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Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 10th International Conference, FASE 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences, on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2007, Braga, Portugal

Matthew B. Dwyer ; Antónia Lopes (eds.)

En conferencia: 10º International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE) . Braga, Portugal . March 24, 2007 - April 1, 2007

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

S2A: A Compiler for Multi-modal UML Sequence Diagrams

David Harel; Asaf Kleinbort; Shahar Maoz

We report on S2A, a compiler that translates Modal UML Sequence Diagrams (MSDs), a UML-compliant version of Live Sequence Charts (LSCs), into AspectJ code. It thus provides full code generation of reactive behavior from visual inter-object scenario-based specifications. The S2A compiler is based on a compilation scheme presented by Maoz and Harel in [13].

- Tool Demonstrations | Pp. 121-124

Scenario-Driven Dynamic Analysis of Distributed Architectures

George Edwards; Sam Malek; Nenad Medvidovic

Software architecture constitutes a promising approach to the development of large-scale distributed systems, but architecture description languages (ADLs) and their associated architectural analysis techniques suffer from several important shortcomings. This paper presents a novel approach that reconceptualizes ADLs within the model-driven engineering (MDE) paradigm to address their shortcomings. Our approach combines extensible modeling languages based on architectural constructs with a model interpreter framework that enables rapid implementation of customized dynamic analyses at the architectural level. Our approach is demonstrated in XTEAM, a suite of ADL extensions and model transformation engines targeted specifically for highly distributed, resource-constrained, and mobile computing environments. XTEAM model transformations generate system simulations that provide a dynamic, scenario- and risk-driven view of the executing system. This information allows an architect to compare architectural alternatives and weigh trade-offs between multiple design goals, such as system performance, reliability, and resource consumption. XTEAM provides the extensibility to easily accommodate both new modeling language features and new architectural analyses.

- Distributed Systems | Pp. 125-139

Enforcing Architecture and Deployment Constraints of Distributed Component-Based Software

Chouki Tibermacine; Didier Hoareau; Reda Kadri

In the component-based software development process, the formalisation of architectural choices makes possible to explicit quality attributes. When dealing with the deployment of such component-based software in dynamic networks, in which disconnections or machine failures can occur, preserving architectural choices becomes difficult to ensure, as current architecture-centric languages and their support mainly focus on steps prior to the deployment one. We present in this paper a family of languages that formalise not only architectural choices but deployment aspects as well, both as constraints. Then, we show how all of these constraints are reified in order to manage the deployment of a component-based software in this context of a dynamic hosting platform. The proposed solution defines an automatic deployment that ensures permanently, at run time, the preservation of architecture and deployment choices, and thus their corresponding quality attributes.

- Distributed Systems | Pp. 140-154

A Family of Distributed Deadlock Avoidance Protocols and Their Reachable State Spaces

César Sánchez; Henny B. Sipma; Zohar Manna

We study resource management in distributed systems. Incorrect handling of resources may lead to deadlocks, missed deadlines, priority inversions, and other forms of incorrect behavior or degraded performance. While in centralized systems deadlock avoidance is commonly used to ensure correct and efficient resource allocation, distributed deadlock avoidance is harder, and general solutions are considered impractical due to the high communication overhead. However, solutions that use only operations on local data exist if some static information about the possible sequences of remote invocations is known.

We present a family of efficient distributed deadlock avoidance algorithms that subsumes previously known solutions as special instances. Even though different protocols within the family allow different levels of concurrency and consequently fewer or more executions, we prove that they all have the same set of reachable states, expressed by a global invariant. This result enables: (1) : the use of different protocols at different sites does not compromise deadlock avoidance; (2) : any resource allocation protocol that preserves the global invariant and whose allocation decisions are at least as liberal as those of the least liberal in the family, guarantees absence of deadlock.

- Distributed Systems | Pp. 155-169

Precise Specification of Use Case Scenarios

Jon Whittle

Despite attempts to formalize the semantics of use cases, they remain an informal notation. The informality of use cases is both a blessing and a curse. Whilst it admits an easy learning curve and enables communication between software stakeholders, it is also a barrier to the application of automated methods for test case generation, validation or simulation. This paper presents a precise way of specifying use cases based on a three-level modeling paradigm strongly influenced by UML. The formal syntax and semantics of are given, along with an example that illustrates how they can be used in practice.

