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Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
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sustainability; construction materials; technologies; engineering; civil engineering; environmental engineering
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No requiere | desde mar. 2025 / hasta mar. 2025 | Directory of Open Access Journals |
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- inglés
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A Review on Blockchain Operations in Construction Management
Bassant SAYED; Hasan Volkan ORAL
<jats:p xml:lang="en">This study investigates the important role that the blockchain plays to manage the information about who did what and when and hence provides a strong base for any legal potential conflicts. Blockchain technology permits you to distribute, encrypt, and secure the records of digital transactions. In addition, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are encompassed in it. Even though the construction industry has traditionally been a late user of innovative technology compared to other sectors of the economy, it faces various hurdles in terms of trust, accessibility, information sharing, and process automation. As a result, stakeholders, clients, subcontractors, contractors, and suppliers have been unable to work together effectively. Even if building information modeling is employed, which envisions a centralized building, the primary benefit of blockchain is the secure storage of sensitive sensor data</jats:p>
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Triggering Corporate Sustainable Performance in Construction Sector through Green Training: Moderating Effect of Barrier in Construction Management
Imran WARIS; Ilayda ULKU
<jats:p xml:lang="en">This study aims to explore the key determinants of green training and investigate its impact on sustainable performance moderated by construction barriers. Study findings show green training is an antecedent of the sustainable performance of the construction sector. Moreover, to fill the theoretical mechanism that is highlighted and fill the gaps for sustainable performance. Person-organization fit theory focuses on productivity, performance, and personal well-being. It creates compatibility between a person and an organization where they are doing work. Moreover, the person-organization fit theory significantly tests this framework that is successfully leading the phenomenon. The research employed SPSS/PROCESS and follows a cross-sectional research design. Data is taken from 225 employees using a convenience sampling technique from the construction sector. This study highlights the green training to transform green employee behavior that leads to corporate sustainable performance through green recruitment and hiring, giving rewards and appraisals based on the achievement of desired objectives. Last, a study shows in the construction sector of Pakistan that the construction barrier plays a significant but negative role-play between green training and corporate sustainability performance due to limited resources. This study gives extensive knowledge of green training and corporate sustainability performance. In the future, need longitudinal studies that will be more acceptable. This study highlights the gaps and provides insight to the managers, policymakers, and practitioners of sustainable environment and performance. The current study fulfils the need to explore green training in developing economies like Pakistan. This study is very useful in developing countries, where alarming situations have arisen about the environment and poorly implemented government regulations.</jats:p>
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Bentonit Tabanlı Çinko Komplekslerin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
<jats:p xml:lang="en">The use of environmentally friendly catalysts obtained by the transport of transition metals on solid or polymer carrier materials, in chemical reactions has become quite common recently. Studies in which zinc complexes are used as homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts are frequently encountered in literature. In addition to many advantages of homogeneous catalysts, there are some disadvantages such as difficulty in separating from reaction medium, recycling and limited chemical-thermal stability. The solution of problems can be achieved by using solid catalyst support materials and transferring the active ingredients to these support materials. Therefore, catalysts prepared by transporting transition metal complexes onto solid supports have become interesting for researchers. 
 Natural or processed clays can be used as catalysts or catalyst carriers as well as having many uses due to their cheapness and abundance in nature. In this study, natural Enez/Edirne bentonite was acid activated (HB) and converted to organo-clay (HB/CTAB) with hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). Then, heterogeneous catalysts were prepared by direct transport of the synthesized [Zn(acac)2H2O] or [Zn(p-H2NC6H4COO)2]1.5H2O complexes onto modified clays separately. The characterization of the catalysts have been performed by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, surface scanning electron microscope and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller specific surface analysis methods.</jats:p>
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Cost analysis of insulation materials used to increase energy performance in buildings with Net Present Value method
<jats:p xml:lang="en">Today, producing solutions for the effective and efficient use of energy resources is among the priority areas in almost every sector. In terms of energy consumption, each solution developed in the building sector has a great impact on reducing total energy consumption. In this study, different types of insulation materials used in walls and roof were investigated in terms of cost-effectiveness in order to improve the energy performance of a building located in the 1st degree day zone in Turkey. Four commonly preferred insulation materials for wall and roof were tested at specific thicknesses. Scenarios for the specified thicknesses were simulated with the Design Builder simulation program and energy consumption values were determined. The initial investment costs of each alternative were calculated and energy savings were determined. The initial investment costs and energy savings were evaluated according to the Net Present Value method and the priority ranking of each alternative was revealed. According to the results obtained, when the materials used in the study are compared; it is determined that the material with the highest net present value for the roof is glass wool and the material with the highest net present value for the wall is stone wool.</jats:p>
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Performance of Superabsorbent Polymer as Admixture in Hollow Concrete Blocks
Phoebe Love CANDANO
; Kate Rose ELORDE
; Irl Rica Ann MEJOS
; Rhoe James CABADA
; Val Irvin MABAYO
<jats:p xml:lang="en">This study investigates the efficacy of superabsorbent polymer (SAP) waste as an admixture in producing hollow concrete blocks. Using the central composite design (CCD) of the response surface methodology (RSM), the concrete blocks were created by adjusting the SAP percentage from 0.05% to 0.25%, with a constant amount of cement and sand ratios ranging from 2.00 to 4.00. After 28 days of curing, the blocks were evaluated for their compressive strength, density, and water absorption capacity. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the created hollow concrete blocks at optimum condition exceeded the Philippine National Standard and ASTM Standard of 4.14 MPa for compressive strength on non-loadbearing concrete masonry, with theoretical properties of compressive strength of 8.20 MPa, density of 1900 kg/cm3 and 5.28% water absorption at the optimized conditions after numerical optimization using the CCD. This innovation could reduce solid waste output and help the environment by using waste by-products from companies. This research provides valuable insights into sustainable construction materials and highlights the potential of using superabsorbent polymer waste in producing hollow concrete blocks.</jats:p>
