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Programming Languages and Systems: 16th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practics of Software, ETAPS 2007, Braga, Portugal, March 24: April 1, 2007. Proceedings

Rocco De Nicola (eds.)

En conferencia: 16º European Symposium on Programming (ESOP) . Braga, Portugal . March 24, 2007 - April 1, 2007

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Precise Fixpoint Computation Through Strategy Iteration

Thomas Gawlitza; Helmut Seidl

We present a practical algorithm for computing least solutions of systems of equations over the integers with addition, multiplication with positive constants, maximum and minimum. The algorithm is based on strategy iteration. Its run-time (w.r.t. the uniform cost measure) is independent of the sizes of occurring numbers. We apply our technique to solve systems of interval equations. In particular, we show how arbitrary intersections as well as full interval multiplication in interval equations can be dealt with precisely.

- Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation II | Pp. 300-315

A Complete Guide to the Future

Frank S. de Boer; Dave Clarke; Einar Broch Johnsen

We present the semantics and proof system for an object-oriented language with active objects, asynchronous method calls, and futures. The language, based on Creol, distinguishes itself in that unlike active object models, it permits more than one thread of control within an object, though, unlike Java, only one thread can be active within an object at a given time and rescheduling occurs only at specific release points. Consequently, reestablishing an object’s monitor invariant is possible at specific well-defined points in the code. The resulting proof system shows that this approach to concurrency is simpler for reasoning than, say, Java’s multithreaded concurrency model. From a methodological perspective, we identify constructs which admit a simple proof system and those which require, for example, interference freedom tests.

- Semantic Theories for Object Oriented Languages | Pp. 316-330

The Java Memory Model: Operationally, Denotationally, Axiomatically

Pietro Cenciarelli; Alexander Knapp; Eleonora Sibilio

A semantics to a small fragment of Java capturing the new memory model (JMM) described in the Language Specification is given by combining operational, denotational and axiomatic techniques in a novel semantic framework. The operational steps (specified in the form of SOS) construct denotational models (configuration structures) and are constrained by the axioms of a configuration theory. The semantics is proven correct with respect to the Language Specification and shown to capture many common examples in the JMM literature.

- Semantic Theories for Object Oriented Languages | Pp. 331-346

Immutable Objects for a Java-Like Language

C. Haack; E. Poll; J. Schäfer; A. Schubert

We extend a Java-like language with immutability specifications and a static type system for verifying immutability. A class modifier specifies that all class instances are immutable objects. Ownership types specify the depth of object states and enforce encapsulation of representation objects. The type system guarantees that the state of immutable objects does not visibly mutate during a program run. Provided immutability-annotated classes and methods are , this is true even if immutable classes are composed with untrusted classes that follow Java’s type system, but not our immutability type system.

- Semantic Theories for Object Oriented Languages | Pp. 347-362

Scalar Outcomes Suffice for Finitary Probabilistic Testing

Yuxin Deng; Rob van Glabbeek; Carroll Morgan; Chenyi Zhang

The question of equivalence has long vexed research in concurrency, leading to many different denotational- and bisimulation-based approaches; a breakthrough occurred with the insight that tests expressed within the concurrent framework itself, based on a special “success action”, yield equivalences that make only inarguable distinctions.

When probability was added, however, it seemed necessary to extend the testing framework beyond a direct probabilistic generalisation in order to remain useful. An attractive possibility was the extension to success actions that yielded of real-valued outcomes.

Here we prove that such vectors are unnecessary when processes are , that is finitely branching and finite-state: single outcomes are just as powerful. Thus for finitary processes we can retain the original, simpler testing approach and its direct connections to other naturally scalar-valued phenomena.

