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Programming Languages and Systems: Programming Languages and Systems
Parte de: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues Series
En conferencia: 27º European Symposium on Programming (ESOP) . Thessaloniki, Greece . April 16, 2018 - April 19, 2018
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
artificial intelligence; computer architecture; computer software selection and evaluation; distributed computer systems; formal logic; formal model; java; model checking; processors; program compilers; program verification; programming language; semantics; separation logic; software engineering specifications; theorem proving; type; systems verification
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No requiere | 2018 | Directory of Open access Books | ||
No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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Tabla de contenidos
Behavioural Equivalence via Modalities for Algebraic Effects
Alex Simpson; Niels Voorneveld
The paper investigates behavioural equivalence between programs in a call-by-value functional language extended with a signature of (algebraic) effect-triggering operations. Two programs are considered as being behaviourally equivalent if they enjoy the same behavioural properties. To formulate this, we define a logic whose formulas specify behavioural properties. A crucial ingredient is a collection of expressing effect-specific aspects of behaviour. We give a general theory of such modalities. If two conditions, and , are satisfied by the modalities then the logically specified behavioural equivalence coincides with a modality-defined notion of applicative bisimilarity, which can be proven to be a congruence by a generalisation of Howe’s method. We show that the openness and decomposability conditions hold for several examples of algebraic effects: nondeterminism, probabilistic choice, global store and input/output.
- Types and Effects | Pp. 300-326
Explicit Effect Subtyping
Amr Hany Saleh; Georgios Karachalias; Matija Pretnar; Tom Schrijvers
As popularity of algebraic effects and handlers increases, so does a demand for their efficient execution. Eff, an ML-like language with native support for handlers, has a subtyping-based effect system on which an effect-aware optimizing compiler could be built. Unfortunately, in our experience, implementing optimizations for Eff is overly error-prone because its core language is implicitly-typed, making code transformations very fragile.
To remedy this, we present an explicitly-typed polymorphic core calculus for algebraic effect handlers with a subtyping-based type-and-effect system. It reifies appeals to subtyping in explicit casts with coercions that witness the subtyping proof, quickly exposing typing bugs in program transformations.
Our typing-directed elaboration comes with a constraint-based inference algorithm that turns an implicitly-typed Eff-like language into our calculus. Moreover, all coercions and effect information can be erased in a straightforward way, demonstrating that coercions have no computational content.
- Types and Effects | Pp. 327-354
A Separation Logic for a Promising Semantics
Kasper Svendsen; Jean Pichon-Pharabod; Marko Doko; Ori Lahav; Viktor Vafeiadis
We present SLR, the first expressive program logic for reasoning about concurrent programs under a weak memory model addressing the out-of-thin-air problem. Our logic includes the standard features from existing logics, such as RSL and GPS, that were previously known to be sound only under stronger memory models: (1) separation, (2) per-location invariants, and (3) ownership transfer via release-acquire synchronisation—as well as novel features for reasoning about (4) the absence of out-of-thin-air behaviours and (5) coherence. The logic is proved sound over the recent “promising” memory model of Kang et al., using a substantially different argument to soundness proofs of logics for simpler memory models.
- Concurrency | Pp. 357-384
Logical Reasoning for Disjoint Permissions
Xuan-Bach Le; Aquinas Hobor
Resource sharing is a fundamental phenomenon in concurrent programming where several threads have permissions to access a common resource. Logics for verification need to capture the notion of permission ownership and transfer. One typical practice is the use of rational numbers in (0, 1] as permissions in which 1 is the full permission and the rest are fractional permissions. Rational permissions are not a good fit for separation logic because they remove the essential “disjointness” feature of the logic itself. We propose a general logic framework that supports permission reasoning in separation logic while preserving disjointness. Our framework is applicable to sophisticated verification tasks such as doing induction over the finiteness of the heap within the object logic or carrying out biabductive inference. We can also prove precision of recursive predicates within the object logic. We developed the ShareInfer tool to benchmark our techniques. We introduce “scaling separation algebras,” a compositional extension of separation algebras, to model our logic, and use them to construct a concrete model.
- Concurrency | Pp. 385-414
Deadlock-Free Monitors
Jafar Hamin; Bart Jacobs
Monitors constitute one of the common techniques to synchronize threads in multithreaded programs, where calling a command on a condition variable suspends the caller thread and notifying a condition variable causes the threads waiting for that condition variable to resume their execution. One potential problem with these programs is that a waiting thread might be suspended forever leading to deadlock, a state where each thread of the program is waiting for a condition variable or a lock. In this paper, a modular verification approach for deadlock-freedom of such programs is presented, ensuring that in any state of the execution of the program if there are some threads suspended then there exists at least one thread running. The main idea behind this approach is to make sure that for any condition variable for which a thread is waiting there exists a thread obliged to fulfil an obligation for that only waits for a waitable object whose wait level, an arbitrary number associated with each waitable object, is less than the wait level of . The relaxed precedence relation introduced in this paper, aiming to avoid cycles, can also benefit some other verification approaches, verifying deadlock-freedom of other synchronization constructs such as channels and semaphores, enabling them to accept a wider range of deadlock-free programs. We encoded the proposed proof rules in the VeriFast program verifier and by defining some appropriate invariants for the locks associated with some condition variables succeeded in verifying some popular use cases of monitors including unbounded/bounded buffer, sleeping barber, barrier, and readers-writers locks. A soundness proof for the presented approach is provided; some of the trickiest lemmas in this proof have been machine-checked with Coq.
