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Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics

2014. 283p.

Parte de: Trends in Logic

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Logic; Mathematical Logic and Foundations; Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages

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No requiere 2014 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2014 SpringerLink acceso abierto


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

A Seismic Performance Classification Framework to Provide Increased Seismic Resilience

Gian Michele Calvi; T. J. Sullivan; D. P. Welch

Several performance measures are being used in modern seismic engineering applications, suggesting that seismic performance could be classified a number of ways. This paper reviews a range of performance measures currently being adopted and then proposes a new seismic performance classification framework based on expected annual losses (EAL). The motivation for an EAL-based performance framework stems from the observation that, in addition to limiting lives lost during earthquakes, changes are needed to improve the resilience of our societies, and it is proposed that increased resilience in developed countries could be achieved by limiting monetary losses. In order to set suitable preliminary values of EAL for performance classification, values of EAL reported in the literature are reviewed. Uncertainties in current EAL estimates are discussed and then an EAL-based seismic performance classification framework is proposed. The proposal is made that the EAL should be computed on a storey-by-storey basis in recognition that EAL for different storeys of a building could vary significantly and also recognizing that a single building may have multiple owners.

A number of tools for the estimation of EAL are reviewed in this paper and the argument is made that simplified methods for the prediction of EAL are required as engineers transition to this new performance parameter. In order to illustrate the potential value of an EAL-based classification scheme, a three storey RC frame building is examined using a simplified displacement-based loss assessment procedure and performance classifications are made for three different retrofit options. The results show that even if only limited non-structural interventions are made to the case study, the EAL could be significantly reduced. It is also argued that overall, such a performance classification, coupled with some form of government or insurance-driven incentive scheme, may provide an effective means of reducing the risk, and increasing the resilience, of our societies.

Pp. 361-400

Towards Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Modern Unreinforced Masonry Structures

Katrin Beyer; S. Petry; M. Tondelli; A. Paparo

Unreinforced masonry (URM) structures are known to be rather vulnerable to seismic loading. Modern URM buildings with reinforced concrete (RC) slabs might, however, have an acceptable seismic performance for regions of low to moderate seismicity. In particular in countries of moderate seismicity it is often difficult to demonstrate the seismic safety of modern URM buildings by means of force-based design methods. Displacement-based design methods are known to lead to more realistic and less conservative results, opening up hence new opportunities for the use of structural masonry. An effective implementation of displacement-based design approaches requires reliable estimates of the structure’s force and displacement capacity. This paper contributes to this endeavour by taking a fresh look at the drift capacity of URM walls with hollow clay bricks and mortar joints of normal thickness. It discusses in particular the influence of the size of the test unit and the applied loading history and loading velocity on the drift capacities of URM walls.

Pp. 401-428

Pushover Analysis for Plan Irregular Building Structures

Mario De Stefano; Valentina Mariani

Nonlinear static procedures (NSPs), also known as “pushover methods”, represent the most used tool in the professional practice for assessment of seismic performance of building structures. Most of the methods subscribed by major seismic codes for seismic analysis of new or existing buildings have been originally defined for simple regular structures.

Nevertheless, perfect regularity is an idealization that very rarely occurs and, in principle, the concept of irregularity itself is a one. Most codes attempt to give a definition to the concept of “regularity”, considering issues related to the distribution of mass, stiffness and strength in the building, both in plan and in elevation. Real buildings rarely comply with these regularity requirements, resulting in a barely reliable application of the basic NSPs. Code specifications concerning irregular structures are in need of improvement and they do not provide for clear and specific guidelines for the seismic analysis of such structures. Therefore the problem of the seismic evaluation of irregular structures is still an open one and basic issues need to be further explored.

The present paper aims at providing a wide outlook on the problem of the seismic assessment of plan irregular building structures. Firstly, a brief review of the elastic and inelastic methods for the assessment of the torsional effects induced by in-plan irregularity is presented, mainly aimed at the definition of the variables governing the problem. Then, the basic features of the most important NSPs are discussed, followed by the description of the recent improvements developed for irregular structures. Since there is not yet a fully satisfactory solution, pros and cons of the various approaches are outlined, highlighting the most promising methods and the issues that are yet to be investigated. Finally, recommendations for code improvement are suggested.

