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Plant and Soil

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Plant and Soil publishes original papers and review articles exploring the interface of plant biology and soil sciences, and offering a clear mechanistic component. This includes both fundamental and applied aspects of mineral nutrition, plant-water relations, symbiotic and pathogenic plant-microbe interactions, root anatomy and morphology, soil biology, ecology, agrochemistry and agrophysics. Articles discussing a major molecular or mathematical component also fall within the scope of the journal. All contributions appear in the English language.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada desde ene. 1997 / hasta dic. 2023 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Health risk associated with soil and plant contamination in industrial areas

Alicja KicińskaORCID; Justyna Wikar

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:sec> <jats:title>Aims</jats:title> <jats:p>The aim of the study was to assess human health risk stemming from <jats:italic>i)</jats:italic> contact with contaminated soil and <jats:italic>ii)</jats:italic> consumption of plants growing in contaminated soils in allotment gardens and farmlands located in regions heavily affected by the Zn-Pb and steel industries and in hard coal mining areas.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Methods</jats:title> <jats:p>Based on the <jats:italic>pseudo</jats:italic>-total concentration of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) measured in soil and plant samples and using the US EPA methodology, we assessed estimated daily intake (EDI), as well as non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risk in two exposure scenarios (recreational and residential), stemming from the contact with soil with varying degrees of PTE contamination, i.e.: Cr<jats:sup>(3+,6+)</jats:sup>, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. In the recreational scenario, we analyzed three exposure pathways (accidental soil ingestion, dermal contact with contaminated soil and inhalation of contaminated soil particles) for a child (0–6 years), an economically active adult (20–40 years), a senior (40–60 years) and a retiree (60–70 years). In the residential scenario, we additionally analyzed an exposure pathway associated with the intake of contaminated lettuce leaves grown in the soils studied for a child and an adult. With respect to non-carcinogenic health risk, we calculated hazard quotient (HQ) values for individual contaminants under each exposure pathway and target hazard quotient (THQ) values for different exposure pathways.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Results and conclusions</jats:title> <jats:p>We found that the proportion of different exposure pathways in the total health risk decreased in the following order: intake of contaminated vegetables &gt; accidental soil ingestion &gt; dermal contact &gt; inhalation of contaminated soil particles. Children are more exposed to toxic effects of potentially toxic elements than seniors and economically active adults.</jats:p> </jats:sec>

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Straw incorporation and nitrogen fertilization enhance soil carbon sequestration by altering soil aggregate and microbial community composition in saline-alkali soil

Lu Liu; Dongmei Liu; Xiaodong Ding; Mengmeng Chen; Shirong Zhang

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Bacillus altitudinis LZP02 improves rice growth by reshaping the rhizosphere microbiome

Weina Chang; Wenjing Chen; Yunlong Hu; Zhigang WangORCID

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Belowground microbiota associated with the progression of Verticillium wilt of smoke trees

Ruifeng Guo; Bimeng Li; Qiyan Li; Steven J. Klosterman; Guanghang Qiao; Yonglin WangORCID

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Effect of rare earth oxide labeling and sieving processes on Andisol aggregate turnover and organic carbon dynamics

Yike WangORCID; Asano Maki; Yuanyuan Huang; Qi Jiang; Kenji Tamura

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Involvement of reactive oxygen species in zinc-deficiency induced inhibition of crown root growth in maize plant

Jinyao Zhang; Yuwei Zhang; Shuhui Song; Yinghong Pan; Hong WangORCID

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Intermittent irrigation as a solution for reduced emissions and increased yields in ratoon rice systems

Lang Zhang; Linlin Li; Qiyuan Tang; Huaqin Xu; Huabin Zheng; Faming WangORCID; Jianwu Tang

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Mixed sowing improves plant and soil bacterial community restoration in the degraded alpine meadow

Wen Zhao; Yali Yin; Jiangqin Song; Shixiong LiORCID

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Contribution of soil diazotrophs to crop nitrogen utilization in an acidic soil as affected by organic and inorganic amendments

Chao Wang; Jiu Yu Li; Ren Yong Shi; Ren Kou Xu; Ren Fang ShenORCID

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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Conservation tillage as an economic and ecological farming option for Summer Maize in the oasis region of Northwest China

Yunyin Xue; Juanjuan Zhou; Linling Ran; Haoyang Wu; Wei Wei; Xinkun Hu; Fei Xia; Junqiang Wang

Palabras clave: Plant Science; Soil Science.

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