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doi: 10.1130/ges02587.1
Exhumed fluvial landforms reveal evolution of late Eocene–Pliocene rivers on the Central and Northern Great Plains, USA
Jesse T. Korus; R.M. Joeckel
<jats:p>Cenozoic strata on the Great Plains are the products of a long-lived, continental sediment routing system, and yet strikingly little is known about these ancient rivers. This article details the discovery of ~3100 fluvial ridges—erosionally inverted alluvial-fan, channel-fill, channel-belt, and valley-fill deposits—extending from the Rocky Mountain front to the eastern margin of the Great Plains. The direct detection of these channel bodies reveals new insights into late Eocene–Pliocene drainage evolution. Late Eocene–Oligocene streams were morphologically diverse. Alluvial fans adjacent to the Rocky Mountain front changed eastward to parallel or downstream-divergent, fixed, single-thread, straight to slightly sinuous (S = 1.0–1.5) streams &lt;50 m in width. At ~100 km from the Rocky Mountain front, streams became sinuous and laterally mobile, forming amalgamated channel bodies as much as 3 km in width. Streamflow in all these systems was highly dispersed (southeast to northeast) and temporally variable. These characteristics reveal a nascent Great Plains alluvial apron hosting small, poorly integrated drainages undergoing abrupt changes. By the Miocene, more uniform streamflow generally trended east-northeast. Channel deposits are identifiable 500 km from the Rocky Mountain front. Middle Miocene valley fills gave way to fixed, multithread channels a few kilometers in width by the late Miocene. These patterns evince a mature alluvial apron hosting bigger rivers in well-integrated drainages. We interpret the systematic changes between fixed and mobile channel styles to record spatially and temporally variable aggradation rates. The widening of channels in the late Miocene likely reflects increased discharge relating to wetter climates upstream or the integration of once-isolated Rocky Mountain drainage basins into a continental-scale drainage system.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02564.1
Progressive Miocene unroofing of the Big Maria and Riverside Mountains (southeastern California, USA) along the southwestern margin of the Colorado River extensional corridor
Megan E. Flansburg; Daniel F. Stockli
<jats:p>The Colorado River extensional corridor (CREC) consists of Miocene meta-morphic core complexes exhumed along top-to-the-NE low-angle detachment faults. The Big Maria and Riverside Mountains of southeastern California (USA) are located on the southwestern margin of the CREC, where little is known about the nature and timing of large-magnitude extension. We present the first detailed (U-Th)/He thermochronometric data from these ranges, elucidating the geometry and timing of upper-crustal extensional unroofing and exhumation. The Riverside Mountains yielded ca. 72–50 Ma zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) ages in the hanging wall of the Riverside detachment fault, and the corrugated footwall yielded ca. 50–18 Ma ZHe ages, indicating the preservation of an exhumed ZHe partial retention zone. Apatite (U-Th)/He data further indicate a potential secondary Miocene breakaway in the northeastern end of the range. Although the Big Maria Mountains have been thought to lie outside of the CREC, our new zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He data show that the entirety of the Big Maria Mountains was tectonically exhumed in the footwall of a detachment fault and cooled from &gt;6 km depth between 22 and 15 Ma. ZHe data from both ranges suggest the Big Maria Mountains are part of the CREC and were exhumed from underneath the Riverside Mountains by a contemporaneous but structurally lower detachment—the Big Maria detachment—that is regionally correlative with the breakaway zone that delimits the western CREC margin. This detachment is temporally coeval with the structurally higher detachment system that forms the Whipple-Buckskin-Rawhide-Harcuvar-Harquahala metamorphic core complex belt to the northeast.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02557.1
Late Triassic tectonic stress field of the southwestern Ordos Basin and its tectonic implications: Insights from finite-element numerical simulations
Li-Jun Song; Zeng-Zhen Wang
<jats:p>The tectonic stress field of the southwestern Ordos Basin during the Late Triassic is controversial. The major controversy is whether the southwest- ern Ordos Basin was a compressional basin throughout the Late Triassic or whether it transformed from an extensional into a compressional basin during this period. We divided the Late Triassic into the early to middle and late to terminal periods. Two paleotectonic stress field simulation models of the southwestern Ordos Basin were constructed using finite-element software (ANSYS 10). Our results showed high consistency with regional geologic correlations, suggesting the credibility of the models. We found that the southwestern Ordos Basin was dominated by NE-SW extensional stress and strain during the early to middle Late Triassic, associated with strike-slip faulting along the western margin of the Ordos block. This is consistent with the development of syndepositional normal faults and was probably induced by the scissor collision from east to west between the North China craton and Yangtze block. The tectonic stress field of the southwestern Ordos Basin during the late to terminal Late Triassic mainly manifested as NE-SW compressive stress and strain. The dominant tectonic dynamics for the Ordos block during this period may have changed to northward compression of the Songpan-Ganzi and Qiangtang terranes. The southwestern Ordos Basin was characterized by compressional deformation and northeastward migration of the depocenter. The southwestern Ordos Basin transformed from an extensional basin associated with strike-slip faulting during the early to middle Late Triassic into a compressional depression basin during the late to terminal Late Triassic.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02514.1