Pp. 429-448

Recent Development and Application of Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation and Conditions for Their Correct Use

Alessandro Martelli; Paolo Clemente; Alessandro De Stefano; Massimo Forni; Antonello Salvatori

More than 23,000 structures, located in over 30 countries, have been so far protected by passive anti-seismic (AS) systems, mainly by the seismic isolation (SI) and energy dissipation (ED) ones. The use of such systems is going on increasing everywhere, although its extent is strongly influenced by earthquake lessons and the features of the design rules used. As to the latter, SI is considered as an additional safety measure (with consequent significant additional construction costs) in some countries (Japan, USA, etc.), while, in others (including Italy), the codes allow to partly take into account the reduction of the seismic forces acting on the superstructure that is induced by SI. Applications of the AS systems have been made to both new and existing civil and industrial structures of all kinds. The latter include some high risk (HR) plants (nuclear reactors and chemical installations). The applications in a civil context already include not only strategic and public structures, but also residential buildings and even many small private houses. In Italy, the use of the AS systems has become more and more popular especially after the 2009 earthquake (nowadays more than 400 Italian buildings are seismically isolated). Based on the information provided by the authors at the 13th World Conference, held in Sendai (Japan) in September 2013, and on more recent data, the paper summarizes the state-of-the-art of the development and application of the AS systems and devices at worldwide level, by devoting particular attention to SI of buildings in Italy, in the context of recent seismic events. Moreover, it outlines the benefits of the aforesaid systems for ensuring the indispensable absolute integrity of strategic and public structures, as, primarily, schools, hospitals and HR plants, but also (for an adequate protection of cultural heritage) museums. Finally, based on Italian experience, it provides some remarks on costs of SI, stresses the conditions for the correct use of this technique and mentions some recent initiatives of the Italian Parliament to ensure such a correct use and to widely extend such an use to the HR chemical plants too (for which only very few applications already exist in Italy).

Pp. 449-488

Conservation Principles and Performance Based Strengthening of Heritage Buildings in Post-event Reconstruction

Dina D’Ayala

Recommendations for repairing and strengthening historic buildings after an earthquake and before the next in modern times go back to the contribution to the ICOMOS General Assembly of 1987 by Sir Bernard Fielden “Between two Earthquakes” (Fielden 1987). In that circumstance two important points were made: the first is that failure and damage should be used to understand performance and behaviour, so as to avoid measures that do not work. The second is that the engineer work should be integrated into the architecture historical methodology. Almost 30 years later this contribution investigate to which extent these two recommendations have been fulfilled, whether there is a common understanding between the conservation and the seismic engineering community and whether lessons from past failures are informing new strengthening strategies.

Pp. 489-514

Earthquake Risk Assessment: Present Shortcomings and Future Directions

Helen Crowley

This paper looks at the current practices in regional and portfolio seismic risk assessment, discusses some of their shortcomings and presents proposals for improving the state-of-the-practice in the future. Both scenario-based and probabilistic risk assessment are addressed, and modelling practices in the hazard, fragility/vulnerability and exposure components are presented and critiqued. The subsequent recommendations for improvements to the practice and necessary future research are mainly focused on treatment and propagation of uncertainties.

Pp. 515-532

The Role of Pile Diameter on Earthquake-Induced Bending

George Mylonakis; Raffaele Di Laora; Alessandro Mandolini

Pile foundations in seismic areas should be designed against two simultaneous actions arising from kinematic and inertial soil-structure interaction, which develop as a result of soil deformations in the vicinity of the pile and inertial loads imposed at the pile head. Due to the distinct nature of these phenomena, variable resistance patterns develop along the pile, which are affected in a different manner and extent by structural, seismological and geotechnical characteristics. A theoretical study is presented in this article, which aims at exploring the importance of pile diameter in resisting these actions. It is demonstrated that (a) for large diameter piles in soft soils, kinematic interaction dominates over inertial interaction; (b) a minimum and a maximum admissible diameter can be defined, beyond which a pile under a restraining cap will inevitably yield at the head i.e., even when highest material quality and/or amount of reinforcement are employed; (c) an optimal diameter can be defined that maximizes safety against bending failure. The role of diameter in seismically-induced bending is investigated for both steel and concrete piles in homogenous soils as well as soils with stiffness increasing proportionally with depth. A number of closed-form solutions are presented, by means of which a number of design issues are discussed.

