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Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems: 5th IFIP WG 10.2 International Workshop, SEUS 2007, Santorini Island, Greece, May 2007. Revised Papers

Roman Obermaisser ; Yunmook Nah ; Peter Puschner ; Franz J. Rammig (eds.)

En conferencia: 5º IFIP International Workshop on Software Technolgies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS) . Santorini, Greece . May 7, 2007 - May 8, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer Communication Networks; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering; Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Information Storage and Retrieval

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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Mission Modes for Safety Critical Java

Martin Schoeberl

Java is now considered as a language for the domain of safety critical applications. A restricted version of the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is currently under development within the Java Specification Request (JSR) 302. The application model follows the Ravenscar Ada approach with a fixed number of threads during the phase. This static approach simplifies certification against safety critical standards such as DO-178B. In this paper we extend this restrictive model by mission modes. Mission modes are intended to cover different modes of a real-time application during runtime without a complete restart. Mission modes are still simpler to analyze with respect to WCET and schedulability than the full dynamic RTSJ model. Furthermore our approach to thread stopping during a mode change provides a clean coordination between the runtime system and the application threads.

- Safety-Critical Systems | Pp. 105-113

Safety Property Analysis Techniques for Cooperating Embedded Systems Using LTS

Woo Jin Lee; Ho-Jun Kim; Heung Seok Chae

Safety issues of cooperating embedded systems are very important since they are closely related to our living. In this research, modeling techniques and safety analysis techniques for cooperating embedded systems are provided. Behaviors of embedded systems and safety properties are described by Labeled Transition Systems (LTS). For convenient and effective analysis, we provide a slicing method of the state space of a system according to a property. Based on the slice models, we provided an equivalence algorithm of LTS models and a compositional analysis technique of safety properties.

- Safety-Critical Systems | Pp. 114-124

Testing Embedded Control Systems with TTCN-3

Ina Schieferdecker; Jürgen Großmann

TTCN-3 has gained increasing significance in recent years. Originally developed to fit the needs for testing software-based applications and systems in the telecommunication industry, TTCN-3 has shown its applicability to a wide range of other industrial domains in the mean time. TTCN-3 provides platform-independent, universal and powerful concepts to describe tests — especially for discrete, interactive systems — on different levels of abstraction. However, TTCN-3 addresses systems with discrete input and output characteristics only. In the automotive industry — as well as in other industries that deal with highly complex software-based control systems — this is not sufficient. Control systems often interact with their environment trough sensors and actuators using continuous signals. A test environment that adequately supports the specification, execution and evaluation of tests for embedded control systems has to provide concepts to handle this kind of signals. Moreover it has to support the test engineer with suitable abstractions that ease signal specification and signal evaluation.

- Validation of Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems | Pp. 125-136

Cross-Platform Verification Framework for Embedded Systems

Ingomar Wenzel; Raimund Kirner; Bernhard Rieder; Peter Puschner

Many innovations in the automotive sector involve complex electronics and embedded software systems. Testing techniques are one of the key methodologies for detecting faults in such embedded systems.

In this paper, a novel cross-platform verification framework including automated test-case generation by model checking is introduced. Comparing the execution behavior of a program instance running on a certain platform to the execution behavior of the same program running on a different platform we denote cross-platform verification. The framework supports various types of coverage criteria. It turned out that end-to-end testing is of high importance due to defects occurring on the actual target platform for the first time.

Additionally, formal verification can be applied for checking requirements resulting from the specification using the same model generation mechanism that is used for test data generation. Due to a novel self-assessment mechanism, the confidence into the formal models is increased significantly.

We provide a case study for the Motorola embedded controller that is heavily used by the automotive industry. We perform structural tests on industrial code patterns using a wide-spread industrial compiler. Using our technique, we found two severe compiler defects that have been corrected in subsequent releases.

- Validation of Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems | Pp. 137-148

Experimental Analysis on Time-Triggered Power Consumption Measurement with DVS-Enabled Multiple Power Domain Platform

Songah Chae; Doo-Hyun Kim; Changhee Jung; Duk-Kyun Woo; Chaedeok Lim

Recently, the battery and low-power H/W technologies for mobile and wearable computing devices have been advanced rapidly. But on the other hand the computation and communication demands of the embedded applications are increasing more rapidly. Therefore, the application developers are still required to develop their codes to utilize the available energy as efficient as possible. The provision of software power measurement with reasonable accuracy, consistency and low overhead is an indispensable factor for software power engineering. In this paper, we present a time-triggered mechanism for providing energy consumption profiles in the level of C functions. The similar mechanisms have already been introduced at the previous researches such as PowerScope and ePRO. Instead, we, in this paper, introduce our efforts to extend these researches to incorporate power domains and DVS(Dynamic Voltage Scaling), then interpret these mechanisms as the view of time-triggered approach for better understanding to the relationships among timer interrupt, context switching, DAQ triggering, multi-channel DAQ delay, and etc. From our experimental results, we could conclude that the time-triggered approach for the function level energy measurement properly worked with low overheads and produced consistent energy consumption profiles on the DVS-applied program codes running upon the platforms supporting multiple power domains.