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A Comparative Study on the use of Waste Brick and Glass in Cement Mortars and their Effects on Strength Properties
<jats:p xml:lang="en">Sustainable development of construction industry should adopt the use of recycled materials to the greatest extent in order to reduce hazards done on the nature due to both the increased ac-cumulation of wastes and also due to the depletion of natural resources. However, engineering applications with the use of waste materials are always expected to perform satisfactorily as well. In this aspect, detailed and systematically carried out experimental studies have a critical role on the se-lection of the type and the quantities of waste materials that will be recycled through their use within engineering applications. This study provides systematically produced experimental data to quantitatively compare the effects of using different percentages of waste glass ad brick aggregates in cement mortars that have a specified workability characteristic. The compressive and the flexural strength performance changes observed by increasing additions of both types of waste aggregates were compared and discussed. Results show that mortar samples with waste glass aggregates perform better under the action of compressive loading, while the samples with waste brick aggregates perform better in the case of flexural loading. Hence, based on the presented experimental evidence, it is concluded that the decision on the type and the quantity of the waste materials to be used should be made considering the area of the use of the mortar and its expected service type.</jats:p>
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A Comprehensive Review on Methods, Agents and Durability Factors for Stabilization of Expansive Soils
<jats:p xml:lang="en">Expansive soils cover a huge portion of the total land area in the world. They absorb water and expand, then shrink when they dry out. The volume change exerts pressure on engineering structures causing deformations, cracks, and movement of walls. This has a detrimental effect on serviceability and reduces the service life of structures constructed on expansive soil. Therefore, stabilizing expansive soil is important to lessen the negative characteristics of the soil and improve its general toughness and durability. This paper provides an overview of the methods of soil stabilization, stabilizing agents, and factors that have an impact on the durability of stabilized soil. The most common stabilizing agents include lime and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). Eco-friendly stabilizers like magnesium oxide as a suitable replacement for lime calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and modern stabilizers like geopolymers, zeolites, and nanomaterials are thoroughly discussed in the paper and potential areas for further research are also recommended.</jats:p>
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Review on Advances in Bio-based Admixtures for Concrete
Kidist BEDADA; Andrew NYABUTO; Ismael KİNOTİ
; Joseph MARANGU
<jats:p xml:lang="en">The construction sector, comprising various participants, plays a crucial role in achieving sustainability but also has a significant environmental impact. The production method and use on non-renewable resources remain two factors that threaten concrete’s sustainability. Admixtures are one of the ingredients used in relatively small quantities to produce concrete. Despite having a relatively minor proportion compared to the other ingredients, they have a significant impact on the quality of concrete. The use of bio-based admixtures has drawn the attention of researchers and industries due to the requirement for sustainable solutions in every element of construction. This paper presents a review of bio-based admixtures, their production procedures, characterization techniques, and their impact on the characteristics of concrete. A succinct description of chemical admixtures, their classification, production methods, and source or base chemicals is provided. More importantly, gaps are highlighted for future research in regard to bio-based admixtures.</jats:p>
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Rheology of Superabsorbent Polymer-Modified and Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Cement Paste with Silica Fume: Response Surface Methodology
<jats:p xml:lang="en">The rheology of composite can be changed through the addition of superabsorbent polymer (SAP) and basalt fibers, and the use of silica fume. This study aimed to investigate the effects of these components on the viscosity and shear stress parameters of the paste. The proportions of the components were varied, with SAP content ranging from 0.01% to 0.03%, basalt fiber from 0% to 0.50%, silica fume at 15%, and water content from 0.40 to 0.50. Response surface methodology was used to optimize the mixture proportions, and the rheological properties of the resulting pastes were characterized using a rheometer. Results showed that the addition of SAP and basalt fiber had a significant impact on the rheological properties of the paste, with increasing amounts of both resulting in increased viscosity and shear stress. Overall, this study highlights the potential of SAP and basalt fiber in advances of the rheology of cement paste and provides insight into the optimal proportions of these components for achieving desired rheological properties. The findings of this study could be useful in the development of high-performance concrete with enhanced rheological properties, which could have a wide range of applications in the construction industry. In addition, 0.05% BF, 0.01% SAP, and 0.445 water-to-cement were found as optimum proportions regarding the rheology of the cement paste.</jats:p>
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Mechanical, freeze-thaw, and sorptivity properties of mortars prepared with different cement types and waste marble powder
Zinnur ÇELİK
; Rumeysa GÜRGÖZE
; Ahmet Ferhat BİNGÖL
<jats:p xml:lang="en">Cement, which is the most used binder material in concrete production, is the main source of CO2 emissions. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) production contributes about 5% to 7% of global CO2 emissions. In addition, it is known from the literature that calcium aluminate cement (CAC) emits less CO2 compared to ordinary portland cement (OPC). In order to reduce the effects of these negative reasons, the substitution of waste marble dust for both cement additive and fine aggregate has been the subject of research. In this study, the properties of mortar samples were investigated by using waste marble powder as a partial substitute for three different cement types (ordinary portland cement, white cement and calcium aluminate cement). Waste marble powder has been replaced with cement at the rates of 5%, 10% and 15%. The mechanical properties, capillary water absorption and sorptivity values of the prepared mixtures were determined before and after freezing and thawing. The optimum waste marble powder ratio was determined as 10% in all cement types used in the study. Before freeze-thaw mechanical properties of CAC-based mixtures were higher than other cement types. However, as the number of freeze-thaw cycles increased, the strength losses were more significant compared to OPC and WC.</jats:p>
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