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Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures

Parte de: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues

En conferencia: 21º International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS) . Thessaloniki, Greece . April 16, 2018 - April 19, 2018

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

artificial intelligence; computer software; selection and evaluation; formal logic; graph theory; modal logic; petri nets; program compilers; programming language; semantics; separation logic; software engineering; theorem proving; type systems; verification

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No requiere 2018 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2018 SpringerLink acceso abierto


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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Tabla de contenidos

A Framework for Parameterized Monitorability

Luca Aceto; Antonis Achilleos; Adrian Francalanza; Anna Ingólfsdóttir

We introduce a general framework for Runtime Verification, parameterized with respect to a set of conditions. These conditions are encoded in the trace generated by a monitored process, which a monitor can observe. We present this parameterized framework in its general form and prove that it corresponds to a fragment of HML with recursion, extended with these conditions. We then show how this framework can be applied to a number of instantiations of the set of conditions.

- Concurrency | Pp. 203-220

Logics for Bisimulation and Divergence

Xinxin Liu; Tingting Yu; Wenhui Zhang

The study of modal logics and various bisimulation equivalences so far shows the following progression: 1. weak bisimilarity is characterized by Hennessy-Milner logic (HML), a simple propositional modal logic with a weak possibility modality, and 2. extending HML by refining the weak possibility modality one obtains a logic which characterizes branching bisimilarity, a refinement of weak bisimilarity, and 3. further extending the logic with a divergence modality one obtains a logic which characterizes branching bisimilarity with explicit divergence, a refinement of branching bisimilarity. In this paper, we explore the development by exchanging the above 2 and 3, i.e. by first extending HML with a divergence modality and then refining the weak possibility modality in the extended logic. We have the following findings: A. extending HML with a new divergence modality one obtains a new logic which characterizes complete weak bisimilarity, an equivalence relation with distinguishing power in between weak bisimilarity and branching bisimilarity with explicit divergence; B. further extending the obtained logic by refining the weak possibility modality in it one obtains another logic which characterizes branching bisimilarity with explicit divergence. As main results of the paper, the logic in A. provides a modal characterization for complete weak bisimilarity, and moreover the two new logics in A. and B. are both sub-logics of the known logic obtained in above 3.

- Concurrency | Pp. 221-237

Call-by-Need, Neededness and All That

Delia Kesner; Alejandro Ríos; Andrés Viso

We show that call-by-need is observationally equivalent to weak-head needed reduction. The proof of this result uses a semantical argument based on a (non-idempotent) intersection type system called . Interestingly, system also allows to syntactically identify all the weak-head needed redexes of a term.

- Lambda-Calculi and Types | Pp. 241-257

Fitch-Style Modal Lambda Calculi

Ranald Clouston

Fitch-style modal deduction, in which modalities are eliminated by opening a subordinate proof, and introduced by shutting one, were investigated in the 1990s as a basis for lambda calculi. We show that such calculi have good computational properties for a variety of intuitionistic modal logics. Semantics are given in cartesian closed categories equipped with an adjunction of endofunctors, with the necessity modality interpreted by the right adjoint. Where this functor is an idempotent comonad, a coherence result on the semantics allows us to present a calculus for intuitionistic S4 that is simpler than others in the literature. We show the calculi can be extended à la tense logic with the left adjoint of necessity, and are then complete for the categorical semantics.

- Lambda-Calculi and Types | Pp. 258-275

Realizability Interpretation and Normalization of Typed Call-by-Need -calculus with Control

Étienne Miquey; Hugo Herbelin

We define a variant of Krivine realizability where realizers are pairs of a term and a substitution. This variant allows us to prove the normalization of a simply-typed call-by-need -calculus with control due to Ariola . Indeed, in such call-by-need calculus, substitutions have to be delayed until knowing if an argument is really needed. We then extend the proof to a call-by-need -calculus equipped with a type system equivalent to classical second-order predicate logic, representing one step towards proving the normalization of the call-by-need classical second-order arithmetic introduced by the second author to provide a proof-as-program interpretation of the axiom of dependent choice.

- Lambda-Calculi and Types | Pp. 276-292

Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types

Thorsten Altenkirch; Paolo Capriotti; Gabe Dijkstra; Nicolai Kraus; Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg

Higher inductive types (HITs) in Homotopy Type Theory allow the definition of datatypes which have constructors for equalities over the defined type. HITs generalise quotient types, and allow to define types with non-trivial higher equality types, such as spheres, suspensions and the torus. However, there are also interesting uses of HITs to define types satisfying uniqueness of equality proofs, such as the Cauchy reals, the partiality monad, and the well-typed syntax of type theory. In each of these examples we define several types that depend on each other mutually, i.e. they are inductive-inductive definitions. We call those HITs quotient inductive-inductive types (QIITs). Although there has been recent progress on a general theory of HITs, there is not yet a theoretical foundation for the combination of equality constructors and induction-induction, despite many interesting applications. In the present paper we present a first step towards a semantic definition of QIITs. In particular, we give an initial-algebra semantics. We further derive a , stating that every algebra morphism into the algebra in question has a section, which is close to the intuitively expected elimination rules.

