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Special publication of the Geological Society of London

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No detectada desde ene. 1964 / hasta dic. 2023 Lyell Collection


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Geological Society of London (GSL)

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Reino Unido

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About this title - A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 2

T. Servais; D. A. T. Harper; B. Lefebvre; I. G. Percival

<jats:p>The Ordovician is one of the longest and geologically most active periods in Phanerozoic history. The unique Ordovician biodiversifications established modern marine ecosystems, whereas the first plants originated on land. The two volumes cover all key topics on Ordovician research and provide a review of Ordovician successions across the globe.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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An Operator view on trends in core acquisition

Dave Saucier; Kevan Sincock

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Core samples from the subsurface can provide unambiguous direct information to guide operator decisions. Core may be acquired with drilling equipment (full-bore core) or by post-drill wireline methods (sidewall core). Both approaches have distinct profiles of cost, risk, sample type and value, and an operator must select the most appropriate to progress business in an informed way.</jats:p> <jats:p>The option to selectively core after drilling and perceptions of lower cost and risk might indicate that sidewall coring will always be the best approach. Recent developments to increase the size and quality of rotary sidewall samples would only add weight to this view.</jats:p> <jats:p>It's not all good news for sidewall core, however. Individual sample size and total volume delivered per run are tiny; weak rock or high overbalance pressure may cause poor recovery and biased datasets; time between drilling and logging allows mud invasion and borehole relaxation so samples are often broken, and pore fluids contaminated. Sidewall sample sets therefore leave a higher degree of uncertainty when compared to full-bore core.</jats:p> <jats:p>It is this operator's view that both approaches have a role to play in reducing subsurface uncertainty, and cost, risk and value should be carefully considered when deciding which to apply.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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Geodiversity estimate of the Arxan–Chaihe Volcanic Field extending across two geoparks in Inner Mongolia, NE China

Bo-xin Li; Karoly NémethORCID; Vladyslav Zakharovskyi; Julie Palmer; Alan Palmer; Jonathan Proctor

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p> The Arxan–Chaihe Volcanic Field is located SW of the Great Xing'an Range in Inner Mongolia, NE China. This monogenetic volcanic field formed in the Pleistocene, with its latest activity a fissure eruption <jats:italic>c.</jats:italic> 2000 years ago. Here we present the first geodiversity estimate for the region, applying a method combining the geomorphological and geological elements into a grading system, weighting their rarity, significance and uniqueness. To outline the geomorphological diversity, the geomorphon concept was used alongside a watershed analysis of the theoretical fluvial network of the region. In addition volcanic geomorphological elements were provided. Available geological maps, field surveys and volcano geology classification were utilized for the geological diversity estimates. Geology and geomorphology are the core parameters of the qualitative–quantitative assessment of geodiversity. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) were used for calculations of geomorphological and geological parameters to provide geodiversity estimates for the Arxan–Chaihe Volcanic Field region. The variables used to estimate the geodiversity include geology (rock rareness from a global perspective) and geomorphology (slope variations). In addition we used channel systems and terrain characterization (geomorphon) to describe the morphodiversity of the study area. Our study assessed recent volcanic features and concluded that they have a high geodiversity and elevated geoheritage value. However, the uplifted and structurally complicated old terrains with mature fluvial networks provide high geomorphological diversity to the region, therefore keeping the overall geodiversity score high. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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International Geodiversity Day: from grassroots geoscience campaign to UNESCO recognition

Zbigniew ZwolińskiORCID; José BrilhaORCID; Murray GrayORCID; Jack MatthewsORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The paper documents the process of proclaiming International Geodiversity Day as a grassroots initiative of the Earth science community for the benefit of our present civilization and for future generations. The huge support that this initiative has gained among scientists around the world has contributed to the rapid circulation of documents necessary to establish an international day at the UNESCO Forum. The paper presents the timeline of this process of proclaiming International Geodiversity Day, its implications and the course of the first celebrations in 2022.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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Spatial decision-making support for geoheritage conservation in the urban and indigenous environment of the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand

