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Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: 8th International Conference, FOSSACS 2005, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2005, Edinburgh, UK, April 4-8, 2005. Pro
Vladimiro Sassone (eds.)
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No detectada | 2005 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 2005
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doi: DOItmp_0558_031002
From Separation Logic to First-Order Logic
Separation logic is a spatial logic for reasoning locally about heap structures. A decidable fragment of its assertion language was presented in [1], based on a bounded model property. We exploit this property to give an encoding of this fragment into a first-order logic containing only the propositional connectives, quantification over the natural numbers and equality. This result is the first translation from Separation Logic into a logic which does not depend on the heap, and provides a direct decision procedure based on well-studied algorithms for first-order logic. Moreover, our translation is compositional in the structure of formulae, whilst previous results involved enumerating either heaps or formulae arising from the bounded model property.
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doi: DOItmp_0558_031003
Justifying Algorithms for βη-Conversion
Deciding the typing judgement of type theories with dependent types such as the Logical Framework relies on deciding the equality judgement for the same theory. Implementing the conversion algorithm for β η -equality and justifying this algorithm is therefore an important problem for applications such as proof assistants and modules systems. This article gives a proof of decidability, correctness and completeness of the conversion algorithms for β η -equality defined by Coquand [3] and Harper and Pfenning [8] for the Logical Framework, relying on established metatheoretic results for the type theory. Proofs are also given of the same properties for a typed algorithm for conversion for System F, a new result.
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doi: DOItmp_0558_031014
Axiomatizations for Probabilistic Finite-State Behaviors
We study a process calculus which combines both nondeterministic and probabilistic behavior in the style of Segala and Lynch’s probabilistic automata. We consider various strong and weak behavioral equivalences, and we provide complete axiomatizations for finite-state processes, restricted to guarded definitions in case of the weak equivalences. We conjecture that in the general case of unguarded recursion the “natural” weak equivalences are undecidable. This is the first work, to our knowledge, that provides a complete axiomatization for weak equivalences in the presence of recursion and both nondeterministic and probabilistic choice.
Pp. No disponible
doi: DOItmp_0558_031005
Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Logic: The Limits and Beyond
Modal logic has a good claim to being the logic of choice for describing the reactive behaviour of systems modeled as coalgebras. Logics with modal operators obtained from so-called predicate liftings have been shown to be invariant under behavioral equivalence. Expressivity results stating that, conversely, logically indistinguishable states are behaviorally equivalent depend on the existence of separating sets of predicate liftings for the signature functor at hand. Here, we provide a classification result for predicate liftings which leads to an easy criterion for the existence of such separating sets, and we give simple examples of functors that fail to admit expressive normal or monotone modal logics, respectively, or in fact an expressive (unary) modal logic at all. We then move on to polyadic modal logic, where modal operators may take more than one argument formula. We show that every accessible functor admits an expressive polyadic modal logic. Moreover, expressive polyadic modal logics are, unlike unary modal logics, compositional.
Pp. No disponible
doi: DOItmp_0558_031006
Duality for Logics of Transition Systems
We present a general framework for logics of transition systems based on Stone duality. Transition systems are modelled as coalgebras for a functor T on a category . The propositional logic used to reason about state spaces from is modelled by the Stone dual of (e.g. if is Stone spaces then is Boolean algebras and the propositional logic is the classical one). In order to obtain a modal logic for transition systems (i.e. for T -coalgebras) we consider the functor L on that is dual to T . An adequate modal logic for T -coalgebras is then obtained from the category of L -algebras which is, by construction, dual to the category of T -coalgebras. The logical meaning of the duality is that the logic is sound and complete and expressive (or fully abstract) in the sense that non-bisimilar states are distinguished by some formula. We apply the framework to Vietoris coalgebras on topological spaces, using the duality between spaces and observation frames, to obtain adequate logics for transition systems on posets, sets, spectral spaces and Stone spaces. Keywords: transition systems, coalgebras, Stone duality, topological dualities, modal logic
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doi: DOItmp_0558_031012
Bisimulation on Speed: A Unified Approach
Two process–algebraic approaches have been developed for comparing two bisimulation–equivalent processes with respect to speed: the one of Moller/Tofts equips actions with lower time bounds, while the one by Lüttgen/Vogler considers upper time bounds instead. This paper sheds new light on both approaches by testifying to their close relationship. We introduce a general, intuitive concept of “faster–than”, which is formalised by a notion of amortised faster–than preorder . When closing this preorder under all contexts, exactly the two faster–than preorders investigated by Moller/Tofts and Lüttgen/Vogler arise. For processes incorporating both lower and upper time bounds we also show that the largest precongruence contained in the amortised faster–than preorder is not a proper preorder but a timed bisimulation. In the light of this result we systematically investigate under which circumstances the amortised faster–than preorder degrades to an equivalence.
Pp. No disponible
doi: DOItmp_0558_031008
Confluence of Right Ground Term Rewriting Systems Is Decidable
Term rewriting systems provide a versatile model of computation. An important property which allows to abstract from potential nondeterminism of parallel execution of the modelled program is confluence. In this paper we prove that confluence of a fairly large class of systems, namely right ground term rewriting systems, is decidable. We introduce a labelling of variables with colours and constrain substitutions according to these colours. We show how right ground rewriting systems can be reduced to simple systems with coloured variables. Such systems can be analysed using reduction-automata techniques which leads to an interesting decision procedure for confluence.
Pp. No disponible
doi: DOItmp_0558_031009
Safety Is not a Restriction at Level 2 for String Languages
Recent work by Knapik, Niwiński and Urzyczyn (in FOSSACS 2002) has revived interest in the connexions between higher-order grammars and higher-order pushdown automata. Both devices can be viewed as definitions for term trees as well as string languages. In the latter setting we recall the extensive study by Damm (1982), and Damm and Goerdt (1986). There it was shown that a language is accepted by a level- n pushdown automaton if and only if the language is generated by a safe level- n grammar. We show that at level 2 the safety assumption may be removed. It follows that there are no inherently unsafe string languages at level 2.
Pp. No disponible
doi: DOItmp_0558_031007
Congruence for Structural Congruences
Structural congruences have been used to define the semantics and to capture inherent properties of language constructs. They have been used as an addendum to transition system specifications in Plotkin’s style of Structural Operational Semantics (SOS). However, there has been little theoretical work on establishing a formal link between these two semantic specification frameworks. In this paper, we give an interpretation of structural congruences inside the transition system specification framework. This way, we extend a number of well-behavedness meta-theorems for SOS (such as well-definedness of the semantics and congruence of bisimilarity) to the extended setting with structural congruences.
Pp. No disponible
doi: DOItmp_0558_030985
Model Checking for Nominal Calculi
Nominal calculi have been shown very effective to formally model a variety of computational phenomena. The models of nominal calculi have often infinite states, thus making model checking a difficult task. In this note we survey some of the approaches for model checking nominal calculi. Then, we focus on History-Dependent automata , a syntax-free automaton-based model of mobility. History-Dependent automata have provided the formal basis to design and implement some existing verification toolkits. We then introduce a novel syntax-free setting to model the symbolic semantics of a nominal calculus. Our approach relies on the notions of reactive systems and observed borrowed contexts introduced by Leifer and Milner, and further developed by Sassone, Lack and Sobocinski. We argue that the symbolic semantics model based on borrowed contexts can be conveniently applied to web service discovery and binding.
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