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Accident Analysis and Prevention

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Accident Analysis & Prevention provides wide coverage of the general areas relating to accidental injury and damage, including the pre-injury and immediate post-injury phases. Published papers deal with medical, legal, economic, educational, behavioral, theoretical or empirical aspects of transportation accidents, as well as with accidents at other sites. Selected topics within the scope of the Journal may include: studies of human, environmental and vehicular factors influencing the occurrence, type and severity of accidents and injury; the design, implementation and evaluation of countermeasures; biomechanics of impact and human tolerance limits to injury; modelling and statistical analysis of accident data; policy, planning and decision-making in safety.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jul. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ScienceDirect


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


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País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Cognitive impairment and driving safety

David W. Eby; Lisa J. Molnar

Pp. 261-262

The Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination Revised as a potential screening test for elderly drivers

Inês S. Ferreira; Mário R. Simões; João Marôco

Pp. 278-286

Age and inconsistency in driving performance

David Bunce; Mark S. Young; Alison Blane; Priya Khugputh

Pp. 293-299

Investigating driving behaviour of older drivers with mild cognitive impairment using a portable driving simulator

Anna Devlin; Jane McGillivray; Judith Charlton; Georgia Lowndes; Virginie Etienne

Pp. 300-307

The influence of cognitive impairment with no dementia on driving restriction and cessation in older adults

Kristina Kowalski; Janet Love; Holly Tuokko; Stuart MacDonald; David Hultsch; Esther Strauss

Pp. 308-315

The relationship between cognitive ability, insight and self-regulatory behaviors: Findings from the older driver population

Ides Y. Wong; Simon S. Smith; Karen A. Sullivan

Pp. 316-321

Cognitive problems, self-rated changes in driving skills, driving-related discomfort and self-regulation of driving in old drivers

Annette Meng; Anu Siren

Pp. 322-329

Driving behaviors in early stage dementia: A study using in-vehicle technology

David W. Eby; Nina M. Silverstein; Lisa J. Molnar; David LeBlanc; Geri Adler

Palabras clave: Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Law; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Human Factors and Ergonomics; General Medicine.

Pp. 330-337

Evaluation of screening tests for predicting older driver performance and safety assessed by an on-road test

Joanne M. Wood; Mark S. Horswill; Philippe F. Lacherez; Kaarin J. Anstey

Palabras clave: Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Law; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Human Factors and Ergonomics; General Medicine.

Pp. 1161-1168

Self-reported wayfinding ability of older drivers

Kelly J. Bryden; Judith L. Charlton; Jennifer A. Oxley; Georgia J. Lowndes

Palabras clave: Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Law; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Human Factors and Ergonomics; General Medicine.

Pp. 277-282