can be used to control the complexity of the pruning effort. We also introduce QeCode, a full-featured publicly available quantified constraint solver, built on top of Gecode.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 63-77
Bipolar Preference Problems: Framework, Properties and Solving Techniques
Stefano Bistarelli; Maria Silvia Pini; Francesca Rossi; K. Brent Venable
Real-life problems present several kinds of preferences. We focus on problems with both positive and negative preferences, that we call . Although seemingly specular notions, these two kinds of preferences should be dealt with differently to obtain the desired natural behaviour. We technically address this by generalizing the soft constraint formalism, which is able to model problems with one kind of preferences. We show that soft constraints model only negative preferences, and we define a new mathematical structure which allows to handle positive preferences as well. We also address the issue of the compensation between positive and negative preferences, studying the properties of this operation. Finally, we extend the notion of arc consistency to bipolar problems, and we show how branch and bound (with or without constraint propagation) can be easily adapted to solve such problems.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 78-92
Distributed Forward Checking May Lie for Privacy
Ismel Brito; Pedro Meseguer
is an -like algorithm that, instead of sending the value taken by the high priority agent, it sends the domain of the low priority agent that is compatible with that value. With this strategy, plus the use of sequence numbers, some privacy level is achieved. In particular, each agent knows its value in the solution, but ignores the values of the others. However, the idea of sending the whole compatible domain each time an agent changes its value may cause a privacy loss on shared constraints that was initially overlooked. To solve this issue, we propose , an algorithm that works like but it may lie about the compatible domains of other agents. It requires a single extra condition: if an agent sends a lie, it has to tell the truth in finite time afterwards. We prove that the algorithm is sound, complete and terminates. We provide experimental results on the increment in privacy achieved, at the extra cost of more search.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 93-107
Solving First-Order Constraints in the Theory of the Evaluated Trees
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao; Khalil Djelloul
We present in this paper a first-order extension of the solver of Prolog III, by giving not only a decision procedure, but a full first-order constraint solver in the theory of the evaluated trees, which is a combination of the theory of finite or infinite trees and the theory of the rational numbers with addition, subtraction and a linear dense order relation. The solver is given in the form of 28 rewriting rules which transform any first-order formula into an equivalent disjunction of simple formulas in which the solutions of the free variables are expressed in a clear and explicit way. The correctness of our algorithm implies the completeness of a first-order theory built on the model of Prolog III.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 108-123
Extracting Microstructure in Binary Constraint Networks
Chavalit Likitvivatanavong; Roland H. C. Yap
We present algorithms that perform the extraction of partial assignments from binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems without introducing new constraints. They are based on a new perspective on domain values: we view a value not as a single, indivisible unit, but as a combination of value fragments. Applications include removing nogoods while maintaining constraint arity, learning nogoods in the constraint network, enforcing on neighborhood inverse consistency and removal of unsolvable sub-problems from the constraint network.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 124-138
Complexity of a CHR Solver for Existentially Quantified Conjunctions of Equations over Trees
Marc Meister; Khalil Djelloul; Thom Frühwirth
Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) is a concurrent, committed-choice, rule-based language. One of the first CHR programs is the classic constraint solver for syntactic equality of rational trees that performs unification. We first prove its exponential complexity in time and space for non-flat equations and deduce from this proof a quadratic complexity for flat equations. We then present an extended CHR solver for solving existentially quantified conjunctions of non-flat equations in the theory of finite or infinite trees. We reach a quadratic complexity by first flattening the equations and introducing new existentially quantified variables, then using the classic solver, and finally eliminating particular equations and quantified variables.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 139-153
Efficient Recognition of Acyclic Clustered Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Igor Razgon; Barry O’Sullivan
In this paper we present a novel approach to solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems whose constraint graphs are highly clustered and the graph of clusters is close to being acyclic. Such graphs are encountered in many real world application domains such as configuration, diagnosis, model-based reasoning and scheduling. We present a class of variable ordering heuristics that exploit the clustered structure of the constraint network to inform search. We show how these heuristics can be used in conjunction with nogood learning to develop efficient solvers that can exploit propagation based on either forward checking or maintaining arc-consistency algorithms. Experimental results show that maintaining arc-consistency alone is not competitive with our approach, even if nogood learning and a well known variable ordering are incorporated. It is only by using our cluster-based heuristics can large problems be solved efficiently. The poor performance of maintaining arc-consistency is somewhat surprising, but quite easy to explain.
- Technical Papers | Pp. 154-168