Boglárka Németh; Károly NémethORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p> It is imperative today to make geoheritage conservation an essential part of all environmental standards and operational procedures. This is because geoheritage conservation secures the preservation of <jats:italic>in situ</jats:italic> geoheritage elements especially in urban environments such as Auckland. Geoheritage in Auckland is strongly associated with both indigenous culture and textbook geology of monogenetic volcanism, and it can play an important role in hazard forecasting and risk mitigation. To date, there has been a lack of policy or any planning tools based explicitly on the current geopreservation inventory. Here, we present an approach to support policy making informed by a spatial multi-criteria analysis that has long been used in environmental decision-making, supported by multi-layer mapping. A systematic literature review was undertaken to define the most accepted assessment criteria used in geoheritage evaluation. We identified six criteria for the base spatial layers of our analysis, highlighting the most suitable areas for geoheritage conservation. For cultural conservation, we used available archaeological shape files, indigenous land ownership data and elevation data (the volcanic cones had multiple roles in the life of first settlers, the ancestors of the Māori). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) multi-objective land use planning is an effective procedure for achieving complex planning and preservation objectives. It allows for outcomes based on quality data and sound analysis while minimizing compromise and conflict between geoheritage, social and cultural values. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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Enabling secure subsurface storage in future energy systems: an introduction

Johannes M. MiocicORCID; Niklas Heinemann; Juan Alcalde; Katriona Edlmann; Richard A. Schultz

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p> Geological structures in the subsurface have been used for the storage of energy and waste products for over a century. Depleted oil and gas fields, saline aquifers or engineered caverns in salt or crystalline rocks are used worldwide to store energy fluids intended to provide demand buffers and sustained energy supply. The transition of our energy system into a clean, renewable-based system will most likely require an expansion of these subsurface storage activities, to host a wide variety of energy products (e.g. natural gas, hydrogen, heat or waste energy products, like CO <jats:sub>2</jats:sub> ) to balance the inherent intermittence of the renewable energy supply. Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of these subsurface storage operations is therefore crucial to achieve the sought-after renewable energy transition while ensuring energy security. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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High-resolution core data and machine learning schemes applied to rock facies identification and classification

Christophe Germay; Tanguy LhommeORCID; Luc Perneder

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This paper presents core analysis practices developed to increase the value of cores in reservoir characterization workflows.</jats:p> <jats:p>Core analysis traditionally implies extensive rock testing programs that require large numbers of plug samples. Numerous stakeholders compete for intact core material and often do not base sample selection criteria on objective and reliable information. As a consequence, samples dedicated to core analysis programs consume a significant fraction of the material available, yet they are selected on the basis of very little a-priori information and therefore do not necessarily capture the complexity of the targeted formations. In an attempt to change this paradigm, we promote a more integrated core analysis solution combining transdisciplinary, high resolution, non-destructive measurements on whole cores, for an early yet objective description of cores and the rapid estimation of formation properties.</jats:p> <jats:p>The first section describes multi-disciplinary and non-destructive tests designed to increase the value of information from cores while keeping a minimal footprint. Core samples are scanned along a fit-for-purpose surface, with a collection of sensors interfaced to the same table-top equipment. Technologies including ultra-high-resolution pictures, elemental composition and the direct measurements of geomechanical properties, provide continuous and high-resolution profiles with a unique depth reference. Panoramic pictures are processed to extract textural, colour features and grain size distributions. Grain size distributions are backed-up by analysis of topographical maps created with a laser scan. Results are combined under one unique format, thereby easing interdisciplinary work from the verification of standard tests (Routine Core Analysis, Rock Mechanical Test) to the construction of robust predictive rock models.</jats:p> <jats:p>The next sections describes machine learning schemes applied to core data sets. Unsupervised schemes are designed to identify rock facies, while supervised schemes are used to classify tested rocks into predefined rock facies with known petrophysical properties.</jats:p> <jats:p>Case studies highlight the benefits of this approach of core analysis in conjunction with AI for the automated identification and classification of rock facies.</jats:p> <jats:p>This novel approach to core analysis leverages a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the distributions of core properties, available under one unique format for all discipline, which eases interdisciplinary work and significantly improves existing core analysis standards. It also provides a sound basis to train AI rock reservoir property predictors linking well-log data to core-based lithofacies signatures.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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Digging our way to a Just Transition