- Concurrency | Pp. 415-441
Fragment Abstraction for Concurrent Shape Analysis
Parosh Aziz Abdulla; Bengt Jonsson; Cong Quy Trinh
A major challenge in automated verification is to develop techniques that are able to reason about fine-grained concurrent algorithms that consist of an unbounded number of concurrent threads, which operate on an unbounded domain of data values, and use unbounded dynamically allocated memory. Existing automated techniques consider the case where shared data is organized into singly-linked lists. We present a novel shape analysis for automated verification of fine-grained concurrent algorithms that can handle heap structures which are more complex than just singly-linked lists, in particular skip lists and arrays of singly linked lists, while at the same time handling an unbounded number of concurrent threads, an unbounded domain of data values (including timestamps), and an unbounded shared heap. Our technique is based on a novel shape abstraction, which represents a set of heaps by a set of . A fragment is an abstraction of a pair of heap cells that are connected by a pointer field. We have implemented our approach and applied it to automatically verify correctness, in the sense of linearizability, of most linearizable concurrent implementations of sets, stacks, and queues, which employ singly-linked lists, skip lists, or arrays of singly-linked lists with timestamps, which are known to us in the literature.
- Concurrency | Pp. 442-471
Reasoning About a Machine with Local Capabilities
Lau Skorstengaard; Dominique Devriese; Lars Birkedal
Capability machines provide security guarantees at machine level which makes them an interesting target for secure compilation schemes that provably enforce properties such as control-flow correctness and encapsulation of local state. We provide a formalization of a representative capability machine with local capabilities and study a novel calling convention. We provide a logical relation that semantically captures the guarantees provided by the hardware (a form of capability safety) and use it to prove control-flow correctness and encapsulation of local state. The logical relation is not specific to our calling convention and can be used to reason about arbitrary programs.
- Security | Pp. 475-501
Modular Product Programs
Marco Eilers; Peter Müller; Samuel Hitz
Many interesting program properties like determinism or information flow security are hyperproperties, that is, they relate multiple executions of the same program. Hyperproperties can be verified using relational logics, but these logics require dedicated tool support and are difficult to automate. Alternatively, constructions such as self-composition represent multiple executions of a program by one product program, thereby reducing hyperproperties of the original program to trace properties of the product. However, existing constructions do not fully support procedure specifications, for instance, to derive the determinism of a caller from the determinism of a callee, making verification non-modular.
We present modular product programs, a novel kind of product program that permits hyperproperties in procedure specifications and, thus, can reason about calls modularly. We demonstrate its expressiveness by applying it to information flow security with advanced features such as declassification and termination-sensitivity. Modular product programs can be verified using off-the-shelf verifiers; we have implemented our approach to secure information flow using the Viper verification infrastructure.
- Security | Pp. 502-529
A Fistful of Dollars: Formalizing Asymptotic Complexity Claims via Deductive Program Verification
Armaël Guéneau; Arthur Charguéraud; François Pottier
We present a framework for simultaneously verifying the functional correctness and the worst-case asymptotic time complexity of higher-order imperative programs. We build on top of Separation Logic with Time Credits, embedded in an interactive proof assistant. We formalize the notation, which is key to enabling modular specifications and proofs. We cover the subtleties of the multivariate case, where the complexity of a program fragment depends on multiple parameters. We propose a way of integrating complexity bounds into specifications, present lemmas and tactics that support a natural reasoning style, and illustrate their use with a collection of examples.
- Program Verification | Pp. 533-560
Verified Learning Without Regret
Samuel Merten; Alexander Bagnall; Gordon Stewart
Multiplicative Weights (MW) is a simple yet powerful algorithm for learning linear classifiers, for ensemble learning à la boosting, for approximately solving linear and semidefinite systems, for computing approximate solutions to multicommodity flow problems, and for online convex optimization, among other applications. Recent work in algorithmic game theory, which applies a computational perspective to the design and analysis of systems with mutually competitive actors, has shown that no-regret algorithms like MW naturally drive games toward approximate Coarse Correlated Equilibria (CCEs), and that for certain games, approximate CCEs have bounded cost with respect to the optimal states of such systems.
In this paper, we put such results to practice by building distributed systems such as routers and load balancers with performance and convergence guarantees mechanically verified in Coq. The main contributions on which our results rest are (1) the first mechanically verified implementation of Multiplicative Weights (specifically, we show that our MW is no regret) and (2) a language-based formulation, in the form of a DSL, of the class of games satisfying Roughgarden smoothness, a broad characterization of those games whose approximate CCEs have cost bounded with respect to optimal. Composing (1) with (2) within Coq yields a new strategy for building distributed systems with mechanically verified complexity guarantees on the time to convergence to near-optimal system configurations.
- Program Verification | Pp. 561-588