Frenchman Mountain Dolostone: A new formation of the Cambrian Tonto Group, Grand Canyon and Basin and Range, USA
Stephen M. Rowland; Slava Korolev; James W. Hagadorn; Kaushik Ghosh
<jats:p>We describe, interpret, and establish a stratotype for the Frenchman Mountain Dolostone (FMD), a new Cambrian stratigraphic unit that records key global geochemical and climate signals and is well exposed throughout the Grand Canyon and central Basin and Range, USA. This flat-topped carbonate platform deposit is the uppermost unit of the Tonto Group, replacing the informally named “undifferentiated dolomites.” The unit records two global chemostratigraphic events—the Drumian Carbon Isotope Excursion (DICE), when δ13Ccarb (refers to “marine carbonate rocks”) values in the FMD dropped to −2.7‰, and the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE), when the values rose to +3.5‰. The formation consists of eight lithofacies deposited in shallow subtidal to peritidal paleoenvironments. At its stratotype at Frenchman Mountain, Nevada, the FMD is 371 m thick. Integration of regional trilobite biostratigraphy and geochronology with new stratigraphy and sedimentology of the FMD, together with new δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy for the entire Cambrian succession at Frenchman Mountain, illustrates that the FMD spans ~7.2 m.y., from Miaolingian (lower Drumian, Bolaspidella Zone) to Furongian (Paibian, Dicanthopyge Zone) time. To the west, the unit correlates with most of the Banded Mountain Member of the ~1100-m-thick Bonanza King Formation. To the east, at Grand Canyon’s Palisades of the Desert, the FMD thins to 8 m due to pre–Middle Devonian erosion that cut progressively deeper cratonward. Portions of the FMD display visually striking, meter-scale couplets of alternating dark- and light-colored peritidal facies, while other portions consist of thick intervals of a single peritidal or shallow subtidal facies. Statistical analysis of the succession of strata in the stratotype section, involving Markov order and runs order analyses, yields no evidence of cyclicity or other forms of order. Autocyclic processes provide the simplest mechanism to have generated the succession of facies observed in the FMD.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02525.1
Shallow deformation on the Kirby Hills fault, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California (USA), revealed from high-resolution seismic reflection data and coring in a fluvial system
Shannon Klotsko; Jillian Maloney; Janet Watt
<jats:p>The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Delta) in California (USA) is an important part of the state’s freshwater system and is also a major source of agricultural and natural resources. However, the Delta is traversed by a series of faults that make up the easternmost part of the San Andreas fault system at this latitude and pose seismic hazard to this region. In this study, we use new high-resolution chirp subbottom data to map and characterize the shallow expression of the Kirby Hills fault, where it has been mapped to cross the Sacramento River at the western extent of the Delta. The fault is buried here, but we document a broad zone of deformation associated with the eastern strand of the fault that changes in character, along strike, across ~600 m of the river channel. Radiocarbon dates from sediment cores collected in the Sacramento River provide some minimum constraints on the age of deformation. We do not observe evidence of the western strand as previously mapped. We also discuss difficulties of conducting a paleoseismologic study in a fluvial environment.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02602.1
Late Cretaceous tectonothermal events of the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet
Xuxuan Ma; Zhiqin Xu; Alexander D. Lusk; Saskia Erdmann; Xijie Chen; Shiwei Ma
<jats:p>The Gangdese belt of the southern Lhasa terrane (southern Tibet) records a Chilean-type accretionary orogeny driven by subduction of Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere, prior to Indo-Asian collision and formation of the Tibetan Plateau. We present detailed structural analysis of outcrops and a drill core in the Jiama copper ore district along with 40Ar-39Ar cooling ages from white mica, plagioclase, and potassium feldspar and zircon U-Pb geochronology of granitoids and sandstone. These data add new constraints to the formation of a major angular unconformity, deformation along and within the footwall of the Gangdese décollement, and the coupling between deformation and magmatism. Structural analysis indicates that top-to-the-south motion along the décollement produced south-vergent folding and thrusting of Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous strata in the Gangdese back-arc basin. A synthesis of new and compiled age data reveals that the décollement and associated south-vergent deformation occurred between ca. 90 and 65 Ma, contemporaneous with the formation of a major ca. 85–69 Ma angular unconformity between the overlying Paleocene–Eocene Linzizong Formation and the underlying Upper Cretaceous Shexing Formation. We posit that this deformation in the Gangdese belt resulted from flat-slab subduction of the Neotethyan oceanic slab beneath the southern margin of the Asian continent. A flat-slab subduction geometry is consistent with previously documented synchronous thrusting in the forearc and back-arc basins as well as the observed arc magmatic lull of the Gangdese belt between ca. 80 and 65 Ma.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02546.1