- Lambda-Calculi and Types | Pp. 293-310

Guarded Traced Categories

Sergey Goncharov; Lutz Schröder

Notions of guardedness serve to delineate the admissibility of cycles, e.g. in recursion, corecursion, iteration, or tracing. We introduce an abstract notion of guardedness structure on a symmetric monoidal category, along with a corresponding notion of guarded traces, which are defined only if the cycles they induce are guarded. We relate structural guardedness, determined by propagating guardedness along the operations of the category, to geometric guardedness phrased in terms of a diagrammatic language. In our setup, the Cartesian case (recursion) and the co-Cartesian case (iteration) become completely dual, and we show that in these cases, guarded tracedness is equivalent to presence of a guarded Conway operator, in analogy to an observation on total traces by Hasegawa and Hyland. Moreover, we relate guarded traces to unguarded categorical uniform fixpoint operators in the style of Simpson and Plotkin. Finally, we show that partial traces based on Hilbert-Schmidt operators in the category of Hilbert spaces are an instance of guarded traces.

- Category Theory and Quantum Control | Pp. 313-330

Proper Semirings and Proper Convex Functors

Ana Sokolova; Harald Woracek

Esik and Maletti introduced the notion of a proper semiring and proved that some important (classes of) semirings – Noetherian semirings, natural numbers – are proper. Properness matters as the equivalence problem for weighted automata over a semiring which is proper and finitely and effectively presented is decidable. Milius generalised the notion of properness from a semiring to a functor. As a consequence, a semiring is proper if and only if its associated “cubic functor” is proper. Moreover, properness of a functor renders soundness and completeness proofs for axiomatizations of equivalent behaviour.

In this paper we provide a method for proving properness of functors, and instantiate it to cover both the known cases and several novel ones: (1) properness of the semirings of positive rationals and positive reals, via properness of the corresponding cubic functors; and (2) properness of two functors on (positive) convex algebras. The latter functors are important for axiomatizing trace equivalence of probabilistic transition systems. Our proofs rely on results that stretch all the way back to Hilbert and Minkowski.

- Category Theory and Quantum Control | Pp. 331-347

From Symmetric Pattern-Matching to Quantum Control

Amr Sabry; Benoît Valiron; Juliana Kaizer Vizzotto

One perspective on quantum algorithms is that they are classical algorithms having access to a special kind of memory with exotic properties. This perspective suggests that, even in the case of quantum algorithms, the control flow notions of sequencing, conditionals, loops, and recursion are entirely classical. There is however, another notion of control flow, that is itself quantum. The notion of quantum conditional expression is reasonably well-understood: the execution of the two expressions becomes itself a superposition of executions. The quantum counterpart of loops and recursion is however not believed to be meaningful in its most general form.

In this paper, we argue that, under the right circumstances, a reasonable notion of quantum loops and recursion is possible. To this aim, we first propose a classical, typed, reversible language with lists and fixpoints. We then extend this language to the quantum domain (without measurements) by allowing linear combinations of terms and restricting fixpoints to structurally recursive fixpoints whose termination proofs match the proofs of convergence of sequences in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. We additionally give an operational semantics for the quantum language in the spirit of algebraic lambda-calculi and illustrate its expressiveness by modeling several common unitary operations.

- Category Theory and Quantum Control | Pp. 348-364

The Complexity of Graph-Based Reductions for Reachability in Markov Decision Processes

Stéphane Le Roux; Guillermo A. Pérez

We study the never-worse relation (NWR) for Markov decision processes with an infinite-horizon reachability objective. A state is never worse than a state if the maximal probability of reaching the target set of states from is at most the same value from , regardless of the probabilities labelling the transitions. Extremal-probability states, end components, and essential states are all special cases of the equivalence relation induced by the NWR. Using the NWR, states in the same equivalence class can be collapsed. Then, actions leading to sub-optimal states can be removed. We show that the natural decision problem associated to computing the NWR is -complete. Finally, we extend a previously known incomplete polynomial-time iterative algorithm to under-approximate the NWR.

- Quantitative Models | Pp. 367-383