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Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th International Conference, XP 2007, Como, Italy, June 18-22, 2007. Proceedings

Giulio Concas ; Ernesto Damiani ; Marco Scotto ; Giancarlo Succi (eds.)

En conferencia: 8º International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering (XP) . Como, Italy . June 18, 2007 - June 22, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Multi-tasking Agile Projects: The Focal Point

Ruud Wijnands; Ingmar van Dijk

This paper outlines what happens when a team has to work on more than one project at a time. It explains how time can be divided, the team’s challenges and how to priorities can be set when more projects are approaching deadlines at the same time.

Palabras clave: release planning; iteration planning; iteration length; challenges; escalation; deadline pressure.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 222-225

Extreme Programming Security Practices

Xiaocheng Ge; Richard F. Paige; Fiona Polack; Phil Brooke

Current practice suggests that security is considered through all stages of the software development life cycle, and that a risk-based and plan-driven approach is best suited to establish security criteria. Based on experience in applying security practices, this paper proposes two new security practices, security training and a fundamental security architecture, for applying Extreme Programming.

Palabras clave: Security Requirement; Software Project; User Story; Agile Method; Software Security.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 226-230

Multi-tasking Agile Projects: The Pressure Tank

Ruud Wijnands; Ingmar van Dijk

This paper explains how teams and their customers try to save time when under time pressure when a deadline is approaching. We explain how best-practices and team communication are influenced by time pressure. Furthermore we also explain how team leads or SCRUM Masters can help a team during such a time.

Palabras clave: project; simultaneous; time pressure; deadline; SCRUM; best-practice; retrospective; pair programming.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 231-234

The Creation of a Distributed Agile Team

Paul Karsten; Fabrizio Cannizzo

This report tells the story of a project started one and a half years ago in BT and how the enthusiasm and dedication on applying agile methodologies has allowed the team to grow while successfully delivering on their goals. It describes the process that has been put in place to manage the project and develop the software; it also tells how some of the practices initially applied have been then changed and adapted to make them fit for the distributed and unique nature of the team.

Palabras clave: Agile; distributed team; scrum; extreme programming; SOA; web services.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 235-239

Distributed Scrum in Research Project Management

Michele Marchesi; Katiuscia Mannaro; Selene Uras; Mario Locci

Can research projects be agile? In this paper we describe our proposal of applying Scrum for the management of an European research project aimed at developing an agent-based software platform for European economic policy design. The use of an agile, adaptive methodology is justified because successful research projects are complex, unstable processes, that should be continuously adapted along their way. We describe in detail the roles, artifacts and practices of the proposed process, and the first steps of its adoption.

Palabras clave: Scrum; project management; distributed team; research project.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 240-244

Multiple Perspectives on Executable Acceptance Test-Driven Development

Grigori Melnik; Frank Maurer

This descriptive case study is about the dynamics of a software engineering team using executable acceptance test-driven development in a real world project. The experiences of a customer, a developer, and a tester were discussed. The observed consensus among multiple stakeholders speaks of the effectiveness of the practice in the given context.

Palabras clave: Multiple Perspective; Test Scenario; Business Rule; User Story; Business Requirement.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 245-249

Test Driving the Wrong Car

Ingmar van Dijk; Ruud Wijnands

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a practice that can be applied in almost all software development projects. It is a great tool to write working code and end up with clean designs. When writing code we make choices about the technologies we use and the underlying architecture. Sometimes the consequences of unfortunate choices do not show up for a while. TDD does not prevent us from making big mistakes. This paper is about such an unfortunate choice, the process of writing code based on this choice and the result. Finally, we discuss the lessons learned that can help us to avoid making big mistakes or to get a quick indication of such a mistake.

Palabras clave: Test-Driven Development; mistakes; non-functional tests; feedback.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 250-252

Epistemological Justification of Test Driven Development in Agile Processes

Francesco Gagliardi

In this paper we outline a methodological similarity between test driven software development and scientific theories evolution. We argue that falsificationism and its modus tollens are foundational concepts for both software engineering and scientific method. In this perspective we propose an epistemological justification of test driven development using theoretical reasons and empirical evidences.

Palabras clave: Software Testing; TDD; Agile Programming; Epistemology; Falsificationism; Modus Tollens.

- Experience Reports | Pp. 253-256

How Does Readiness for Agile Development Relate to Team Climate and Individual Personality Attributes?

Tali Seger; Orit Hazzan; Ronen Bar-Nahor

In this short paper we present our research idea on relationships between specific indices of organizational climate (team/management climate), level of individual self-efficacy as a personality attribute, and software practitioners’ readiness for agile software development. Research results can help organizations predict the readiness of employees to implement agile methods and/or to work effectively in an agile environment.

Palabras clave: Organizational Climate; Safety Climate; Employee Performance; Agile Method; Team Climate.

- Research Ideas | Pp. 257-260

Communication Flow in Open Source Projects: An Analysis of Developers’ Mailing Lists

Selene Uras; Giulio Concas; Manuela Lisci; Michele Marchesi; Sandro Pinna

Team work is defined by different factors: team size, members role, interactions and communication. In Agile Methodologies communication plays a fundamental role. Some research studies have found that the involvement of team members in a project also depends on the information provided. Communication also depends on the tool employed. The aim of this paper is to analyze communication among team members of the 9 most active projects on Sourceforge provided of a developers’ mailing list. In particular we tried to investigate how and why members post to developers’ mailing list and the use that different members make of these mailing lists.

Palabras clave: Communication flow; social network; Open Source.

- Research Ideas | Pp. 261-265