Catálogo de publicaciones - libros
Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities: 9th International Conference on Asian Digial Libraries, ICADL 2006, Kyoto, Japan, November 27-30, 2006, Proceedings
Shigeo Sugimoto ; Jane Hunter ; Andreas Rauber ; Atsuyuki Morishima (eds.)
En conferencia: 9º International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL) . Kyoto, Japan . November 27, 2006 - November 30, 2006
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
No disponible.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Information Storage and Retrieval; Database Management; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Multimedia Information Systems; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Document Preparation and Text Processing
Institución detectada | Año de publicación | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | 2006 | SpringerLink |
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ISBN impreso
ISBN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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Información sobre derechos de publicación
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
doi: 10.1007/11931584_31
A Process and Tool for the Conversion of MARC Records to a Normalized FRBR Implementation
Trond Aalberg
This paper presents a generic process and a tool for the conversion of MARC-based bibliographic records to the ER-based model of the Function Requirements for Bibliographic Records. The interpretation of a record, the construction of a new set of records and the final normalization needed, is decomposed into a series of steps that is implemented in the tool using XSL transformations. The purpose of the tool is to support researchers and developers who want to explore FRBR or develop solutions for using FRBR with existing MARC-based bibliographic catalogues.
Palabras clave: Graphic Database; Corporate Body; Relator Code; Bibliographic Record; Conversion Tool.
- Metadata | Pp. 283-292
doi: 10.1007/11931584_32
Metadata Spaces: The Concept and a Case with REPOX
Nuno Freire; Hugo Manguinhas; José Borbinha
This paper describes REPOX, an XML infrastructure to store, preserve and manage metadata sets. This infrastructure is designed accordingly to the requirements of the OAIS – Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System. It can play the role of a broker or other specific service in a Service Oriented Architecture, aligned with an Enterprise Architecture model, to manage, transparently, data sets of information entities in digital libraries, independently of their schemas or formats. The main default functions of this service are submission, storage, long-term preservation and retrieval. The case is demonstrated with a deployment at the National Library of Portugal, using data collections from two information systems and four schemas: bibliographic and authority metadata from a union catalogue and descriptive and authority metadata from an archive management system.
Palabras clave: Access Point; Digital Library; Service Orient Architecture; Bibliographic Record; Information Entity.
- Digital Libraries and Archives Architecture | Pp. 293-302
doi: 10.1007/11931584_33
Extending Greenstone for Institutional Repositories
David Bainbridge; Wendy Osborn; Ian H. Witten; David M. Nichols
We examine the problem of designing a generalized system for building institutional repositories. Widely used schemes such as DSpace are tailored to a particular set of requirements: fixed metadata set; standard view when searching and browsing; pre-determined sequence for depositing items; built-in workflow for vetting new items. In contrast, Fedora builds in flexibility: institutional repositories are just one possible instantiation—however generality incurs a high overhead and uptake has been sluggish. This paper shows how existing components of the Greenstone software can be repurposed to provide a generalized institutional repository that falls between these extremes.
Palabras clave: Digital Library; Institutional Repository; Submission Process; Open Archival Information System; Full Text Indexing.
- Digital Libraries and Archives Architecture | Pp. 303-312
doi: 10.1007/11931584_34
A Web Archiving System of the National Library of Korea: OASIS
Kyung Ho Choi; Dal Ju Jeon
In this paper, we introduce a web archiving system called OASIS(Online Archiving & Searching Internet Sources), which was developed and has been operated by the National Library of Korea. Workflows and process of OASIS are based on the strategy that web sites and individual digital resources for web archiving are collected selectively. We mainly focus on the description of functionalities and characteristics of the system. In addition, we briefly describe the system architecture and data model.
Palabras clave: Archiving system; long term preservation; digital library.
- Digital Libraries and Archives Architecture | Pp. 313-322
doi: 10.1007/11931584_35
The DELOS Testbed for Choosing a Digital Preservation Strategy
Stephan Strodl; Andreas Rauber; Carl Rauch; Hans Hofman; Franca Debole; Giuseppe Amato
With the rapid technological changes, digital preservation, i.e. the endeavor to provide long-term access to digital objects, is turning into one of the most pressing challenges to ensure the survival of our digital artefacts. A set of strategies has been proposed, with a range of tools supporting parts of digital preservation actions. Yet, with requirements on which strategy to follow and which tools to employ being different for each setting, depending e.g. on object characteristics or institutional requirements, deciding which solution to implement has turned into a crucial decision. This paper presents the DELOS Digital Preservation Testbed. It provides an approach to make informed and accountable decisions on which solution to implement in order to preserve digital objects for a given purpose. It is based on Utility Analysis to evaluate the performance of various solutions against well-defined objectives, and facilitates repeatable experiments in a standardized laboratory setting.
Palabras clave: Digital Library; Digital Object; Objective Tree; Preservation Strategy; Preservation Solution.
