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Computer Aided Verification
Hana Chockler ; Georg Weissenbacher (eds.)
En conferencia: 30º International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) . Oxford, United Kingdom . July 14, 2018 - July 17, 2018
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Logics and Meanings of Programs; Software Engineering; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Simulation and Modeling
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018
Tabla de contenidos
Lazy Self-composition for Security Verification
Weikun Yang; Yakir Vizel; Pramod Subramanyan; Aarti Gupta; Sharad Malik
The secure information flow problem, which checks whether low-security outputs of a program are influenced by high-security inputs, has many applications in verifying security properties in programs. In this paper we present self-composition, an approach for verifying secure information flow. It is based on self-composition, where two copies of a program are created on which a safety property is checked. However, rather than an eager duplication of the given program, it uses duplication lazily to reduce the cost of verification. This lazy self-composition is guided by an interplay between symbolic taint analysis on an abstract (single copy) model and safety verification on a refined (two copy) model. We propose two verification methods based on lazy self-composition. The first is a CEGAR-style procedure, where the abstract model associated with taint analysis is refined, on demand, by using a model generated by lazy self-composition. The second is a method based on bounded model checking, where taint queries are generated dynamically during program unrolling to guide lazy self-composition and to conclude an adequate bound for correctness. We have implemented these methods on top of the verification platform and our evaluations show the effectiveness of lazy self-composition.
- Theory and Security | Pp. 136-156
SC: Refinement-Based Verification of Software Countermeasures Against Side-Channel Attacks
Jun Zhang; Pengfei Gao; Fu Song; Chao Wang
Power side-channel attacks, capable of deducing secret using statistical analysis techniques, have become a serious threat to devices in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. Random masking is a widely used countermeasure for removing the statistical dependence between secret data and side-channel leaks. Although there are techniques for verifying whether software code has been perfectly masked, they are limited in accuracy and scalability. To bridge this gap, we propose a refinement-based method for verifying masking countermeasures. Our method is more accurate than prior syntactic type inference based approaches and more scalable than prior model-counting based approaches using SAT or SMT solvers. Indeed, it can be viewed as a gradual refinement of a set of semantic type inference rules for reasoning about distribution types. These rules are kept initially to allow fast deduction, and then made when the abstract version is not able to resolve the verification problem. We have implemented our method in a tool and evaluated it on cryptographic benchmarks including AES and MAC-Keccak. The results show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in terms of both accuracy and scalability.
- Theory and Security | Pp. 157-177
Symbolic Algorithms for Graphs and Markov Decision Processes with Fairness Objectives
Krishnendu Chatterjee; Monika Henzinger; Veronika Loitzenbauer; Simin Oraee; Viktor Toman
Given a model and a specification, the fundamental model-checking problem asks for algorithmic verification of whether the model satisfies the specification. We consider graphs and Markov decision processes (MDPs), which are fundamental models for reactive systems. One of the very basic specifications that arise in verification of reactive systems is the strong fairness (aka Streett) objective. Given different types of requests and corresponding grants, the objective requires that for each type, if the request event happens infinitely often, then the corresponding grant event must also happen infinitely often. All -regular objectives can be expressed as Streett objectives and hence they are canonical in verification. To handle the state-space explosion, symbolic algorithms are required that operate on a succinct implicit representation of the system rather than explicitly accessing the system. While explicit algorithms for graphs and MDPs with Streett objectives have been widely studied, there has been no improvement of the basic symbolic algorithms. The worst-case numbers of symbolic steps required for the basic symbolic algorithms are as follows: quadratic for graphs and cubic for MDPs. In this work we present the first sub-quadratic symbolic algorithm for graphs with Streett objectives, and our algorithm is sub-quadratic even for MDPs. Based on our algorithmic insights we present an implementation of the new symbolic approach and show that it improves the existing approach on several academic benchmark examples.
- Theory and Security | Pp. 178-197
Attracting Tangles to Solve Parity Games
Tom van Dijk
Parity games have important practical applications in formal verification and synthesis, especially to solve the model-checking problem of the modal mu-calculus. They are also interesting from the theory perspective, because they are widely believed to admit a polynomial solution, but so far no such algorithm is known.
We propose a new algorithm to solve parity games based on learning tangles, which are strongly connected subgraphs for which one player has a strategy to win all cycles in the subgraph. We argue that tangles play a fundamental role in the prominent parity game solving algorithms. We show that tangle learning is competitive in practice and the fastest solver for large random games.
