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Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation: 5th International Workshop, SAMOS 2005, Samos, Greece, July 18-20, Proceedings
Timo D. Hämäläinen ; Andy D. Pimentel ; Jarmo Takala ; Stamatis Vassiliadis (eds.)
En conferencia: 5º International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS) . Samos, Greece . July 18, 2005 - July 20, 2005
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Theory of Computation; Computer Hardware; Processor Architectures; Computer Communication Networks; System Performance and Evaluation; Computer System Implementation
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No detectada | 2005 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1007/11512622_41
High Abstraction Level Design and Implementation Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks
Mauri Kuorilehto; Mikko Kohvakka; Marko Hännikäinen; Timo D. Hämäläinen
The diversity of applications, scarce resources, and large scale set demanding requirements for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). All requirements cannot be fulfilled by a general purpose WSN, but a development of application specific WSNs is needed. We present a novel WIreless SEnsor NEtwork Simulator (WISENES) framework for rapid design, simulation, evaluation, and implementation of both single nodes and large WSNs. New WSN design starts from high level Specification and Description Language (SDL) model, which is simulated and implemented on a prototype through code generation. One of the novel features is the back-annotation of measured values from physical prototypes to SDL model. The scalability and performance of WISENES have been evaluated with TUTWSN that is a very energy efficient new WSN. The results show only 6.7 percent difference between modeled and measured TUTWSN prototype energy consumption. Thus, WISENES hastens the development of WSN protocols and their evaluation in large networks.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 384-393
doi: 10.1007/11512622_42
The ODYSSEY Tool-Set for System-Level Synthesis of Object-Oriented Models
Maziar Goudarzi; Shaahin Hessabi
We describe implementation of design automation tools that we have developed to automate system-level design using our ODYSSEY methodology, which advocates of the embedded system and of it. Two flows are automated: one synthesizes an ASIP from a given C++ class library, and the other one compiles a given C++ application to run on the ASIP that corresponds to the class library used in the application. This corresponds, respectively, to hardware- and software-generation for the embedded system while hardware-software interface is also automatically synthesized. This implementation also demonstrates three other advantages: firstly, the tool is capable of synthesizing polymorphism that, to the best of our knowledge, is unique among other C++ synthesizers; secondly, the tools generate an executable co-simulation model for the ASIP hardware and its software, and hence, enable early validation of the hardware-software system before full elaboration; and finally, error-prone language transformations are avoided by choosing C++ for application modeling and SystemC for ASIP implementation.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 394-403
doi: 10.1007/11512622_43
Design and Implementation of a WLAN Terminal Using UML 2.0 Based Design Flow
Petri Kukkala; Marko Hännikäinen; Timo D. Hämäläinen
This paper presents a UML 2.0 based design flow for real-time embedded systems. The flow starts with UML 2.0 application, architecture and mapping models for our TUTWLAN terminal with its medium access control protocol. As a result, the hardware/software implementation on Altera Excalibur FPGA is achieved. Implementation utilizes eCos real-time operating system, and hardware accelerators for time-critical protocol functions. The design flow is prototyped in practice showing rapid UML 2.0 application model modification, real-time protocol processing in an image transfer application, and execution monitoring.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 404-413
doi: 10.1007/11512622_44
Rapid Implementation and Optimisation of DSP Systems on SoPC Heterogeneous Platforms
J. McAllister; R. Woods; D. Reilly; S. Fischaber; R. Hasson
The emergence of programmable logic devices as processing platforms for digital signal processing applications poses challenges concerning rapid implementation and high level optimization of algorithms on these platforms. This paper describes Abhainn, a rapid implementation methodology and toolsuite for translating an algorithmic expression of the system to a working implementation on a heterogeneous multiprocessor/field programmable gate array platform, or a standalone system on programmable chip solution. Two particular focuses for Abhainn are the automated but configurable realisation of inter-processor communuication fabrics, and the establishment of novel dedicated hardware component design methodologies allowing algorithm level transformation for system optimization. This paper outlines the approaches employed in both these particular instances.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 414-423
doi: 10.1007/11512622_45
DVB-DSNG Modem High Level Synthesis in an Optimized Latency Insensitive System Context
P. Bomel; N. Abdelli; E. Martin; A. -M. Fouilliart; E. Boutillon; P. Kajfasz
