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Agronomy for Sustainable Development: Official journal of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

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No detectada desde jul. 2018 / hasta dic. 2023 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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Factors influencing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices for rice cultivation in Southeast Asia: a review

Sheng-Han-Erin ChangORCID; Emmanuel O. Benjamin; Johannes Sauer

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Rice cultivation plays a vital role in the Southeast Asian (SEA) economy, but it poses environmental challenges and contributes a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. To address these concerns, sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs) for rice production have been introduced to mitigate the environmental impact of rice production while fostering economic and social sustainability. However, the adoption of these practices remains limited, highlighting the need for a critical review of existing literature to gain deeper insights into the factors influencing farmers’ adoption of these practices in SEA countries. This review analyzed 39 manuscripts to assess the current state of SAPs for rice cultivation in SEA. We found that socio-demographic variables and farm management variables were frequently examined in these studies, with varying levels of significance. Economic and institutional variables were moderately studied and tended to have more significant findings. There is a noticeable research gap regarding behavioral factors, emphasizing the need for further investigation in SEA. Furthermore, the findings underscore the importance of conducting additional research to develop effective monetary and non-monetary incentives and explore methodologies to address the gaps in understanding farmers’ trade-offs and preferences among different SAPs. These efforts are crucial for promoting the widespread adoption of SAPs in rice cultivation.</jats:p>

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Thresholds and prediction models to support the sustainable management of herbivorous insects in wheat. A review

Daniel J. Leybourne; Kate E. Storer; Abigail Marshall; Nasamu Musa; Samuel Telling; Laurie Abel; Sacha White; Steve Ellis; Po Yang; Pete M. Berry

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Wheat is one of the most important arable crops grown worldwide, providing a significant proportion of the daily calorific intake for countries across the globe. Wheat crops are attacked by a diverse range of herbivorous invertebrates, pests, that cause significant yield loss. It is anticipated that yield loss caused by pests will increase in response to a changing climate. Currently, these pests are primarily controlled using pesticides; however, there is an increased need for more sustainable pest management solutions. Economic thresholds represent one avenue that can support the sustainable management of pests. Briefly, thresholds are the number of pests above which there is sufficient risk of yield loss. Here, we review the economic thresholds and prediction methods available for sustainable pest management in wheat. We focus on five economically damaging pests affecting wheat crops in the UK and Europe. For each, we highlight the key period of crop risk to pest attack, identify economic thresholds, and provide an overview of current decision support models that can help estimate crop risk and advise sustainable pest management; we end by proposing areas for future improvement for each pest. Furthermore, we take a novel approach by discussing economic thresholds and their applications to sustainable pest management within the context of crop physiology and the capacity for crops to tolerate pest damage, a consideration that is often overlooked when developing pest management strategies. We use the stem-boring pest, the gout fly, as a case study and use the economic injury level equation to conduct a theoretical assessment of the appropriateness of the current gout fly threshold. This theoretical assessment indicates that wheat crops can tolerate greater gout fly damage than currently considered, and shows that by incorporating crop physiology into sustainable pest tolerance schemes we can work towards developing more appropriate physiological-based pest thresholds.</jats:p>

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Case study analysis of innovative producers toward sustainable integrated crop-livestock systems: trajectory, achievements, and thought process

Fernanda Gomes MoojenORCID; Julie Ryschawy; J. D. Wulfhorst; David W. Archer; Paulo César de Faccio Carvalho; John R. Hendrickson

