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Geophysical Research Letters

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Publishes high-impact, innovative, and timely communications-length articles on major advances spanning all of the major geoscience disciplines.
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encias de la tierra (general) u2013 Geociencias; Geología; Geofísi

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No requiere desde ene. 1974 / hasta sep. 2024 Wiley Online Library acceso abierto
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American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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Estados Unidos

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© 2021 American Geophysical Union

Tabla de contenidos

Coastal Polynyas Enable Transitions Between High and Low West Antarctic Ice Shelf Melt Rates

Ruth MoormanORCID; Andrew F. ThompsonORCID; Earle A. WilsonORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Melt rates of West Antarctic ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea track large decadal variations in the volume of warm water at their outlets. This variability is generally attributed to wind‐driven variations in warm water transport toward ice shelves. Inspired by conceptual representations of the global overturning circulation, we introduce a simple model for the evolution of the thermocline, which caps the warm water layer at the ice‐shelf front. This model demonstrates that interannual variations in coastal polynya buoyancy forcing can generate large decadal‐scale thermocline depth variations, even when the supply of warm water from the shelf‐break is fixed. The modeled variability involves transitions between bistable high and low melt regimes, enabled by feedbacks between basal melt rates and ice front stratification strength. Our simple model captures observed variations in near‐coast thermocline depth and stratification strength, and poses an alternative mechanism for warm water volume changes to wind‐driven theories.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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Issue Information

<jats:p>No abstract is available for this article.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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A New Framework for Evaluating Model Simulated Inland Tropical Cyclone Wind Fields

Jie ChenORCID; Kun GaoORCID; Lucas HarrisORCID; Timothy Marchok; Linjiong ZhouORCID; Matthew MorinORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Though tropical cyclone (TC) models have been routinely evaluated against track and intensity observations, little work has been performed to validate modeled TC wind fields over land. In this paper, we present a simple framework for evaluating simulated low‐level inland winds with in‐situ observations and existing TC structure theory. The Automated Surface Observing Systems, Florida Coastal Monitoring Program, and best track data are used to generate a theory‐predicted wind profile that reasonably represents the observed radial distribution of TC wind speeds. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the modeled inland TC wind fields, and described the model performance with a set of simple indicators. The framework was used to examine the performance of a high‐resolution two‐way nested Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory model on recent U.S. landfalling TCs. Results demonstrate the capacity of using this framework to assess the modeled TC low‐level wind field in the absence of dense inland observations.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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On the Links Between Ice Nucleation, Cloud Phase, and Climate Sensitivity in CESM2

Zachary McGrawORCID; Trude StorelvmoORCID; Lorenzo M. PolvaniORCID; Stefan Hofer; Jonah K. ShawORCID; Andrew GettelmanORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Ice nucleation in mixed‐phase clouds has been identified as a critical factor in projections of future climate. Here we explore how this process influences climate sensitivity using the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2). We find that ice nucleation affects simulated cloud feedbacks over most regions and levels of the troposphere, not just extratropical low clouds. However, with present‐day global mean cloud phase adjusted to replicate satellite retrievals, similar total cloud feedback is attained whether ice nucleation is simulated as aerosol‐sensitive, insensitive, or absent. These model experiments all result in a strongly positive total cloud feedback, as in the default CESM2. A microphysics update from CESM1 to CESM2 had substantially weakened ice nucleation, due partly to a model issue. Our findings indicate that this update reduced global cloud phase bias, with CESM2's high climate sensitivity reflecting improved mixed‐phase cloud representation.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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Enhancements in Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity From Turbulent Fluctuations in Supersaturation

Jesse C. AndersonORCID; Payton BeelerORCID; Mikhail OvchinnikovORCID; Will CantrellORCID; Steven KruegerORCID; Raymond A. ShawORCID; Fan YangORCID; Laura FierceORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The effect of aerosols on the properties of clouds is a large source of uncertainty in predictions of weather and climate. These aerosol‐cloud interactions depend critically on the ability of aerosol particles to form cloud droplets. A challenge in modeling aerosol‐cloud interactions is the representation of interactions between turbulence and cloud microphysics. Turbulent mixing leads to small‐scale fluctuations in water vapor and temperature that are unresolved in large‐scale atmospheric models. To quantify the impact of turbulent fluctuations on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation, we used a high‐resolution Large Eddy Simulation of a convective cloud chamber to drive particle‐based cloud microphysics simulations. We show small‐scale fluctuations strongly impact CCN activity. Once activated, the relatively long timescales of evaporation compared to fluctuations causes droplets to persist in subsaturated regions, which further increases droplet concentrations.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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Quantifying the Rightward Bias Extent of Tropical Cyclones' Cold Wakes