Redefinition of the Petersburg batholith and implications for crustal inheritance in the Dinwiddie terrane, Virginia, USA
Mark W. Carter; Ryan J. McAleer; Christopher S. Holm-Denoma; Marcie E. Occhi; Brent E. Owens; Jorge A. Vazquez
<jats:p>Field relations as well as geochemical and petrologic studies of meta-igneous rocks assigned to the Pennsylvanian–Permian Petersburg batholith identify at least two distinct rock types: foliated metagranitoid gneiss and massive to porphyritic granite. Foliated metagranitoid gneiss of mostly granodioritic composition is geochemically distinct from associated massive and porphyritic granitic rocks. These gneissic rocks yield radiometric ages from ca. 425 Ma to ca. 403 Ma and document that many of the rocks assigned to the late Paleozoic Petersburg batholith are 100 m.y. older than the youngest portions of the composite batholith and are part of an earlier infrastructural terrane. Two samples of massive equigranular granite southwest of Petersburg, Virginia, yield ages of ca. 321 Ma and ca. 317 Ma, which are 15–20 m.y. older than ca. 300 Ma ages for porphyritic granite, massive granite, and monzodiorite near Richmond, Virginia. Geologic mapping shows that the Early Pennsylvanian granite southwest of Petersburg is separated from Late Pennsylvanian to early Permian granite near Richmond by a map-scale septum of Silurian–Devonian foliated metagranitoid gneiss, referred to herein as the informal Pocoshock Creek gneiss. Laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry data from one sample of a quartz-muscovite felsic schist xenolith show a peak age mode of ca. 529 Ma that we interpret to be the maximum depositional age. Inherited zircons from foliated metagranitoid gneiss and massive equigranular granite range from ca. 631 Ma to ca. 376 Ma, but many are Cambrian. Neoproterozoic–Cambrian quartz-muscovite felsic schist and amphibolite, Silurian–Devonian Pocoshock Creek gneiss, and Pennsylvanian–Permian granite comprise a fault-bounded terrane referred to herein as the Dinwiddie terrane. Ages of inherited cores in zircon from igneous rocks and limited detrital zircon geochronology suggest the terrane is of peri-Gondwanan affinity. U/Pb ages of healed fractures in zircon grains from foliated metagranitoid gneiss indicate low-grade deformation of the gneiss at ca. 378–376 Ma, while ca. 320–280 Ma rims on many grains record intrusion of late Paleozoic granite. The temperature-time-deformation history of the Dinwiddie terrane is distinct from the adjacent Goochland and Roanoke Rapids terranes. Orogen-scale dextral transpression likely translated the Dinwiddie terrane southward during the Alleghanian orogeny, at which time they were intruded by Pennsylvanian to Permian granite.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02595.1
Kilometer-scale recumbent folding, tectonic attenuation, and rotational shear in the western Anaconda Range, southwestern Montana, USA
Bryce A. Neal; Andrew K. Laskowski; Jeffrey D. Lonn; William B. Burrell
<jats:p>The Eocene Anaconda metamorphic core complex is the most recently documented metamorphic core complex in the North American Cordillera. While much work has focused on constraining the nature and timing of core complex extension, earlier deformation preserved in its footwall is not as well understood. The Anaconda metamorphic core complex footwall contains an anomalously thin, lower- to uppermost-amphibolite-facies section of Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup and Paleozoic metasedimentary strata. While the tectonic nature of this thinning is generally accepted, the mechanisms behind it remain enigmatic. Previous workers have hypothesized that footwall strata were attenuated along the upper limb of the Late Cretaceous Fishtrap recumbent anticline, a kilometer-scale, NW-vergent, recumbent fold exposed throughout the west-central metamorphic core complex footwall. New geologic mapping in the west-central Anaconda Range better constrains the nature and timing of tectonic attenuation in this structurally complex area. Two generations of folds were recognized: (1) F1 recumbent isoclines associated with the Fishtrap recumbent anticline and (2) F2 W-vergent asymmetric folds associated with map-scale N-plunging folds. F1 folds, axial planar S1 transposition fabrics, and bedding-parallel faults and shear zones boudinage, transpose, and omit strata of the Belt Supergroup. We suggest that the Fishtrap recumbent anticline tectonically attenuated the Belt Supergroup through Paleozoic section of the west-central Anaconda metamorphic core complex footwall, and we propose that it is a kilometer-scale, regionally significant structure. We further propose that the fold may have developed in response to rotational shear and sinistral transpression along the Lewis and Clark Line, which was further driven by accretion of outboard terranes along the western margin of North America during Late Cretaceous time.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02516.1