- Digital Libraries and Archives Architecture | Pp. 323-332
doi: 10.1007/11931584_36
Text Image Spotting Using Local Crowdedness and Hausdorff Distance
Hwa-Jeong Son; Sang-Cheol Park; Soo-Hyung Kim; Ji-Soo Kim; GueeSang Lee; DeokJai Choi
This paper investigates a Hausdorff distance, which is used for measurement of image similarity, to see whether it is also effective for document image retrieval. We proposed a method using a local crowdedness algorithm and a modified Hausdorff distance which has an ability of detection of partial text image in a document image. We found that the proposed method achieved a reliable performance of text spotting on postal envelops.
- Multimedia Resource Retrieval and Organization | Pp. 333-339
doi: 10.1007/11931584_37
Effective Image Retrieval for the M-Learning System
Eunjung Han; Anjin Park; Dongwok kyoung; HwangKyu Yang; Keechul Jung
In this paper, we propose augmented learning contents (ALC) with the blended learning on mobile devices. It augments on-line contents by indexing the corresponding off-line contents using traditional pattern recognition method, which results in a minimize of labors for conversion. Among the pattern recognition method marker-based is one of most general approach. However it must reconstruct the off-line contents with pattern markers. To solve both drawbacks that use of the pattern markers and difficulty of the color-based image retrieval by means of a low-resolution PDA camera, we used for a shape-based system. CBIR based on object shapes is used instead of pattern markers to link off-line contents with on-line, and shapes are represented by a differential chain code with estimated new starting points to obtain rotation-invariant representation, which is suited to low computational resources of mobile devices. Consequently, the ALC can provide learner with a fast and accurate multimedia contents (video, audio, text) on static off-line contents using mobile devices without space limitation.
Palabras clave: Contents recycling; Mobile learning; Multimedia education contents; Shape-based image retrieval; Mobile vision; DTW.
- Multimedia Resource Retrieval and Organization | Pp. 340-349
doi: 10.1007/11931584_38
Language Translation and Media Transformation in Cross-Language Image Retrieval
Hsin-Hsi Chen; Yih-Chen Chang
Cross-language image retrieval facilitates the use of text query in one language and image query in one medium to access image collection with text description in another language/medium. The images with annotations are considered as a trans-media parallel corpus. In a media-mapping approach, we transform a query in one medium into a query in another medium by referencing to the aligned trans-media corpus. From the counterpart of results of an initial retrieval, we generate a new query in different medium. In the experiments, we adopted St. Andrews University Library’s photographic collection used in ImageCLEF, and explored different models of language translation and media transformation. When both text query and image query are given together, the best MAP of a cross-lingual cross-media model 1L2M (one language translation plus two media transformations) achieve 87.15% and 72.39% of those of mono-lingual image retrieval in the 2004 and the 2005 test sets, respectively. That demonstrates our media transformation is quite useful, and it can compensate for the errors introduced in language translation.
Palabras clave: Image Retrieval; Image Query; Text Description; Query Term; Mean Average Precision.
- Multimedia Resource Retrieval and Organization | Pp. 350-359
doi: 10.1007/11931584_39
A Surface Errors Locator System for Ancient Culture Preservation
Yimin Yu; Duanqing Xu; Chun Chen; Yijun Yu; Lei Zhao
We present a novel system to find the surface errors for preservation and reappearance of cultural relic image better. Our approach firstly transforms images to HSL color space in accord with human vision and deal with the lightness of color conveniently. Next we use color cluster method to increase the locator accuracy. Finally we apply features analysis to find the error automatically. This procedure is consist of two phases: the Lightness of error detecting and the Adaptive detection filtering. Our technique can be applied to many areas, especially our ancient culture preservation, such as the renaissance of the costly fresco of Dunhuang, which is urgently desiderated protection. Experiments show the effects of our technique and its application foreground is attractive.
Palabras clave: Texture Image; Error Region; Image Inpainting; Color Distance; Image Completion.
- Multimedia Resource Retrieval and Organization | Pp. 360-369
doi: 10.1007/11931584_40
Emotional Descriptors for Map-Based Access to Music Libraries
Doris Baum; Andreas Rauber
Apart from genre- and artist-based organization, emotions are one of the most frequently used characteristics to describe and thus potentially organize music. Emotional descriptors may serve as additional labels to access and interact with music libraries. This paper reports on a user study evaluating a range of emotional descriptors from the PANAS-X schedule for their usefulness to describe pieces of music. It further investigates their potential as labels for SOM-based maps for music collections, analyzing the differences for labels agreed upon by a larger group of people versus strictly personalized labellings of maps due to different interpretations by individual users.
Palabras clave: Digital Library; Emotional Category; Music Piece; Musical Genre; Emotional Label.
- Organizing Knowledge | Pp. 370-379