- Validation of Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems | Pp. 149-158

A Framework for Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of an Integrated Architecture

Martin Schlager; Roman Obermaisser; Wilfried Elmenreich

In this paper we present a distributed Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) simulation approach that supports the verification and validation activities in an integrated architecture as recently developed in DECOS (Dependable Embedded COmponents and Systems), an integrated project within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission. Focusing on the interconnection between the simulated environment and the ISUT, our approach involves the concept of a (SVT) that replaces the physical transducers of the ISUT without a probe effect on the ISUT. Our approach enables a complexity reduction for setting up an HiL simulation and supports a well-designed scalable interface to an integrated architecture. Furthermore, we support non-intrusive, deterministic interaction between the environment simulation system and the ISUT in order to guarantee reproducible test-runs. We show an exemplary application of the proposed concept by tailoring the generic components of the proposed simulation approach to an automotive park assistant system.

- Validation of Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems | Pp. 159-170

An Embedded Integration Prototyping System Based on Component Technique

Youngjin Jung; Jeongbae Lee; Jinbaek Kwon; Keewook Rim; Sangyoung Cho

Nowadays in the development of embedded system, cutting-edge embedded system products are quickly disappearing from the markets because of their short product development period which shortens the product life cycle. Therefore, strengthening its competitiveness and minimizing its development cost can be said to be one of the most important factors. For this motive, an Embedded Integration Prototyping (IP) system based on Component Technique was designed and implemented through this paper. The system is composed of Physical Prototyping (PP) providing the environment in which the product can be tested by using Actuator(Motor), Sensor and reusable Blocks, and Virtual Prototyping (VP) in which visual test on the product can be carried out by applying various components and libraries based on technique related to the computer. And, IP System was built in order to mutually compensate for drawbacks latent in both of physical and virtual prototyping environment by making use of component module. The module will be able to enhance the product competitiveness, through spending less time in developing kinds of the component owning almost same features, using it again for different embedded system products, and accordingly minimizing spent cost and time for developing the component.

- Validation of Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems | Pp. 171-180

TMO Structuring of a Networked System for Seamless Streaming and Tiled Display of High-Definition Movies

Sheng Liu; K. H. (Kane) Kim; Sung-Jin Kim; Zhen Zhang; Jongho Nang; Ki-Seok Choi; Yongbin Kang

This paper presents a global-time based approach for realizing high-definition video streaming and highly synchronous tiled display on multiple PC-oriented display nodes. The challenge is to minimize distortion of the temporal relationship among the fragments of video frames played across the display devices. The distortion arises due to the jitter in message transmission delay and the considerably autonomous operations of display nodes. The global-time based coordination approach looked promising as a cost-effective approach for facilitating highly synchronous tiled display and minimizing the collisions between data transmission activities and tile preparation and display activities. The Time-triggered Message-triggered Object (TMO) programming tool-kit, which enables construction of scalable distributed real-time computing programs in the form of networks of high-level, easily analyzable, real-time objects was used because it facilitates efficient practice of the global-time based approach. The results of an experimentation of the approach are also presented.

- Ubiquitous Computing Applications | Pp. 181-191

Design and Experimental Validation of UAV Control System Software Based on the TMO Structuring Scheme

Hansol Park; Moon Hae Kim; Chun-Hyon Chang; Keechon Kim; Jung-Guk Kim; Doo-Hyun Kim

The technologies for designing and validating computer-control systems subject to challenging timing and reliability requirements have been advancing slowly. One such type of systems are unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control systems. The functional complexity of UAV control systems is steadily increasing. Enabling the design of such complex systems in easily understandable forms that are amenable to rigorous analysis is a highly desirable goal. In this paper, we discuss our experimental application of the Time-triggered Message-triggered Object (TMO) structuring scheme to the design of a UAV control system. The TMO scheme enables high-level structuring together with design-time guaranteeing of accurate timings of various critical control actions with significantly smaller efforts than those required when using lower-level structuring schemes based on direct programming of threads, UDP invocations, etc. An experimental 2-step validation of a UAV control system is also discussed. The first step was to validate the system by use of an environment simulator and then real flight tests were involved only in the second step.

- Ubiquitous Computing Applications | Pp. 192-201

Lifestyle Ubiquitous Gaming: Computer Games Making Daily Lives Fun

Eiji Tokunaga; Masaaki Ayabe; Hiroaki Kimura; Tatsuo Nakajima

We propose a novel computer gaming style in which users can enjoy games through their daily lives without paying too much attention and time for the games, we call it . Lifestyle ubiquitous games track human daily activities implicitly and incorporate the tracked activities in their game logics. Then they represent decorated and virtualized those activities on ambient displays. We believe that this gaming style enables not only making their boring and messy daily tasks fun but improving their lazy lifestyle and customs. In this paper, we describe our lifestyle ubiquitous gaming concept and framework, and then we show our two case studies implementing distinguishing scenarios.

- Ubiquitous Computing Applications | Pp. 202-212