- Theory and Security | Pp. 198-215
Delta-Decision Procedures for Exists-Forall Problems over the Reals
Soonho Kong; Armando Solar-Lezama; Sicun Gao
We propose -complete decision procedures for solving satisfiability of nonlinear SMT problems over real numbers that contain universal quantification and a wide range of nonlinear functions. The methods combine interval constraint propagation, counterexample-guided synthesis, and numerical optimization. In particular, we show how to handle the interleaving of numerical and symbolic computation to ensure delta-completeness in quantified reasoning. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can handle various challenging global optimization and control synthesis problems that are beyond the reach of existing solvers.
- SAT, SMT and Decision Procedures | Pp. 219-235
Solving Quantified Bit-Vectors Using Invertibility Conditions
Aina Niemetz; Mathias Preiner; Andrew Reynolds; Clark Barrett; Cesare Tinelli
We present a novel approach for solving quantified bit-vector formulas in Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) based on computing symbolic inverses of bit-vector operators. We derive conditions that precisely characterize when bit-vector constraints are invertible for a representative set of bit-vector operators commonly supported by SMT solvers. We utilize syntax-guided synthesis techniques to aid in establishing these conditions and verify them independently by using several SMT solvers. We show that invertibility conditions can be embedded into quantifier instantiations using Hilbert choice expressions, and give experimental evidence that a counterexample-guided approach for quantifier instantiation utilizing these techniques leads to performance improvements with respect to state-of-the-art solvers for quantified bit-vector constraints.
- SAT, SMT and Decision Procedures | Pp. 236-255
Understanding and Extending Incremental Determinization for 2QBF
Markus N. Rabe; Leander Tentrup; Cameron Rasmussen; Sanjit A. Seshia
Incremental determinization is a recently proposed algorithm for solving quantified Boolean formulas with one quantifier alternation. In this paper, we formalize incremental determinization as a set of inference rules to help understand the design space of similar algorithms. We then present additional inference rules that extend incremental determinization in two ways. The first extension integrates the popular CEGAR principle and the second extension allows us to analyze different cases in isolation. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the extensions significantly improve the performance.
- SAT, SMT and Decision Procedures | Pp. 256-274
The Proof Complexity of SMT Solvers
Robert Robere; Antonina Kolokolova; Vijay Ganesh
The resolution proof system has been enormously helpful in deepening our understanding of conflict-driven clause-learning () SAT solvers. In the interest of providing a similar proof complexity-theoretic analysis of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers, we introduce a generalization of resolution called Res(T). We show that many of the known results comparing resolution and solvers lift to the SMT setting, such as the result of Pipatsrisawat and Darwiche showing that solvers with “perfect” non-deterministic branching and an asserting clause-learning scheme can polynomially simulate general resolution. We also describe a stronger version of Res(T), (T), capturing SMT solvers allowing introduction of new literals. We analyze the theory EUF of equality with uninterpreted functions, and show that the system is able to simulate an earlier calculus introduced by Bjørner and de Moura for the purpose of analyzing (EUF). Further, we show that (and thus SMT algorithms with clause learning over EUF, new literal introduction rules and perfect branching) can simulate the Frege proof system, which is well-known to be far more powerful than resolution. Finally, we prove under the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) that reduction from EUF to SAT (such as the Ackermann reduction) must, in the worst case, produce an instance of size from an instance of size .
- SAT, SMT and Decision Procedures | Pp. 275-293
Model Generation for Quantified Formulas: A Taint-Based Approach
Benjamin Farinier; Sébastien Bardin; Richard Bonichon; Marie-Laure Potet
We focus in this paper on generating models of quantified first-order formulas over built-in theories, which is paramount in software verification and bug finding. While standard methods are either geared toward proving the absence of a solution or targeted to specific theories, we propose a generic and radically new approach based on a reduction to the quantifier-free case. Our technique thus allows to reuse all the efficient machinery developed for that context. Experiments show a substantial improvement over state-of-the-art methods.
- SAT, SMT and Decision Procedures | Pp. 294-313
Partial Order Aware Concurrency Sampling
Xinhao Yuan; Junfeng Yang; Ronghui Gu
We present POS, a concurrency testing approach that samples the partial order of concurrent programs. POS uses a novel priority-based scheduling algorithm that dynamically reassigns priorities regarding the partial order information and formally ensures that each partial order will be explored with significant probability. POS is simple to implement and provides a probabilistic guarantee of error detection better than state-of-the-art sampling approaches. Evaluations show that POS is effective in covering the partial-order space of micro-benchmarks and finding concurrency bugs in real-world programs, such as Firefox’s JavaScript engine SpiderMonkey.
- Concurrency | Pp. 317-335