Pp. 533-556

Predictive Models for Earthquake Response of Clay and Sensitive Clay Slopes

Amir M. Kaynia; Gökhan Saygili

Earthquake-induced permanent displacement and shear strain are suitable indicators in assessing the seismic stability of slopes. In this paper, predictive models for the permanent displacement and shear strain as functions of the characteristics of the slope (e.g. factor of safety) and the ground motion (e.g. peak ground acceleration) are proposed. The predicted models are based on numerical simulations of seismic response of infinite slopes with realistic soil profiles and geometry parameters. Predictive models are developed for clay and sensitive clay slopes. A strain-softening soil model is used for sensitive clays. A comparison of the permanent displacement and strain predictions for clay and sensitive clays reveals that the displacement and shear strains are larger for sensitive clays for the same slope geometry and similar earthquake loading conditions. A comparison of the displacement predictive model with other predictive models published recently reveals that the displacement predictions of the proposed model fall into the low estimate bound for soft slopes and into the high estimate bound for stronger slopes. Permanent displacements from a limited number of 2D FE analyses and from predictive models compare well; however, the predictive model for shear strain tends to overly estimate the shear strains. This is a typical effect of 2D geometry, which represents a conservative situation. As the size of the slope increases, this effect is diminished, and the 2D results tend more to the 1D results as captured by the predictive models developed in this paper.

Pp. 557-584

Recent Advances in Seismic Soil Liquefaction Engineering

K. Önder Çetin; H. Tolga Bilge

The assessment of cyclic response of soils has been a major concern of geotechnical earthquake engineering since the very early days of the profession. The pioneering efforts were mostly focused on developing an understanding of the response of clean sands. These efforts were mostly confined to the assessment of the mechanisms of excess pore pressure buildup and corollary reduction in shear strength and stiffness, widely referred to as seismic soil liquefaction triggering. However, as the years passed, and earthquakes and laboratory testing programs continued to provide lessons and data, researchers and practitioners became increasingly aware of additional aspects, such as liquefaction susceptibility and cyclic degradation response of silt and clay mixtures. Inspired from the fact that these issues are still considered as the “soft” spots of the practice, the scope of this chapter is tailored to include a review of earlier efforts along with the introduction of new frameworks for the assessment of cyclic strength and straining performance of coarse- and fine-grained soils.

Pp. 585-626

Seismic Hazard and Seismic Design and Safety Aspects of Large Dam Projects

Martin Wieland

Earthquakes can affect large dam projects in many different ways. Usually, design engineers are focussing on ground shaking and neglect the other aspects. The May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake has damaged 1803 dams and reservoirs. The widespread mass movements have caused substantial damage to dams and surface powerhouses in Sichuan province in China. The different features of the earthquake hazard are presented, the most important are ground shaking, faulting and mass movements. The basic requirement of any large dam is safety. Today, an integral dam safety concept is used, which includes (i) structural safety, (ii) dam safety monitoring, (iii) operational safety and maintenance, and (iv) emergency planning. The importance of these four safety elements is discussed. The long-term safety includes, first, the analysis of all hazards affecting the project, i.e. hazards from the natural environment, hazards from the man-made environment and project-specific and site-specific hazards. The role of the earthquake hazard on the seismic design and seismic safety of large dam projects are discussed as, today, the structural safety of large storage dams is often governed by the earthquake load case. The seismic design and performance criteria of dams and safety-relevant elements such as spillways and bottom outlets recommended by the seismic committee of the International Commission on Large Dams are presented. The conceptual and constructional requirements for the seismic design of concrete and embankment dams are given, which often are more important than the seismic design criteria that are used as a basis for dynamic analyses. Finally, the need and importance of periodic reviews of the seismic safety of existing dams is discussed.

Pp. 627-650