- Specification | Pp. 170-184

Joint Structural and Temporal Property Specification Using Timed Story Scenario Diagrams

Florian Klein; Holger Giese

Complex software systems, and self-adaptive systems in particular, are characterized by complex structures and behavior. For their design, appropriate notations for the specification of properties that integrate structural and temporal aspects are required. We present Timed Story Scenario Diagrams (TSSD), a visual notation for scenario specifications that takes structural system properties into account and provides an integrated way of discussing system state evolution. We present the key features of the notation and demonstrate how the patterns of the Specification Pattern System [1,2] can be encoded using TSSDs. We also discuss how TSSDs can be derived from textual specifications in a straight-forward manner, using a case study.

- Specification | Pp. 185-199

SDL Profiles – Formal Semantics and Tool Support

R. Grammes; R. Gotzhein

Over a period of 30 years, ITU-T’s Specification and Description Language (SDL) has matured to a sophisticated formal modelling language for distributed systems and communication protocols. The language definition of SDL-2000, the latest version of SDL, is complex and difficult to maintain. Full tool support for SDL is costly to implement. Therefore, only subsets of SDL are currently supported by tools. These SDL subsets - called - already cover a wide range of systems, and are often sufficient in practice. In this paper, we present a formalised approach for extracting the formal semantics for SDL profiles from the complete SDL semantics. Based on this formalisation, we then define a notion of profile consistency. Finally, we present our SDL-profile tool, and report on our experiences.

- Specification | Pp. 200-214

Preliminary Design of BML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java Bytecode

Lilian Burdy; Marieke Huisman; Mariela Pavlova

We present the Bytecode Modeling Language (BML), the Java bytecode cousin of JML. BML allows the application developer to specify the behaviour of an application in the form of annotations, at the level of the bytecode. An extension of the class file format is defined to store the specification directly with the bytecode. This is a first step towards the development of a platform for Proof Carrying Code, where applications come together with their specification and a proof of correctness. BML is designed to be closely related with JML. In particular, JML specifications can be compiled into BML specifications. We briefly discuss the tools that are currently being developed for BML, and that will result in a tool set where an application can be validated throughout its development, both at source code and at bytecode level.

- Specification | Pp. 215-229

A Service Composition Construct to Support Iterative Development

Roy Grønmo; Michael C. Jaeger; Andreas Wombacher

Development of composed services requires a continues adaptation of the composed service to the changing environment of offered services. Services may no longer be available or may change performance characteristics, price, or quality of service criteria after they have been selected and used in a composition. The replacement of such a service requires a good understanding why this service got selected in the first place. This is hard to accomplish as it is known from software maintenance. Therefore we propose an approach where the conceptual task implemented by a selected service as well as the relationship between task and selected service is explicated and maintained during the complete life cycle of a composed service. This covers the design of the composition, derivation of service search criteria, and the execution of the composed service. The approach has been validated by an implementation in the Service Composition Studio (SERCS) supporting the iterative development of composed services.

- Services | Pp. 230-244

Correlation Patterns in Service-Oriented Architectures

Alistair Barros; Gero Decker; Marlon Dumas; Franz Weber

When a service engages in multiple interactions concurrently, it is generally required to correlate incoming messages with messages previously sent or received. Features to deal with this correlation requirement have been incorporated into standards and tools for service implementation, but the supported sets of features are ad hoc as there is a lack of an overarching framework from which their expressiveness can be evaluated. This paper introduces a set of patterns that provide a basis for evaluating languages and protocols for service implementation in terms of their support for correlation. The proposed correlation patterns are grounded in a formal model that views correlation mechanisms as means of grouping atomic message events into conversations and processes. The paper also provides an evaluation of relevant standards in terms of the patterns, specifically WS-Addressing and BPEL, and discusses how these standards have and could continue to evolve to address a wider set of correlation scenarios.

- Services | Pp. 245-259