Eoin McGrathORCID; Eoin O'Donnell; Koen Torremans

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>As the world transitions to a green economy and society weans itself off fossil fuel dependency, the potential exists for significant economic and societal hardships to arise in regions locally reliant on the extraction and use of fossil fuels. Across Europe the oil, coal and peat producing regions will see significant job losses as mines and extractive facilities close, along with the relocation of energy infrastructure to more renewable-rich areas. The European Commission has recognized these potential issues and committed to ensuring that the green transition will be a ‘Just Transition’ towards climate neutrality. Within Ireland, the Geological Survey has been examining the potential for geogenic natural resources to assist in providing a Just Transition for workers across the most strongly affected region. The exploration and extraction of raw materials and realization of geothermal potential are among the natural resources that can offset major unemployment and contribute to a Just Transition in the affected areas.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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Making the most out of historical cores for geothermal exploration

Kanchan DasguptaORCID; Thomas Gumpenberger; Gerald Stern; Wolfgang Siedl; Magdalena Biernat

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>During the current trend of the energy transition, many stratigraphic intervals that previously were thought as uneconomical from an oil and gas business perspective are being re-evaluated for low-carbon energy resource potential such as geothermal. This study presents a case study from the Vienna Basin, Austria, where the Early Badenian Rothneusiedl Formation has been targeted for a re-evaluation, utilizing existing sparse subsurface datasets of vintage quality. The historical cores were subjected to diverse analytical techniques covering sedimentological, petrophysical and thermophysical aspects. These analysis techniques provided the fundamental lithological characteristics and led to the creation of a synthetic conceptual sedimentological log, resultant selection of samples for further analyses, as well as the creation of gross depositional environment maps. The reservoir and thermal properties guided by the core-based lithofacies were required for evaluating the feasibility of the target strata. Overall, the limited and historical cores provided significant and robust data that proved crucial for assessing uncertainties and identifying sub-areas of the Vienna Basin for harnessing geothermal energy. This study demonstrates an important case example of the utilization of historical cores to their maximum potential and reiterates the value of core-derived data amongst digital technologies of the twenty-first century.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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Structural core observations in a siliciclastic reservoir-scale framework

Haakon FossenORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Detailed knowledge of subseismic structures and their influence on reservoir production performance is important for optimal reservoir management. Predicting subseismic structures from seismic-scale structural interpretations is inherently difficult without the use of core data. Cores allow direct measurements of porosity and permeability of deformed rocks and enable researchers to make detailed investigation of deformation mechanisms and cementation processes. Frequency, distribution and sometimes orientation of planar structures can be constrained. Such observations are then used together with location relative to seismically mapped fault and fold structures, and with respect to lithology and stratigraphy. However, a significant gap exists between the scale of core observation and the size of structures mappable from seismic data. Bridging this gap requires a sound general understanding of the different structures that occur in reservoirs, which, in addition to faults, includes drag folds, veins, fractures and the many types of deformation bands that can exist in porous rocks. Proper understanding of such subseismic structures is primarily based on outcrop-based observations and analyses, aided by physical experiments and numerical modelling. We stress that integrating such cutting-edge knowledge with core, seismic and other case-specific subsurface data in an appropriate tectonic context is paramount for realistic reservoir characterization and successful reservoir management.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Geology; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology.

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