- Process Algebraic Techniques | Pp. 363-378

Probabilistic Anonymity Via Coalgebraic Simulations

Ichiro Hasuo; Yoshinobu Kawabe

There is a growing concern on anonymity and privacy on the Internet, resulting in lots of work on formalization and verification of anonymity. Especially, importance of probabilistic aspect of anonymity is claimed recently by many authors. Among them are Bhargava and Palamidessi who present the definition of for which, however, proof methods are not yet elaborated. In this paper we introduce a simulation-based proof method for probabilistic anonymity. It is a probabilistic adaptation of the method by Kawabe et al. for non-deterministic anonymity: anonymity of a protocol is proved by finding out a forward/backward simulation between certain automata. For the jump from non-determinism to probability we fully exploit a generic, coalgebraic theory of traces and simulations developed by Hasuo and others. In particular, an appropriate notion of probabilistic simulations is obtained by instantiating a generic definition with suitable parameters.

- Process Algebraic Techniques | Pp. 379-394

A Fault Tolerance Bisimulation Proof for Consensus (Extended Abstract)

Adrian Francalanza; Matthew Hennessy

The possibility of partial failure occuring at any stage of computation complicates rigorous formal treatment of distributed algorithms. We propose a methodology for formalising and proving the correctness of distributed algorithms which alleviates this complexity. The methodology uses fault-tolerance bisimulation proof techniques to split the analysis into two phases, that is a failure-free phase and a failure phase, permitting separation of concerns. We design a minimal partial-failure calculus, develop a corresponding bisimulation theory for it and express a consensus algorithm in the calculus. We then use the consensus example and the calculus theory to demonstrate the benefits of our methodology.

- Process Algebraic Techniques | Pp. 395-410

A Core Calculus for a Comparative Analysis of Bio-inspired Calculi

Cristian Versari

The application of process calculi theory to the modeling and the analysis of biological phenomena has recently attracted the interests of the scientific community. To this aim several specialized, bio-inspired process calculi have been proposed, but a formal comparison of their expressivity is still lacking. In this paper we present @, an extension of the -Calculus with priorities and polyadic synchronisation that turns out to be suitable to act as a core platform for the comparison of other calculi. Here we show @ at work by providing “reasonable” encodings of the two most popular calculi for modeling membrane interactions, namely, BioAmbients and Brane Calculi.

pi-calculus, priority, polyadic synchronisation, BioAmbients, Brane Calculi.

- Process Algebraic Techniques | Pp. 411-425

A Rewriting Semantics for Type Inference

George Kuan; David MacQueen; Robert Bruce Findler

When students first learn programming, they often rely on a simple operational model of a program’s behavior to explain how particular features work. Because such models build on their earlier training in algebra, students find them intuitive, even obvious. Students learning type systems, however, have to confront an entirely different notation with a different semantics that many find difficult to understand.

In this work, we begin to build the theoretical underpinnings for treating type checking in a manner like the operational semantics of execution. Intuitively, each term is incrementally rewritten to its type. For example, each basic constant rewrites directly to its type and each lambda expression rewrites to an arrow type whose domain is the type of the lambda’s formal parameter and whose range is the body of the lambda expression which, in turn, rewrites to the range type.

- Applicative Programming | Pp. 426-440

Principal Type Schemes for Modular Programs

Derek Dreyer; Matthias Blume

Two of the most prominent features of ML are its expressive module system and its support for Damas-Milner type inference. However, while the foundations of both these features have been studied extensively, their interaction has never received a proper type-theoretic treatment. One consequence is that both the official Definition and the alternative Harper-Stone semantics of Standard ML are difficult to implement correctly. To bolster this claim, we offer a series of short example programs on which no existing SML typechecker follows the behavior prescribed by either formal definition. It is unclear how to amend the implementations to match the definitions or vice versa. Instead, we propose a way of defining how type inference interacts with modules that is more liberal than any existing definition or implementation of SML and, moreover, admits a provably sound and complete typechecking algorithm via a straightforward generalization of Algorithm . In addition to being conceptually simple, our solution exhibits a novel hybrid of the Definition and Harper-Stone semantics of SML, and demonstrates the broader relevance of some type-theoretic techniques developed recently in the study of recursive modules.

- Applicative Programming | Pp. 441-457