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Nano Letters

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No detectada desde ene. 2001 / hasta dic. 2023 ACS Publications


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ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Chemical Society (ACS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

Distinguishing Single- and Double-Stranded Nucleic Acid Molecules Using Solid-State Nanopores

Gary M. Skinner; Michiel van den Hout; Onno Broekmans; Cees Dekker; Nynke H. Dekker

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 2953-2960

Integrating a High-Force Optical Trap with Gold Nanoposts and a Robust Gold−DNA Bond

D. Hern Paik; Yeonee Seol; Wayne A. Halsey; Thomas T. Perkins

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 2978-2983

Current versus Temperature-Induced Switching in a Single-Molecule Tunnel Junction: 1,5 Cyclooctadiene on Si(001)

Christophe Nacci; Stefan Fölsch; Karl Zenichowski; Jadranka Dokić; Tillmann Klamroth; Peter Saalfrank

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 2996-3000

Rapid Catalyst-Free Flame Synthesis of Dense, Aligned α-Fe2O3 Nanoflake and CuO Nanoneedle Arrays

Pratap M. Rao; Xiaolin Zheng

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3001-3006

Ligand and Solvation Effects on the Electronic Properties of Au55 Clusters: A Density Functional Theory Study

Ganga Periyasamy; F. Remacle

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3007-3011

Observation of Optical Spin Symmetry Breaking in Nanoapertures

Yuri Gorodetski; Nir Shitrit; Itay Bretner; Vladimir Kleiner; Erez Hasman

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3016-3019

Isotope-Selective Detection and Imaging of Organic Nanolayers

H. J. Mamin; T. H. Oosterkamp; M. Poggio; C. L. Degen; C. T. Rettner; D. Rugar

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3020-3024

Aggregation of Gold Nanoframes Reduces, Rather Than Enhances, SERS Efficiency Due to the Trade-Off of the Inter- and Intraparticle Plasmonic Fields

M. A. Mahmoud; M. A. El-Sayed

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3025-3031

Rapid and Dynamic Intracellular Patterning of Cell-Internalized Magnetic Fluorescent Nanoparticles

Peter Tseng; Dino Di Carlo; Jack W. Judy

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3053-3059

Sulfide Nanocrystal Inks for Dense Cu(In1−xGax)(S1−ySey)2 Absorber Films and Their Photovoltaic Performance

Qijie Guo; Grayson M. Ford; Hugh W. Hillhouse; Rakesh Agrawal

Palabras clave: Mechanical Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; General Materials Science; General Chemistry; Bioengineering.

Pp. 3060-3065