Zhanhong MaORCID; Xinyue Yan; Jianfang FeiORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Although the cold wake of tropical cyclones (TCs) is recognized to be typically rightward biased relative to TC track (in the North Hemisphere), it remains unclear to what extent the rightward bias should be for specified TCs. Based on numerical simulations and observational statistics, this study shows that the distance of cold wake rightward bias is closely related to latitude, translation speed and radius of maximum wind (RMW) of a TC, but is independent from maximum surface wind and radial wind profile outside the RMW, namely TC intensity and size. A semi‐empirical equation is derived to represent the rightward bias extent of cold wakes. For TCs with slower translation speed, smaller RMW, or at higher latitudes, the cold wakes are less asymmetric relative to the TC track. Atmospheric simulations also show that the TC tends to be weaker and more asymmetric as the cold wake is closer to TC center.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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Typical Synoptic Patterns Responsible for Summer Regional Hourly Extreme Precipitation Events Over the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Basin, China

Jingwen Zeng; Anning HuangORCID; Peili WuORCID; Danqing HuangORCID; Yan Zhang; Jian Tang; Dajun ZhaoORCID; Ben YangORCID; Shuang Chen

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Based on the hourly rainfall gauge data and ERA5 reanalysis for the period 1980–2020, typical synoptic patterns responsible for summer regional hourly extreme precipitation events (RHEPE) over the middle and lower Yangtze River basin have been objectively identified using a circulation clustering method. It is found that the Meiyu front with different locations and intensities imbedded in the East Asian summer monsoon, and landfalling typhoons are the leading contributors. As the dominant synoptic pattern, the Meiyu front pattern is associated with ∼92% of the total RHEPE occurrence and can be categorized into a southerly strong‐Meiyu type and a northerly weak‐Meiyu type. The RHEPE occurrence shows a predominant morning peak associated with the southerly strong‐Meiyu type and a secondary late afternoon peak related to the northerly weak‐Meiyu type, in which the Meiyu front is pushed northward by the strengthened western North Pacific subtropical high accompanied by accelerated low‐level southwesterly flow.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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Impact of Domain Size on Tropical Precipitation Within Explicit Convection Simulations

Richard W. JonesORCID; Claudio Sanchez; Huw LewisORCID; James WarnerORCID; Stuart Webster; Joshua MachollORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>We investigate the sensitivity of modeled tropical precipitation accumulation, intensity and structures to the extent of convection‐permitting limited area model (LAM) domain size. Our comparison focusses on two LAM domains, with identical physical parameterization schemes and using 2.2 km grid spacing. One LAM domain spans almost the full tropical belt while the other focusses on southeast Asia. We show that the LAMs both capture the complex diurnal cycle of precipitation and that the timing and intensity of precipitation are comparable with satellite observations. Systematic differences between the LAMs are largest within ∼1,000 km of the western and eastern boundaries of the southeast Asia LAM. This is due to convective spin‐up at the western boundary of the southeast Asia LAM and a lack of propagating deep convection. We highlight that showing the added value of global storm‐resolving models by comparing with LAMs will help to accelerate their operational implementation.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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The Impact of the Madden‐Julian Oscillation on the Formation of the Arabian Sea Monsoon Onset Vortex

Shreyas DhavaleORCID; Anantha AiyyerORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>During certain years, a synoptic scale vortex called the monsoon onset vortex (MOV) forms within the northward advancing zone of precipitating convection over the Arabian Sea. The MOV does not form each year and the reason is unclear. Since the Madden‐Julian Oscillation (MJO) is known to modulate convection and tropical cyclones in the tropics, we examined its role in the formation of the MOV. While the convective and transition phases of the MJO do not always lead to MOV formation, the suppressed phase of the MJO hinders the formation of the MOV more consistently. This asymmetric relationship between the MJO and MOV can be partially explained by the modulation of the large‐scale environment, measured by a tropical cyclone genesis index. It also suggests that the Arabian Sea is generally near a critical state that is favorable for MOV formation during the monsoon onset period.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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Monitoring Terrestrial Water Storage, Drought and Seasonal Changes in Central Oklahoma With Ambient Seismic Noise

Shuo ZhangORCID; Bingxu Luo; Yehuda Ben‐ZionORCID; David E. LumleyORCID; Hejun ZhuORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Significant imbalances in terrestrial water storage (TWS) and severe drought have been observed around the world as a consequence of climate changes. Improving our ability to monitor TWS and drought is critical for water‐resource management and water‐deficit estimation. We use continuous seismic ambient noise to monitor temporal evolution of near‐surface seismic velocity, <jats:italic>dv</jats:italic>/<jats:italic>v</jats:italic>, in central Oklahoma from 2013 to 2022. The derived <jats:italic>dv</jats:italic>/<jats:italic>v</jats:italic> is found to be negatively correlated with gravitational measurements and groundwater depths, showing the impact of groundwater storage on seismic velocities. The hydrological effects involving droughts and recharge of groundwater occur on a multi‐year time scale and dominate the overall derived velocity changes. The thermoelastic response to atmospheric temperature variations occurs primarily on a yearly timescale and dominates the superposed seasonal velocity changes in this study. The occurrences of droughts appear simultaneously with local peaks of <jats:italic>dv</jats:italic>/<jats:italic>v</jats:italic>, demonstrating the sensitivity of near‐surface seismic velocities to droughts.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Earth and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics.

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