This paper presents our contribution in terms of synchronization processor to a SoC design methodology based on the theory of the latency insensitive systems (LIS) of Carloni et al.. This methodology 1) promotes pre-developed IPs intensive reuse, 2) segments inter-IPs interconnects with relay stations to break critical paths and 3) brings robustness to data stream irregularities to IPs by encapsulation into a synchronization wrapper. Our contribution consists in IP encapsulation into a new wrapper model containing a synchronization processor which speed and area are optimized and synthetizability guarantied. The main benefit of our approach is to preserve the local IP performances when encapsulating them. This approach is part of the RNRT ALIPTA project which targets design automation of intensive digital signal processing systems with GAUT [1], a high-level synthesis tool.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 424-433
doi: 10.1007/11512622_46
SystemQ: A Queuing-Based Approach to Architecture Performance Evaluation with SystemC
Sören Sonntag; Matthias Gries; Christian Sauer
Platform architectures for modern embedded systems are increasingly heterogeneous and parallel. Early design decisions, such as the allocation of hardware resources and the partitioning of functionality onto architecture building blocks, become even more complex and important for the resulting design quality. To effectively support designers during the concept phase we base our design flow SystemQ on queuing systems. We show how by starting with a performance model the system’s behavior and structure can be refined systematically. SystemQ is implemented in SystemC and seamlessly supports the refinement of SystemQ models down to established transaction and RT levels. Compared with existing approaches, SystemQ’s formalism exposes transaction scheduling as one key aspect of the system’s performance and allows the modeling of time and resource workload-dependent behavior. A case study underpins the usefulness of SystemQ’s approach by evaluating a network access platform at three refinement levels.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 434-444
doi: 10.1007/11512622_47
Moving Up to the Modeling Level for the Transformation of Data Structures in Embedded Multimedia Applications
Marijn Temmerman; Edgar G. Daylight; Francky Catthoor; Serge Demeyer; Tom Dhaene
Traditional design- and optimization techniques for embedded devices apply local transformations of source-code to maximize the performance and minimize the power consumption. Unfortunately, such transformations cannot adequately deal with the highly dynamic nature of today’s multimedia applications as they do not exploit application specific knowledge. We decided to go one step back in the design process. Starting from the original UML (Unified Modeling Language) model of the source code, we transform the UML model first before refining it into executable code. In this paper we present (i) the transformation of various UML models, (ii) a fast technique for the estimation of the high-level cost parameters that steer our transformations, and (iii) experiments based on three case-studies (a Snake game, a Tetris game and a 3D rendering engine) that show that our transformations can result in factors improvement in memory footprint and/or execution time with respect to the original model.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 445-454
doi: 10.1007/11512622_48
A Case for Visualization-Integrated System-Level Design Space Exploration
Andy D. Pimentel
Design space exploration plays an essential role in the system-level design of embedded systems. It is imperative therefore to have efficient and effective exploration tools in the early stages of design, where the design space is largest. System-level simulation frameworks that aim for early design space exploration create large volumes of simulation data in exploring alternative architectural solutions. Interpreting and drawing conclusions from these copious simulation results can be extremely cumbersome. In other domains that also struggle with interpreting large volumes of data, such as scientific computing, is an invaluable tool. Such visualization is often domain specific and has not become widely used in evaluating the results of computer architecture simulations. Surprisingly little research has been undertaken in the of visualization to guide architectural design space exploration. In this paper, we plead for the study and development of generic methods and techniques for run-time visualization of system-level computer architecture simulations. We further explain that these techniques must be scalable and interactive, allowing designers to better explore complex (embedded system) architectures.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 455-464
doi: 10.1007/11512622_49
Mixed Virtual/Real Prototypes for Incremental System Design – A Proof of Concept
Stefan Eilers; C. Müller-Schloer
Design automation has continually moved towards higher system levels. In recent years it has become possible to model and simulate whole heterogeneous systems, containing hardware as well as complex software components, described on different abstraction levels, with a correct prediction of function and timing. The remaining problem, however, is to transform such a virtual prototype into the final real prototype. This transformation is usually not feasible in a single step. Intermediate versions consist of real as well as virtual subsystems. This paper explores the possibility of a step-wise transformation process (incremental system design) leading to the requirement to combine real subsystems with simulated ones (mixed virtual/real prototypes). The paper discusses the necessary real-time prerequisites in terms of simulation method, programming language, RTOS and the interface between real and virtual subsystems to realize this goal with today’s computing platforms.
- System Level Design, Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 465-474