Impact of Mexican Border rift structural inheritance on Laramide rivers of the Tornillo basin, west Texas (USA): Insights from detrital zircon provenance
Cullen Kortyna; Daniel F. Stockli; Timothy F. Lawton; Jacob A. Covault; Glenn R. Sharman
<jats:p>Late Cretaceous to Eocene Laramide basement–involved shortening fragmented the Sevier and Mexican foreland basins. This resulted in a major drainage reorganization in response to the emerging topography of Laramide basement–cored uplifts and Mexican inverted Border rift basins. This study presents new depth-profile detrital zircon U-Pb data (3679 ages from 28 samples) from Upper Cretaceous–Eocene fluvial strata of the Tornillo basin in west Texas to determine sedimentary provenance and reconstruct sediment dispersal through the U.S.-Mexico border region. Detrital zircon U-Pb data are dominated by Hauterivian–Coniacian (130–87 Ma; ~20%) and Coniacian–Ypresian (87–52 Ma; ~30%) ages that represent Cordilleran and Laramide arc magmatism, respectively. Subordinate age groups are Paleoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic (1900–1300 Ma; ~12%), Ectasian–Tonian (1300–900 Ma; ~8%), Tonian–Pennsylvanian (900–300 Ma, ~10%); Permian–Triassic (300–200 Ma; ~8%), and Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (200–130 Ma; ~11%). Detrital zircon maximum depositional ages provide new constraints on the chronostratigraphic framework of the Tornillo Group, the stratigraphic nature of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, and the stratigraphic level of the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum. Depth-profile core-rim age pairs yielded Paleoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic and Jurassic cores with Cretaceous–Paleogene rims, which represent zircons derived from Laramide magmatic rocks that intruded Yavapai-Mazatzal basement and Cordilleran-Nazas magmatic rocks. Zircon grains with Ectasian–Tonian cores and Paleozoic rims likely represent Appalachian-derived and/or Coahuila terrane zircons recycled from the inverted Mesozoic Bisbee basin and Chihuahua trough. These results demonstrate that fluvial strata in the Tornillo basin were sourced from Laramide and Cordilleran magmatic rocks, Yavapai-Mazatzal basement, and recycled Mexican Border rift sedimentary rocks in the southwest United States and northern Sonora, and these sediments were delivered via a large (&gt;103-km-long), axial-trunk river. Additional recycled detritus from Mexican Border rift sedimentary rocks in the Chihuahua fold belt was delivered via transverse tributaries. This drainage reconstruction indicates that the Tornillo river flowed along an inversion-flank drainage corridor adjacent to topography formed by the inverted Mexican Border rift. Therefore, inherited Mexican Border rift architecture represented a first-order control on sediment routing to the Tornillo basin.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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doi: 10.1130/ges02566.1
The eight architectural zones of nonmarine basins
Katharine M. Loughney; Steven M. Holland
<jats:p>One of the goals of sequence stratigraphy is to model the conditions that generate stratigraphic architecture at outcrop to basin scales. Accommodation and sedimentation are the principal variables included in sequence-stratigraphic models that describe facies architecture in marine successions. Similar models exist to describe wholly nonmarine architecture. Distinct models are commonly applied to basins containing predominantly lacustrine or predominantly fluvial facies, which can make it difficult to apply models to the entire history of a basin that may include both lacustrine-dominated or fluvial-dominated phases, depending on climatic and tectonic conditions. To account for these changing conditions over the history of nonmarine basins, we present a conceptual three-dimensional model that describes the potential architectural patterns under specific combinations of accommodation, sediment flux, and water balance. Sectors of the model delineate where basins are underfilled or overfilled with respect to accommodation and limited with respect to sediment and water, creating eight zones with different implications for the development of facies architecture. Different types of basins (e.g., foreland, extensional, pull-apart, intracratonic) show broadly different trends in architecture through time. Subtle changes in accommodation, sedimentation, and water balance in the model correspond to shifts in facies architecture between lithostratigraphic units, but architectural transitions within individual basins are more important indicators of evolving basin conditions than comparisons among all basins. This model may serve as a guide for comparing the influence of distinct drivers of architecture among different types of basins as well as identifying important intervals of change during the history of basin filling. The availability of commensurate data on the history of accommodation, sedimentation, and water balance is, however, an ongoing challenge to reconstructing complete basin histories. Future analyses will test how well predicted facies stacking patterns compare to observed nonmarine stratigraphic successions resulting from the combination of accommodation, sediment flux, and water balance during the history of basin filling.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Stratigraphy; Geology.
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