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) are more complex to properly manage than specialized farming systems due to multiple interactions between crops, livestock, and grassland. Despite individual and structural barriers to adopting sustainable ICLS, some innovative producers have successfully conducted integrated production practices. In this context, a research gap exists in understanding the motivations and incentives for transitioning to such systems. This study aims to address ICLS adoption barriers by analyzing the trajectory, achievements, and thought processes of 15 producers practicing ICLS. Our objectives were to (1) highlight producers’ perceptions of ICLS levers and barriers and (2) identify turning point factors that enabled producers to overcome the barriers. We used a unique set of cases in three continental regions (southern Brazil, the northern Great Plains region in the United States, and southern France) and conducted semi-structured interviews. Interviewees emphasized that ICLS imply dealing with barriers ranging from mindset change to operational adaptations, but they also emphasized the rewarding nature of ICLS when properly managed. All their trajectories had important turning points, such as programs or initiatives, human influence, and broader social and economic reasons that resulted in shifts in their production practices and thought processes. The cases also highlighted that integrating crops and livestock positively impacted family producers’ business outcomes, soil health, and livelihood options. Still, individual barriers, including operational management, and structural barriers, including stakeholder awareness and commitment, must be overcome. Encouraging initiatives that offer a systemic approach and promote knowledge exchange can address part of ICLS adoption barriers. Initiatives must embrace a broader innovation ecosystem, having extension teams in close contact with researchers and stakeholders to assist producers in providing support for a more sophisticated level of management that ICLS require. Overall, we found commonalities in consciousness and proactiveness in remarkable cases that could inspire broader sustainability transitions.</jats:p>

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APSIM-based modeling approach to understand sorghum production environments in Mali

Madina Diancoumba; Jana Kholová; Myriam Adam; Mahamoudou Famanta; Benoît Clerget; Pierre C. S. Traore; Eva Weltzien; Michel Vacksmann; Greg McLean; Graeme L. Hammer; Erik J. van Oosterom; Vincent Vadez

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Sorghum production system in the semi-arid region of Africa is characterized by low yields which are generally attributed to high rainfall variability, poor soil fertility, and biotic factors. Production constraints must be well understood and quantified to design effective sorghum-system improvements. This study uses the state-of-the-art in silico methods and focuses on characterizing the sorghum production regions in Mali for drought occurrence and its effects on sorghum productivity. For this purpose, we adapted the APSIM-sorghum module to reproduce two cultivated photoperiod-sensitive sorghum types across a latitude of major sorghum production regions in Western Africa. We used the simulation outputs to characterize drought stress scenarios. We identified three main drought scenarios: (i) no-stress; (ii) early pre-flowering drought stress; and (iii) drought stress onset around flowering. The frequency of drought stress scenarios experienced by the two sorghum types across rainfall zones and soil types differed. As expected, the early pre-flowering and flowering drought stress occurred more frequently in isohyets &lt; 600 mm, for the photoperiod-sensitive, late-flowering sorghum type. In isohyets above 600 mm, the frequency of drought stress was very low for both cultivars. We quantified the consequences of these drought scenarios on grain and biomass productivity. The yields of the highly-photoperiod-sensitive sorghum type were quite stable across the higher rainfall zones &gt; 600 mm, but was affected by the drought stress in the lower rainfall zones &lt; 600 mm. Comparatively, the less photoperiod-sensitive cultivar had notable yield gain in the driest regions &lt; 600 mm. The results suggest that, at least for the tested crop types, drought stress might not be the major constraint to sorghum production in isohyets &gt; 600 mm. The findings from this study provide the entry point for further quantitative testing of the Genotype × Environment × Management options required to optimize sorghum production in Mali.</jats:p>

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Adopting agronomic strategies to enhance the adaptation of global rice production to future climate change: a meta-analysis

Saiya Li; Feng Wu; Qing Zhou; Yali Zhang

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APSIM’s origins and the forces shaping its first 30 years of evolution: A review and reflections

Brian Anthony KeatingORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Simulation models have co-evolved with agricultural research methods over the last 60 years and they are now a widely accepted and deployed component of agricultural research and development. Modelling supports research in a very diverse range of disciplines and situations, but nowhere more so than in farming systems research. The complex interactions in space and time in the face of climate variability and change that characterise contemporary farming systems research create a situation in which farming systems models are vital tools in interpreting and generalising research results. This review examines the evolution of one of the most widely used farming systems modelling platforms, the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM). The review sets the scene for APSIM development with an account of research approaches in agronomy during the 1960s and 1970s. The early innovations in crop and soil modelling in the 1980s are covered briefly and a more explicit history of APSIM development is reported from the 1990s. Reports of APSIM use and impact are reviewed over the 2000s and 2010s. The review concludes with reflections on the forces that have shaped and enabled this more than 30-year history of APSIM development and use, together with a look forward to future challenges. Recent developments in proximal and remote sensing together with advances in the power of empirical models arising from machine learning are not seen as threats but more so opportunities for sound bio-physical models to be deployed with greater effect.</jats:p>

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